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    djpretzel reacted to HoboKa in FEEDBACK WANTED: Changing album name of OC ReMixes to "ocremix.org"?   
    No complaints here.  Do it mon.
  2. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Jonathan David Arndt in FEEDBACK WANTED: Changing album name of OC ReMixes to "ocremix.org"?   
    Having the http/https prefix on there has been rather annoying. (The car stereo I frequently use will slowly scroll the album title because it is just a little too long for the display, instead of just showing it briefly and moving on). Like Radiowar said, even if one is using a different media player, it is nice to sort by album, tap "o" and jump straight there.
    No complaints here.
  3. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Liontamer in FEEDBACK WANTED: Changing album name of OC ReMixes to "ocremix.org"?   
    Hey everyone, we're likely changing the album field for all of the individual OC ReMixes to just "ocremix.org" -- without http:// or our recent change to https://.
    It would potentially future-proof that field vs other eventual prefix changes to the website URL, although we haven't had that many in the first place.
    Here's where I need your feedback: are there any services/programs where you think our discoverability would be negatively affected by making this change to just "ocremix.org" as the album title?
    As far as I can tell, there aren't many services like Last.fm that people use anymore, and some scrobbling-style services won't even display full website URLs as album titles. I can't think of any compelling reason not to change it, but if you have one, please let me know.
  4. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Souperion in OCR04046 - Mega Man X4 "Mind Flip~"   
    Mind Flip~, mind blown. It's hard to find anything to say about it other than "excellent." Now you just need to make a version that combines parts of this with Flight of the Peacock. Thanks for making this piece.
  5. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from HoboKa in Phantasy Star II - "Restoration" Mega Drive +/Arrangement Album   
    @BONKERS Well, this is a surprise! Sounding promising so far. I love this OST too, but I've always found it challenging to interpret - staying close to the original might be the best option, as you've done w/ "Step-Up" (though I think changing the time signature on that source might be interesting...)
    It's been almost 3 decades since I played the game, but I might be able to help w/ context. In order to do so more effectively, if you could add links to the source tunes on YouTube to your post, would aid in jogging my (and perhaps others') memory.
    Also, any interest in this being an OCRI release when finished, as we recently did with @Cyril the Wolf's Mega Man X album?
  6. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Eino Keskitalo in OC ReMix presents Shonen ReMix Jump!   
    Wonderful to see this one come out! Mixflood was great, and I appreciate the shorter albums a lot actually. Cool cover art too!
  7. Like
    djpretzel reacted to timaeus222 in OCR04042 - Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 "Misdirection"   
    Malcos!! I love it. Exudes DnB all over with them hot drum loops, but maintains an engaging structure and an evolving atmosphere.
  8. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Meteo Xavier in The Blind Prophet Game Is Released   
    For anyone who might be interested, The Blind Prophet has been released for Steam and GOG, and other markets like Switch and PS4 consoles to follow, I think. I did the majority of the soundtrack and the 3rd game I've worked on to actually get released.
    This is a highly visual and artist-driven project using point'n'click adventuring for a 6-8 hour story that goes into some seriously dark and gritty territory. Although I myself am not fully versed on the story or progression (I wouldn't have had time to get into it over the last year), it combines elements of SIN CITY, Boondock Saints, John Constantine and similar as its modus personae. I combined quite a lot of genre elements for my work on the soundtrack including:
    * Gothic church organ
    * Heavy, dark, Motoi Sakuraba-style orchestral
    * Downtempo Trip-Hop
    * Minimalist Techno
    * Resident Evil-style dark ambient
    * Resident Evil-style minimalist score material with more conventional composition and arrangement.
    * Chrono Cross-style emotional score for one track.
    * NIN-style Industrial
    * A parody of Pink Floyd's "Money" that then turns into a much more subtle parody of Steve Hackett's "The Ballad of The Decomposing Man".
    * One song from my Saturn Icarus album that was licensed/used as a minigame track because it was fun, unexpected, and I ran out of time to produce a brand new track. :P

    I don't have the soundtrack compiled together as a release yet, I just want to promote the game itself for now.
    If this kind of thing appeals to you, please visit https://store.steampowered.com/app/968370/The_Blind_Prophet/ and https://www.gog.com/game/the_blind_prophet.
  9. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Liontamer in OC ReMix presents Shonen ReMix Jump!   
    OC ReMix presents Shonen ReMix Jump!

    February 27, 2020
    Contact: press@ocremix.org

    FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 73rd free community arrangement album, Shonen ReMix Jump! The Shonen ReMix Jump! EP arranges soundtracks from games centered around popular anime/manga from Weekly Shōnen Jump, and is directed by Malik "WiFiSunset" Williams. The album is available for free download at https://remixjump.ocremix.org.
    Featuring seven tracks from six artists in a variety of styles, the album contains multiple tributes to fan-favorite franchises Dragon Ball Z, One Piece & Yu-Gi-Oh! through their games on the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and Wii. Shonen ReMix Jump! was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by any manga, anime, or game publisher or developer; all images, characters, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners.
    Shonen ReMix Jump! also features the OCR debut of vibrant visual artwork by Sasha Petersen, younger sister of veteran OCR visual contributor Maya "rnn" Petersen (storyboard artist on Adventure Time: Distant Lands and Steven Universe). Sasha's captivating cover for Shonen ReMix Jump! include the Dragon Ball Z, One Piece & Yu-Gi-Oh! series protagonists, Monkey D. Luffy, Goku & Yugi Muto, respectively.
    "It's been six years since I floated the idea for this album and I'm so ecstatic about its release!" exclaimed album director Malik "WiFiSunset" Williams. "Shonen Jump, and anime in general, has always been something I've loved, from watching Dragon Ball Z as a kid on Adult Swim (Midnight Run) to now, where there's so much of a wonderful abundance of different anime."
    Shonen ReMix Jump! is the second OC ReMix community album inspired by properties originating in comics and animation, following 2014's Shell Shocked, an powerhouse rock & metal musical tribute to Konami's famous 16-bit Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games.
    "I've been mulling this over for a while now, and I'm absolutely certain that we'll have a volume II sort of thing for this album in the future." album co-director Williams anticipated. "I deeply appreciate the perseverance and determination from all the artists on this album."
    About OverClocked ReMix
    Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. OC ReMix operates under the umbrella and sponsorship of Game Music Initiative, Inc, a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization (EIN: 81-4140676).
    Preview it: https://youtu.be/j1iyovmzrP0 Download it: https://remixjump.ocremix.org Torrent: https://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Shonen_ReMix_Jump!.torrent Comments/Reviews: https://ocremix.org/community/topic/49184/  
  10. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from begoma in Final Fantasy III: Resurrection - Wrapping Up (Sign Consent Form!)   
    @begoma We're working on it; need to get the last few tracks, do a quick gap analysis, and sort out artwork... Q1 is the target but might slip to Q2!
  11. Thanks
    djpretzel reacted to DeathlesSNESs in OCRA-0072 - Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma   
    Probably old news at this time, but just wanted to post here to send the congrats and thanks to all those involved on this amazing tribute album. Terranigma is not that kind of game you hear covers/remixes of everyday, yet you folks did the whole soundrack! Even the tracks that were of minor importance in the game are very well arranged and very appreciated the effort.

    Many of the melodies from the game holds a special place in my heart as I remember playing this game when I was a kid, oftentimes getting stuck and resuming the game few months or years later, then getting stuck and trying again... and it was not until I was a teenager that I finally beat it.

    You don't know how awesome it was to hear such melodies and themes in such a different way. Especially the most rock/metal-oriented tracks, since I'm a metalhead (that Dark Gaia Battle in metal sound so EPIC! And it seems the "band" formed by Jorito and Tuberz strikes again with an amazing remix full of metal but other things too), but all genres and styles are very well done (that massive collab with the overworld theme, for instance. And the cementery / ghost city, the several orchestrals with female chorus, the several jazzy arrangements... all is done very well!).

    Thanks a lot for all the time and effort poured on this project
  12. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Cyril the Wolf in OCR04028 - Secret of Mana "Shadows from the Past"   
    I really enjoyed this - I love 70's rock and this fits the bill. I may not have a super huge depth of knowledge of every band but to use a popular band as an example, production and vibe wise it reminds me a lot of Bad Company... if the vocalist was a little bit lower toned.
    Really told a great story with a beautiful guitar solo
  13. Like
    djpretzel reacted to timaeus222 in OCR04030 - Skies of Arcadia "The Silver Crystal"   
    This is the first of this jazzier side of Deedubs I've heard, but I like it! It's very impressive that you put this together in a few days. It sounds more like it actually took you a few weeks.
  14. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Souperion in OCR04031 - Goonies "It's Our Time"   
    YES! So glad to hear this make it from the workshop forum to the big screen! Er, whatever we call the official OCR library. It's hard not to smile listening to this. Or at least indulge in some frivolous head bobbing. Anyone having a hard day should come listen to this. Well done, well done.
  15. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Jorito in Music and remixes constantly sounds repetitive.   
    A few things that work very well for me:
    I only take the lead stuff (melodies) from the source track and forget about the rest (e.g. chord progressions, basslines, etc.).  Up-front I usually already have an idea for the genre/style I want to do, and I usually try to push myself to try new things and make the genre different from what the source track uses (e.g. make an orchestral Megaman track in stead of a more stereotypical rock arrangement) Arrangement structure is flexible; why stick with the exact structure that the source uses? No problem in turning the B section into a verse section, the C version into a chorus and use the A section as a solo, for example. In general, I write like 8-16 bars and then think "okay, I can either go more intense or less intense from here", make a judgement call based on that, and just run with it. Try to make it an organic part of your process and just treat it as an original, I guess (there's a reason I call my remixes "originals with stolen melodies"). Hope this helps some.
  16. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Radiowar in Max4Live + Super Audio Cart question   
    I've *basically* switched to Live as my main DAW, and one of the selling points is the flexibility & power of M4L, though that's coming from a consumer perspective and (not yet at least) as a developer.
    I do believe it's possible in M4L - this might be a useful starting place: https://github.com/HerrmuttLobby/chord-splitter
    This one does round-robin but could also be a useful jumping off point: https://www.beedocs.com/abehr/2018/07/14/max-for-live-midi-note-splitter/
    As an expensive-but-nifty non-M4L, DAW-agnostic alternative, I imagine that https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PlugNScript/ would be capable of doing this.
    I also wonder if this capability could be baked into the Kontakt library itself, somehow, but that'd be a question for @zircon or @Nabeel Ansari
  17. Haha
    djpretzel got a reaction from Radiowar in Signatures disabled   
    Still love that film but damn if Clint Eastwood didn't get all old, weird, and political, and start talking to chairs...
  18. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Radiowar in Signatures disabled   
    no "working the bag, boss" after a djp post...nothing makes sense anymore!
  19. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from timaeus222 in Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies album project! *CANCELLED*   
    @Chernabogue This one won't be revived, so absolutely, we can proceed with posting the approved mixes. It seems like there are three, total, and we might go for a mini-flood. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Feel free to tag me directly if you feel like things aren't being dealt with.
    We will prioritize this, based on how long it's gone unattended.
    I'll be closing the thread; we're working on reviving some other projects, but can't do that for all of them. Thanks to @Chimpazilla & @timaeus222 on the time/effort involved in this - COULD have been awesome, but the disruption w/ Brandon and subsequent loss of momentum mean it petered out.
  20. Thanks
    djpretzel reacted to LuckyXIII in Sleepy time music   
    From a playlist I made years ago.

  21. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from LuckyXIII in Signatures disabled   
    Darker, yes - and it'll just be default. Large richtext areas still dark-on-white, as in above screenshot, but some inverted bits, and otherwise darker in general. Sticky navbar & sitewide login status.
  22. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from LuckyXIII in Signatures disabled   
    Bad person? More like TERRIBLE person. But I kid... at this point I'm 99% sure we'll be adding twitter/youtube/facebook/soundcloud links to profiles and also the profile postbit field next to every post, which should be pretty cool.
    I'd like to remind everyone that, above perhaps everyone else on this planet Earth, I do want to improve OCR
    Screenshot of WIP theme attached. It's WIP, but it's already preferable to current theme in some ways. We'll get there.

  23. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Silverpool64 in Signatures disabled   
    @HoboKa As long as we keep the richtext portions of the theme white - as in the screenshot - we can reliably maintain the formatting when copying/pasting.
    So it won't be a "true" dark theme - it'll be much darker, overall, but richtext (forum posts & mix writeups) at least will be dark-on-light.
    @Sir_NutS This is absolutely the plan, for social links. What would the flair look like?
  24. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Chernabogue in Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies album project! *CANCELLED*   
    @Chernabogue This one won't be revived, so absolutely, we can proceed with posting the approved mixes. It seems like there are three, total, and we might go for a mini-flood. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Feel free to tag me directly if you feel like things aren't being dealt with.
    We will prioritize this, based on how long it's gone unattended.
    I'll be closing the thread; we're working on reviving some other projects, but can't do that for all of them. Thanks to @Chimpazilla & @timaeus222 on the time/effort involved in this - COULD have been awesome, but the disruption w/ Brandon and subsequent loss of momentum mean it petered out.
  25. Thanks
    djpretzel reacted to Chernabogue in Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies album project! *CANCELLED*   
    Necrobumping this one. Dear staff, has anyone expressed interest in reviving this one? If not, would it be possible to have the accepted mixes posted? A bit frustrating to see my mix standing in the judge thread for almost 5 years lol (Same goes with other "dead" projects too.)
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