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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Completed Ace Combat 6 100%. Sharpshooter and No Damage were hell. Level 13 (the one where you take down Pastyrnek or whatever his name is) was okay until playing it on Ace of Aces or trying for no damage. I can still hear my own screams. Soloing Halo Reach on legendary. Never. Doing. Again. Three words sum this experience up: Hunters in nightclub. 100% run in Nuts & Bolts. Those two jiggies in Terrarium of Terror...Flower Shower Power was difficult, but the target shooting one is ridiculous. Whoever it was that said they can do Clinger Winger in one run has my undying respect.
  2. OMG, it hurts to laugh:grin: Stumbled upon this expecting the usual fan-made mediocrity, but was VERY pleasantly surprised. Welcome to a world where everyone makes fun of Krillin's meat-shield status, where the elder namekian Guru will make you wet your pants with his treatment of Nail, and where Nappa is the greatest troll of all time. Ever. The makers are Team Four Star; the first video got deleted for some reason, but the rest are on their channel. The link above is to an alternate user's copy of the first video. The series starts off a little slow, but by the time Vegeta and Nappa arrive...you'll see8)
  3. Wow. One move per poke? That really bothers me. Everything else sounds good, but that one aspect does seem terribly limiting.
  4. Did anyone end up getting this? Reviews look good, but I always like hearing what others on here have to say when I'm on the fence about buying a game.
  5. Nice. Can't beat The Piano Guys. Electric Moonlight, The Cello Song, The Star Wars Theme...just about everything they put out is golden.
  6. I only own Dreamland 1 and 2, so I was excited about this until I saw some footage from Crystal Shards. That game looks awful. I don't know if this will be worth it for the other games I don't have. Any Crystal Shards lovers/haters care to give me their opinion?
  7. Update: It's officially an MMO, and gamers in Japan will have to shell out $12 every month for subscription. We don't know yet if that will follow into other countries, but even if it doesn't...I just dunno about this one. Also, a flash drive will be required to play as well. http://wii.ign.com/articles/122/1223812p1.html
  8. ... ......... .................Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnd eargasm.
  9. Tried watching RvB a couple of years back and couldn't get into it...tried again last week and now I LOVE IT. I'm about to start season 8, and right now all I can say is I could watch hours on end of nothing but Caboose. Sarge and Church have their moments too, but nearly everything that Caboose says is pure gold. I should get around to watching the first episode of season 10 by next Friday or so.
  10. Yeah, you would have. You should check out the on YouTube; it's pretty epic.
  11. Ohhhhh..... Yeah. K. Lumsy. Once you open the final door to K. Rool with the two coins, he takes off in an aircraft and flies around the island, but he leaves the final boss key behind. That key opens K. Lumsy's cage, and he runs around the island and swats K. Rool's ship out of the air, allowing you to fight him.
  12. Are you talking about Chunky Kong? He just becomes the fifth member of the team. IIRC, you beat the original Donkey Kong once to free Chunky (or maybe to get a golden banana), but if you go back and beat it again on the harder setting you get a Nintendo Coin (one of two used to open the final door to K. Rool). I do not blame anyone for giving up on that stupid coin, I only persevered because my OCD-ness would not allow me to quit a game I was so close to completing.
  13. Frustrating: Donkey Kong 64 was hella fun until the end and you need those two coins to trigger the final boss. The Rare coin wasn't too bad (you had to get something like 15,000 points in Jetpac) but the Nintendo coin...you had to beat the original Donkey Kong. Twice. And the second playthrough was a significantly harder re-design. To get all the way to the end of a fun game to be interuppted by a two-hour retro rage fest was like a bucket of ice water to the face.
  14. Abso. Lutely. Awful.
  15. I have no idea how I have gone this long without knowing OCR had a radio, but thank you good sir! Work = moar funz now:-D
  16. I find it hilarious that after I just finished listening to this and put my playlist back on, The Delay immediately started up. Nice and chill, I likes. Who could stay mad after listening to this? BTW, why Stoopid Yoshi? Just curious. It feels more to me like Happy Yoshi is Happy. Edit: OMG and right after The Delay, Welcome Home DK starts playing. It's just gone from hilarious to creepy. Did you jack my playlist? Seriously, out of over 200 songs two of yours play back to back?
  17. As a new fan I realize how disappointed you must be in my lack of the announcement. Mea culpa.
  18. Sorry for the necro, but I must've missed this thread the first time around, and I just stumbled onto RJ's music. New OC mission: we must get RJ to come to this site. I'm nearly salivating thinking of the VG mixes this guy would be capable of. I saw it already mentioned earlier; how can we make it happen? I mean, Throwing Fire, Guitar Sound, Clutter...the dude is manufactured to do remixes.
  19. Take five minutes of your life and watch this: Just knowing the hours of choreography that went into this make it worth it, and the eletronica doesn't hurt either (especially considering the first song is Disc Wars from the Tron:Legacy soundtrack!)
  20. I would like to see an album featuring DC and DC2 together. Between the two, there would be a great collection of tracks for people not familiar with the games to appreciate.
  21. I'm sure there are plenty of people on this site who are on tight budgets that don't allow much for gaming purchases. This thread can serve as a way to trade any of your games, consoles, merchandise, music equpment, etc. that you don't really want anymore but are afraid you may not get good value for if you attempt to sell it. I'd much rather pay a few bucks in shipping to do a trade with someone from the OCR community than use other mediums such as Ebay. So, if enough people are interested, post on here and let me know. If this works out it will be fairly straightforward. Like the Sale/Want thread we'll need a HAVE section and a WANT section. If you see items on either list, you would contact that person and offer a trade. The value is up to the two parties (i.e one newer game for two older games, or one to one, whatever sounds fair to both people.) Of course there will be no person to contact if (for some reason) you are dissatisfied with the trade, but who wouldn't rather trade on a community site like this instead of a site where there may be people dedicated to taking advantage of others?
  22. Wow. If I had to pick a phrase to describe this, it would be "effortlessly beautiful." It just flows along so nicely. Definitely going on my easy listening playlist.
  23. Sweet! Just please don't be for the 3DS.
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