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Everything posted by Lucentas

  1. The brass in itself is my favorite part of this piece, that and the part right after the brass in the beginning where it starts to get tones of the opening theme of FFVII. Overall, it seems like the piece is building up to something that never really manifests, and I'd have loved to have seen some sort of climax to it. But the brass is still awesome.
  2. I wish this had been longer and more fleshed-out...but what's there is great.
  3. This is one of the most amazing piano pieces I've ever heard, both in terms of production and execution. And on the emotional side, the sheer power and dynamism. Reuben Kee was a master of his art.
  4. Reuben Kee didn't just create arrangements. He created worlds. I actually started actively watching this site just weeks before his passing, and by then I had already heard and downloaded this song, so to me it's the piece that's the closest testament to his genius. It's just beautiful and powerful in so many ways...I only wish he was around so I could tell him personally what an amazing job he did with this and all of his work.
  5. Such an awesome mix...makes me want to get up and dance. Extremely well done.
  6. This is an awesome mix all-around, and the voice samples just make it so much greater.
  7. A beautiful piece...I wish people would do symphonic/classical arrangements of Sonic music more often, I think there's a lot there that can be worked with but people tend to go the easier route and make something that more resembles the source. Those are awesome lyrics, by the way.
  8. I love this mix, brings me back to the olden days of borrowing SF64 from my neighbor and losing the cartridge and to this day I have no idea where it could have gone...but that's another story, for another time. I usually don't really care for voice samples, but come on, this is Star Fox. It's classic. I could repeat those lines in my sleep, and they add the perfect touch to this mix. Not only that, but every time I listen to this, I am obligated to yell out Peppy's timeless quote regardless of the company I am in. And yes, I do enjoy the stares I recieve. And the mix itself makes me want to hop in an Arwing and start whooping some serious Andross hide.
  9. Very relaxing and calming on the nerves, and adding that bit of Final Fantasy IX in there was a pleasant surprise.
  10. This...is...inspiring...epic...massive...a magnum opus... So many terms I could use to describe this piece, but perhaps just "moving" would describe it best. I could listen to this piece at least once a day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it--in fact, it would probably put me in a better state of mind. No lie, I've even heard this piece in my dreams at night. If the sheer power of it wasn't so magnificent, it'd be a little creepy how amazed I am by this...this chunk of raw glory excavated from the mind of a musical genius and the talents of a symphonic orchestra. I get the chills every time I hear this. I really hope we get more live symphonic stuff on this site someday, especially if it's as drop-dead gorgeous as this.
  11. I'm really digging the ethnic flavor, and even though the choir samples are a little too unrealistic, the rest of the piece makes up for it. Although you could just pretend that it's a choir of aliens or something.
  12. I hate to admit it, but I love stuff like this. Hyperactive, hyperfast, and extremely easy to get up and start dancing like a maniac to. Not in public, of course.
  13. This is some simply genius guitar work, amazing job. I love to air guitar to this when nobody's looking. Don't tell.
  14. Really awesome, catchy mix that I catch myself dancing to every time I listen to it. Great job.
  15. I love both this and the Beta mix, and rather than spread myself thin trying to comment on both pieces, I thought I'd toss in my two cents for both of them as two cohesive halves of a whole. These mixes are engrossing and sweepingly epic, but also varied and able to keep the listener's interest throughout the entire duration. I'd never even heard of this game before these mixes were posted, but it doesn't matter--awesome music is awesome, regardless of whether or not you've previously heard or even known about the source.
  16. I think I had listened to this some time previously and passed it by for whatever reason, but a went back a while later and gave it another listen, and I love it. Great job.
  17. An awesome take on the source material, this has flair written all over it.
  18. I don't think I could ever run out of great things to say about McVaffe's work--unfortunately, that also means I start to sound repetitive after a while. Suffice to say, this is another great piece and another job well done.
  19. This is a prime example of why I enjoy McVaffe's work so much. It's expertly arranged, the instruments are varied, and tons of other things I can't even begin to describe all come together for dynamic and lively pieces that are sheer works of art.
  20. I dislike playing favorites, but McVaffe does absolutely amazing work and everything he does oozes genius, including this piece.
  21. A completely awesome mix, I'm a big fan of jazz when it's done right, and this hits the nail on the head.
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