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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Aww, looks like I missed on that too while out... Hope you had a great one melo, and remain this cool for at least 47 generations! ;D
  2. Wait, ThaSauceLive still ...lives?! Attempted to tune in a few months ago, but I had to do so at random since the show's blog wasn't updated anymore. I'll be sure to catch up on the next one, whenever that is.
  3. Those were probably his best reviews this year. Feels like he got his mojo back or something. ;D
  4. Damn, I was off for a few days and totally missed the party. I'll catch up to everyone entries later. Thanks for teh deluxe set Mirby.
  5. It's not like the track has been open for six months or anything. Though you've just missed it by a day! Don't worry JH...sounds (I'll never get used to that one), bonus tracks will probably be made available down the road.
  6. Says the man who still haven't turned-in his entry, yet finds the time to yell at people.
  7. Respect to OCR's very own ace video-editor and slick-packaging master! Have a great birthday sir.
  8. @Rama: Well man, congrats on your hard earned cash, but I think I'll pass on that pat in the back if you don't mind. I've fullfiled my role in the whole 'greater-good' scheme of this compo, seeing as the person who requested my song already got it and has expressed his gratitude. But interestingly enough, you'll find that the people who've made it in time are probably those who could careless about that "no-voting no-glory" situation. Inversely, try to do a one-hour compo with the lazy bunch, without a voting or listening party afterwards, and you should witness the beauty of it all... Anyway, I had a blast making my entry and this compo was fun while it lasted. Congrats to those who made it in time, and good luck to all the latecomers.
  9. (from 'Witch Hunter Robin' soundtrack)One of my favorites composers. This brings back memories...
  10. Yeah that OST has some pretty groundbreaking tracks from ACE+, hidden in between effective generic RPG-fare music, and some downright boring songs. People should really stop that whole 'Mitsuda is a god' thing though. He has produced some of the best and most loved rpg music in history, and so has Shinomura or Uematsu. But that was in the past, and their time to shine is over now. I do love a lot of these composers' work, and not the most popular ones either. But people aren't being objective about them anymore. Paying respect is one thing. Secluding oneself in zealous fanboy/girl-ism without listening and comparing to current era's artists is just ignorant.
  11. Please don't take offense to the criticism, as it is really intended to help you improve this show. First and foremost, you've really captured that storyteller vibe with the ol' chair and the whole setting. Very nice. Your elocution and the overall sound quality was pretty good. That's a departure from all these internet reviewers mumbling incomprehensible stuff through their laptop microphone. The show in itself was informative and entertaining, but a bit on the long side. Try to condensate a little if possible. You got a nice thing going on here, but you tend on instances to have some jokes and lines dragging longer than necessary. It really breaks the whole flow, and considering it's already pretty long, that doesn't help. Just re-watch yourself and try noticing these moments to find a way to improve on that for the next episode. Additionally, a more dynamic video editing could help maintain the attention of the viewer. You gotta be aware that with such a long format, things can quickly turn into a boring generic late-nite talkshow. And I'm pretty sure that putting people to sleep isn't your first intention. ;D Also it's worth a mention that the AVGN influence here is quite identifiable. While the reference isn't a bad thing in itself, the sooner you'll start adding your own flavor/personality, the better. Apart from that, keep it up man. It's only the first episode. Which means you can only improve from there on.
  12. Often listening to this arrangement and still digging it. Actually, I tend to prefer your interpretation of 'Rafflesia Training Grounds' over this one. But it's a very subjective matter obviously. Now, if you could somehow add a less abrupt ending to it, and make it close or past the 3:00 mark, that'll be awesomeness. Not sure when or if you'll ever get around to this though, but it's worth a try. Already mentioned this, but you should really consider submitting it, if not to OCR, at least to ThaSauce. Ragnacenty and its soundtrack definitely deserves some more coverage and recognition.
  13. Wow, that's a pretty radical decision man. Must have been a tough choice too. I wish you luck with your training and great things for your career, sir.
  14. BlackPanther and swordofdestiny pretty much nailed it. Hidding behind the pretense of getting ready for an event that was planned centuries ago, to justifiy the fact you weren't able to find at least half an hour a day to work on this, when you had 2 whole months, isn't very respectable. Everyone loves to have fun. But when fun supesedes the commitment you've made, it's time to review your priorities.
  15. Whatever, so long as you get it done before september 10th. Have fun in Vegas.

  16. This day marks the 16th anniversary of Dynamite Headdy, a game developped by Treasure for the Sega Genesis and released on august 4th 1994. On this occasion, I would like to present you with a preview to an arrangement album that has been in the work for some time now. I hope you'll all enjoy this sneak-peek from the project, as well as tribute to this hidden gem of a game. Secret Bonus Point - video preview If you have any question, don't hesitate to PM me. For more info, the project thread is here.
  17. As suggested by Brandon, first try posting a recruitment thread here. Read the guidelines and look at how others present their projects in the OP post, then try to come up with something similar for your own project. Also, to save you a lot of time and hassle: this will be a recruitment thread, not a project thread. Meaning no disscussion about wip, specifics, who do what and what color is the sky today... uh, oh wait, probably not that last one. But anyway, you got the idea and you know how to proceed if you want to make it official. Hope this helped. Good luck.
  18. Ahah, not sure the part about shower & stuff was integral to the song update, but I get the idea anyway, thanks. Looking forward to the outcome.

    Already done with half the audio-editing, so I'll probably have it completed by tomorrow night. And btw, I don't need the full track for this, just 30 or 40 seconds of it. ;)

  19. Yeah, I've noticed that too and was wondering what the extend of this could be... Well, Emunator did post the DKC3 project preview over there, and the video uses quite a lot of footage from the game, and even company logo from the big N. And yet, so far, so good. Must be specific to people uploading gameplay with original audio only, without comments/narration nor fancy editing of any kind.
  20. Actually the same thing happened to me, but with ThaSauce. Never found it in the list, so instead I'm using the irc-link on the compo page. On way or another, all roads lead to Rome in the end.
  21. From that point of view, that makes sense indeed. Dunno what are the chances of this europe compo really happening, but I sure hope it will, so that artists like AnSo, Willrock, Gecko Yamori and Rozo (to cite a few from europe) can enter and represent too. Also, it's always great to see official people from games company caring enough to respond to fans and try to get the ball rolling.
  22. Ah, there was a topic started for that contest a few weeks ago. Which reminds me: i.e. if you're from anywhere else in the world, you can still send your mix and wait for the roflcopter. Funny thing considering Simon Viklund is from Sweden in the first place. Though with all the talented folks here, I sure hope some will participate. After all, if OCR can't do it, who can? Good luck to anyone entering this compo.
  23. Long story short, a friend of mine, who have much more advanced audio gear than me, got this. I haven't been able to spend much time with it, but I'll try answering with what I know. There is a shit-ton of presets. So much in fact, that you can really waste hours just trying them, without even turning a knob or changing a parameter manually. Will they make you lazy? Perhaps. Let's say that if you're just starting out, it might be tempting to rely heavily on preset. Alas, skipping on learning how things work, and pretending you've spent 3 hrs working on your mix when, in fact, you just pushed a button won't help you in the long run. One shouldn't make that mistake, for you'll be passing up on one very powerful piece of software imo. You can most definitely take these presets as a starting point to understand how they affect each area of your mix. You can bypass effects in real-time, target a specific channel only, hear your mix in mono with or without said effect, isolate a frequency range and hear (see) the results real-time too, take snapshots of your mix to gauge the impact of changes made on equalizer thus maximizing your mastering efficiency. And there is much much more depth to this, but I digress, and your questions were about presets, so here goes! From my short experience with O4, the most useful presets were the solo instruments / instruments group related ones (bass, cello, guitar, brass section, piano...). The global presets (multi-bands / gate, tube, compressor / cd master...) have a tendency to go overboard, and toss harmonic exciter and loudness maximizer all over the place, or simply aren't gonna be adapted for every style of music. So yes, there are genre specific presets, and some will work like a charm (rock / electro / hip hop / reggae). But some won't be as effective... Finally, the Utility presets have some usefuf ones for vocals, for creating specific ambiences, or for sound modeling. BUT, and I insist on this, once you're done playing with presets, really try to delve into each specific tool. There's an amazing amount of control in this thing, and unfortunately, I've barely had time to scratch the surface. So yes, it's very possible to do one-clik mastering. But then again, I'm not sure how many audiophile it would succeed to fool... Finally, I can't answer for question #3 since I've only tried Ozone 4. That would have to be your call. Anyway, hope this helped.
  24. Fixed it for ya. Also Rozo, I've noticed that the artwork in the OP still links to the defunct forums. A little bit of link-redirecting wouldn't hurt here.
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