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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Now I can't get the image of Stevo's beard getting mauled by Jooj Cat out of my head... As far as I know, Deia is kind, courteous and doesn't afraid of anything.
  2. Happy birthday mang! Have a good one. :grin:

  3. YES! Love this game. More Demon's Crest remixes please! So I assume this is just the intro to the arrangement for now, so there isn't much substance to analyze so far, unfortunately. However, if you decide to keep the feel of the game with the organs, I'd advise trying to make this sound less angelic and more ominous. You could buff up the soundscape with more sinister-sounding pads, and introduce some percussive elements of the orchestral kind. Overall, I'd recommend making things slightly more dramatic from the get go, as in bringing life and motion to the arrangement. As it stands, the piece is relatively still, and while the original is too in some respect, this could prove to be detrimental later on. Good luck with this one Alex.
  4. Welcome to Gario, Malcos and also The Coop, who will be helping with the album artwork. The 3 weeks period after the initial claim is coming to an end this Sunday for a few people. A reminder PM has been sent to those concerned. If you haven't already, please get in touch and let us know your status. Again, this only applies to 3 weeks old claims, which haven't yet been solidified by a short wip. As DusK mentioned in his last post, be sure to bring the energy. And don't forget to have fun with your arrangement.
  5. This one's been a long time coming. Congrats on achieving one of your personal goals Dustin. Luv how you've warped your way around both sources to create just the right alchemy between familiarity, novelty and excitement. You've brought the usual energy so characteristic of your music, while carrying some metalcore across the panel for everyone to enjoy. The Broken Front manages to strike the nostalgia bone while retrospectively offering something more thrilling than the actual game content. ;P This interpretation is true to Kyd's early works and a fitting tribute to music from a game system that needs much, much more love around here.
  6. If it ever comes out, I think FFversusXIII is the best candidate to do exactly that. Similar modern setting with cities, automobiles and stuff mixed with fantasy. All SE needs to do, is turn all that gorgeous vaporware CG cutscenes into a real game. But there is definitely potential for an interesting universe/story.
  7. Ahah, true. With the exception of in-house composers (Hamauzu, Yamazaki, Suzuki) still making soundtracks worth listening to. Yeah, judging from the comments there you might be right about this. Then again, never doubt SE's ability to pull off gravity-defying stunts. ;P
  8. Thanks Trism. Glad to hear you've got some enjoyment out of it. :)

  9. Yeah, you're absolutely right. And I've enjoyed many Ivalice Alliance games (mostly due to Sakimoto's scores). But here is the funny thing: Vagrant Story wasn't supposed to be set in Ivalice. Also, SE had another open world fantasy game in the works: Fortress. Another (not so) funny story.
  10. Gotta admit I choked a bit when this one popped up in the RSS feed. ;D Mad props to Stevo for giving me the opportunity to be a part of Lucid Dreaming. Apologies to Andrew and Deia for wasting their valuable time with my low self-esteem. Huge thanks to Larry for the eye-opening reality check. *bows respectfully* Lasty, reading djpretzel's kind words gave meaning to this 3+ years musical adventure. Maybe (just maybe), I wasn't only making worthless crappy music all this time. @Guifrog: This humbles me to say the least. I'm nowhere near as good as you make it sound. But if this little song inspired you to delve further into world music, then I couldn't be happier. We should collab someday. For anyone interested, I made a music video for the arrangement a while back: http://vimeo.com/26786498 The positive response to the mix gives me strength to overcome my disability and keep on improving.
  11. Amen to that. Tired of being expected to pay for a product that is inferior to anything either Square or Enix could come up with, 15 years ago. SquareEnix is no Squaresoft. They're not leading anymore. They publish other companies' games and re-hash their IPs to make quick bucks (iOS ports). SE's most enjoyable/promising titles in recent years are/have been imho from external or acquired studios (Avalanche, Eidos, Crystal Dynamics). Now, by no means do I want them to kill their franchises ...well, they are already doing a tremendous job at that by themselves. It's just that when I think of all the amazing IP that are rotting away inside a closet at SquareEnix, I feel sick. See for yourself: Vagrant Story, Front Mission, Brave Fencer Musashi, Sōkaigi, Dewprism, Bahamut Lagoon, Treasure Hunter G, Rudra no Hihō, Einhander. Heck, even the freaking Chrono saga. Who here wouldn't love to finally get their hands on the fabled Chrono Break? It seems very likely that SE still hasn't digested the box office flop of The Spirits Within in 2001, and are hellbent on proving they can make movies. Meanwhile they serve their customers some reheated dishes, and expected them to finance their little film venture/hobby/mania. That's preposterous. For those who crave the spirit of Square, former staff from the Xeno/Chrono serie (including Mitsuda) worked on many jRPG jewels at Monolith Soft. Just to name a few of their criminally overshadowed/under-appreciated creations: Baten Kaitos, Soma Bringer and ...Xenoblade Chronicles. Yep. This is as close to made-in-Squaresoft as it's gonna get in this day and age.
  12. Thanks Eino. Might be a little too lively for a lullaby though. ;P

  13. Thanks man. :)

    Btw, check your PM box.

  14. Merci Alex. Looking forward to you getting posted as well my friend. :)

  15. ^ This, pretty much. Otherwise I'd would have totally entered this compo. Locke's theme is ace. I suspect the track will need to be covered eventually, so they might recruit someone for it later.
  16. How many people would be genuinely excited at the idea of playing as an octogenarian? Whether it's CG or in-engine, it's all moot if there's no game to support the tech. ^This, exactly. That was my point. People want actual, playable games. Enough with the tech demo carnival already (FF7 remake, FFversusXIII and now this).
  17. Ahah, my thoughts exactly. Though the chara concepts were apparently done by folks at Crystal Dynamics, so that may be one of the reasons. The shocker for me was that Robert Duncan (composer for shows like Castle and The Unit) did the music, instead of usual SE in-house musicians. Lastly, it's interesting to note that they finally brought (what appears to be) Bahamūt back to its middle-eastern roots. Everyone knows that Squeenix can make amazing CG, but now they need to start making amazing games again, as well. As of late, their own productions have been a bunch of clunky, messy, dated games covered with a slick packaging. ...oh, and where the heck is the legendary vaporware Final Fantasy versus XIII?
  18. Pokemon, under-recognized? Are you serious? That being said, best of luck with this spin-off project Pixel Panic & friendz.
  19. Sure thing. You're on Pete. The sweeter the dream, the bitter the disillusion. ;P After the initial wave of claims the first wips are beginning to come in. Let's keep the ball rolling, many great tracks are still available.
  20. Seeing as many requests still get posted without so much of a YT link, how about making this a requirement instead of a suggestion?
  21. Wait, isn't your job supposed to be killing fan-favorite game series, re-hashing major beat'em up every six month and hiding DLC on game discs? Oh, and also attempting to make profit off of your own fanbase while masquerading it as part of a celebratory collection.
  22. ^This. If Bundeslang is cool with it, we can wait a little longer for latecomers.
  23. ^This. It was a super fun take on the source Sir_NutS, and certainly high in energy. Don't undersell it. I encourage you to check the project tracklist and see if another track might tickle your fancy. Looking forward to everyone's entries tomorrow!
  24. lol, PixelPanic how many Pokemon albums are you trying to start here? ;P Seriously though, you already have a thread where people have begun showing interest. All you gotta do is rename it, then ask a mod to move posts from here before deleting the duplicate thread. Otherwise it'll look a little bit like poke-spamming. Just saying.
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