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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Nice work man, good to see someone batting for the under-remixed team. 'Effing loved Machinarium, one of the best point-n-click games in a while, you pay homage perfectly.
  2. Yes.inspired reply
  3. Fuck.Beat me to it.
  4. Hnnghghghg Steam activation. What happened to OWNING my physical copies outright? Sorry, a different thread entirely, tangentially connected.
  5. Flippin' 'eck guv'. Colour me tempted.
  6. Great job on your successful album artwork release, Emunator! (Nice work man, love the album)
  7. I know some guys who worked in various McDonalds. Yeah, forgive me if I don't eat there ever again.
  8. Binding of Isaac and Blocks That Matter sold it for me.
  9. Yeah man, downloaded, definitely loving some of these harmonic progressions. Really slick stuff. Some of the best new-jazz I've heard. Not the biggest fan of the MC'ing over some of the numbers, but that's just personal taste. Jeez, Singularity and Duality were amazing.
  10. I am aware of you now.

    Be warned.

  11. Creepily enough the reccomended specs are the exact specs of my desktop.Although I do have a HDD bigger than 6GB.
  12. Happy birthday to the man with the kind'a misplaced apostrophes. ;D
  13. Yeah man, definitely digging this. Listening through laptop speakers, so I can't really comment on production. Wasn't the biggest fan of that trumpet at the end, most definitely needs a mellower mute trumpet IMHO, but excellent rhodes playing and lovely chords.
  14. As I recall, computers, consoles, tvs and stuff are some of the least energy consuming things in the household. Kettles and power showers being some of the worst.
  15. I'm pretty straight but we should probably marry at some point.
  16. Dubstep is a strangely attractive girl who you wouldn't exactly date long term or, god forbid, bring home to meet your parents, but you totally would and it would totally hit the spot. Unfortunately this chick, whilst pretty dirty and sporting a wonderfully aggressive personality to match, just has, to break the analogy I had going, criminally weak drums. Anyway, top stuff on the mixpost dude, looking forward to seeing what you come out with.
  17. What? I think you might be missing the point.I've successfully translated guitar parts from mind to MIDI before, doesn't mean it sounds any good, that's the point. You can't write off an instrument as 'pointless to learn' just because it's easier to recreate using MIDI. I'll believe you can substitute MIDI controlled piano with real piano when you have successfully done it. Go listen to some expressive classical or jazz piano; realise this isn't actually easy whatsoever.
  18. Only just d/l'd. Wow. So that's what you guys've been cooking up for years.
  19. Yeah, but it's the same principle.(It's also a pretty naff reason to choose an instrument.) Piano will always sound best live, you can never quite capture that with pre-recorded samples, no matter how great they are or the techniques used. You can't go out and perform a MIDI set on a live piano.
  20. Why do you play guitar then?
  21. Oh man, yes.You lay a sick harmonic pattern and I'll splat some crazy sax lines over the top. Imma PM you about this.
  22. Why is this a thread? This is a blog.
  23. Have had this on my iPod ever since the WIP forums. Ever considered jazz? Rather, you best consider jazz.
  24. I don't really know you but can I have free tickets, backstage passes and super top secret unreleased material that you totally have right now? Thanks.
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