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Everything posted by Sir_Downunder

  1. Congratulations you two! Wish you both the best!
  2. Hellraiser - Motorhead
  3. Great intro, the tempo shift caught me off guard for a moment, but now I love it. Very epic and Vega-y indeed.
  4. Awesome mix. The start grabbed me right away with the throat singers and choir that just demanded your attention with their ominous, yet eerie presence. Once the percussion kicked in and it transitions to the more synth parts, I was hooked. Good work E-Bison.
  5. Aww, you know we love you for it, Stevo~ ^_- Aha! I knew I wasn't the only one who thought that!
  6. Another high-class podcast gentlemen Loved the cartoon bleeps, I was nearly cackling all the way through the show. Is it just me, or does Dyne sound-like a young Ray Romano?
  7. Welcome to the site Namine! ^_^

  8. God this is funny, the start of it really cracked me up. Awesome.
  9. Hall of the Mountain King - Savatage
  10. Starlight - Muse Mr. Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne
  11. Wonderboy - Tenacious D
  12. Happy Birthday Tensei!
  13. ^_^ Aww, thanks for the message and the happy b-day stevo!
  14. Took the words right out of my mouth. This plain simply rocks. It rocks so fucking hard.
  15. Ahhh, It's been a while since I've had my fill of crazy rawk from Sixto... The lead tome you had on that guitar was awesome, loved the phaser effect when it was used. Drums are a little loud for me, but still, I love this track all the same.
  16. N.M.H The Outer Rim Remix - The Outer Rim (No More Heroes Soundtrack: Dark Side)
  17. Hey, at least your not on another continent... It's a shame I can't come, maybe once I get some money I'll see about dragging my carcass over when someone else decides to put a BBQ or do a meetup. When I come, I'll attempt to smuggle in some VB and kangaroo meat... Congratulations to the both of you Jill and Andy for the new apartment, btw.
  18. Seems everybody on OCR is getting married nowadays. Seriously though, congrats Bladiator!!
  19. Awesome. Can't wait to see what happens when they go through FFVIII-IX.
  20. Oh how true you are OA... This mix is definitely hits you hard right from the start with the synth and drums, and it only gets better and more aggressive from there-on. Awesome work Beatdrop. Just plain awesome.
  21. Happy birthday, Doug!
  22. Happy birthday to the both of you, Audix and Zyko!
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