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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Wow, haven't checked this in a while, and suddenly it's coming out today! Just gonna post this in here before thread gets locked and becomes history: Brad is the man. Kudos to him for having the guts, the vision, and the patience to see this through. Thanks for helping me make it through my first project evar! This album has been a long time coming, so congrats to the LA project team on the release.
  2. I'm pretty sure Will already has the same level of decision-making power on this project, plus he might be equally busy with uni work right now. Juan had a string of badluck with his computer recently, so he may need some time to get back up and running before he can resume his duties. Last time I checked, he was determined to get this album done, so just give the man a break. After all, he's not a Bionic ...none of us are.
  3. Apparently, my wip vanished into thin air during the thread switch.
  4. I think he's also behind schedule at his goal to be the yougest project director on OCR. So Nabeel, where have you hidden that Metroid Prime project again? Nevertheless, great birthday to you DarkeDagger.
  5. Making 8-bit Megaman games won't eat all their budget at once either. Unfortunately (or not, depends), Capcom (much like Konami) has never been about taking risks, but about making sequels (and easy profit - Street Fighter 2 anyone?). They took a few chances last year, and it ended badly. So we better brace ourselves for Resident Evil 9, Street Fighter VII and of course Megaman 22. Just saying.
  6. I was under the impression that it was Masashi Hamauzu who scored FFXIII. Though ME2 did beat Squeenix in the RPG category, and that's no small achievment.
  7. Working in a company for so long may have wore him down a bit. Plus, Inafune has been executive-producing pretty much everything at Capcom since forever. Unfortunately, the commercial flops of both BC2009 and Dark Void must have hit his good name pretty hard. And strangely enough, he wasn't credited in Resident Evil 5. But considering the recent success of (Super)Street Fighter IV and Dead Rising 2, things were looking pretty bright. Also, is it just me or the guy still looked quite happy a few months ago when he introduced Megaman Universe? But anyway, he's proly gonna follow the exemple of his buddy Shinji Mikami and eventually end up creating new franchises with new characters and stories. Though he'll forever be remembered as 'the father of Rockman'.
  8. Missed this by a few hours. Hope you had a great time though. In our hearts, you'll always be the sagacious wiseman from the north, keeping watch over the wip boards. ...that is, when you're not busy defending OCR from a spambot invasion of course! Happy birthday to you, oh venerable Rozo the Crimson!
  9. Thanks Jaybell, I'm glad to hear that. Good to know you're still around too. It's been a long time coming, but I think you'll enjoy our answer to your request. Got em' and responded. EDIT: The following tracks are still open: Send me an audition via PM if you want to claim a track.
  10. And so do I. Too bad I'll have to wait till the album release to hear it. Definitely a highlight of this project for me.
  11. Yay for Master System! Had the original MS1, with the cool schematics on the top and the gamecard port. Back then, it was a pretty popular system in Europe. There was almost one kid with a SMS for every 2 kids with a NES. Also, no pause button on the controllers. People actually had to get up, walk across the room and reach the pause button on top of the system! I remember playing games like Golden Axe Warrior, Castle of Illusion, Alex Kid, Wonderboy in Monsterland, Hang On, Asterix, Fantasy Zone and Phantasy Star. I'd like to point out that Sonic 1 and 2 were pretty awesome on that system. Though my all time favorite remains Wonderboy III - The Dragon's Trap, which also has one of my favorite 8bit-era soudtrack.
  12. This movie needs moar quantize! Luckily, Rob Schneider was just appointed to play Jooj Cat.
  13. I'll be playing The Unsung War in your honor, sir Doulifee. Great birthday to you, Ace of Razgriz!
  14. Huge BioHazard game and music fan here! This one is excellent. Reminds me of that infamous cargo-holds battle with 2 gatling gun majinis, multiple Reapers and the armada of assault-rifle majinis. Saying that RE5 has a stunning score would be an understatement, with gems like Assault Fire, Sad but True and of course Wind of Madness. Though at this point, I'm not sure exactly what amount of talent or what kind of expensive sound libraries it would take to remix these honestly... But I strongly support the idea, as there aren't many RE mixes out there (and I'm also working on changing that).
  15. Just make sure it's Over the Castle enough Will!
  16. This song doesn't need one remix. It needs an entire project!
  17. Just noticed that halc is doing Commander Yammark from X6. Awesome!
  18. Have a great birthday Starlight! Hope you're still working on that album of yours. Take care and have fun.
  19. I guess I'll play some Tactics Ocre in your honor! Have a great birthday, and best of luck with your new album!
  20. Sounds like a good opportunity for Proto to hit on Rosa (in the bar edition). Have a hot cofee, some limecake and a glorious birthday!
  21. Hylian and neblix are both on the right track. Except it's really 'kram' not 'krom', but it's not indian either way. Gario, that sig was proly made by sum noob years ago. It's getting old now, ya need a new one. Thanks for the wishes guys!
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