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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. You don't need to. I haven't (and won't) forget.

    I know it's hard when you really want something and can't wait, but like I said, you're gonna have to be patient.

    Occasionally, I also happen to have a life to attend to. ;)

  2. This is quite a surprise, and a pleasant one at that, since I'm fond of Castlevania music. Unexpected though, as solo albums haven't got any precedent here. It's in the continuity of the ever-changing and evolving process that OCR has undergone this past year. So in that regards, I guess that makes sense. But kicking off Xenogears from the front page doesn't though...
  3. Yeah, having just seen the number of problems inherent to the PC version, the console version appears to be the best option. Though I won't be playing it myself, seeing as loot-fest are generally the most addictive time-sink ever, I can attest the game is really fun and engaging, especially in co-op/multi-player. I was starting to notice the similitudes with another game from Bethesda, when I heard a bandit said: "Scared? You should be". Wasn't that the raider's line in Fallout 3?
  4. Ok, finally got to hearing it. Due to the nature of this album (half cover / half original), I can't really be impartial. Even more so when I like both her music and yours. That being said, I enjoyed it a lot as you can imagine. It has a chill, jazz feel to it that I can't ignore. This distinctive style, with really beautiful moments, voluntarily goofy ones, and sometimes cohesion of both, is what makes it unique. I like almost every track of this album, and can once again appreciate the very emotional feeling that emanate from your music. Actually I really wish Starla was singing on top of your solo piano in Wrong/Beans. That would have been a memorable colab... er, I mean it will be. Make it happen! Only complain is Leather and Lace. Clearly not your best work, and really not fitting with the rest of the tracks. But I still like those 20 minutes albums. They loop really well, and before you know it, you can't get those melody out of your head... So keep them coming! Oh, and nice hidden reprise of Magical Bags of Chips after Pants by the way. I'll finish mine one day for sure...
  5. ^ this. Believe me, I tried... Whatever you do, don't pitch the lead upward, PLEASE!
  6. The decision is ultimately up to Bahamut & Arek on this one. But if they decide I'm still worth keeping on board, your help will definitely be welcome Luke.
  7. This is a brillant idea. If only days were 48 hours instead of 24... Anyone's up for a collab on this one?
  8. This is sooo in the works. Gimme a couple of month. Gollgagh made a good point: the real secret to making a request is patience.
  9. Can't believe I missed that too... Hope you have a good one Rozo. You're one hell of a musician, and one wise man for sure. Thanks for all your help, advices and critiques. The workshop section is in your debt. Keep the awesome Megaman X / Fzero remixes coming. Will forward an updated SD3 wip as soon as humanly possible.
  10. Oops, totally forgot about the project forum. I've sent my track update to Bahamut yesterday. Also, made some small banners:
  11. Yuki Kajiura - Aura (from Dot Hack Sign soundtrack)
  12. I've been making my own samples for some time, and have build a personal sample-bank over the years. But I've never actually thought of creating a Virtual Instrument. Meanwhile, I've gotten used to the ease of VSTi, compared to say, the tedious and old-fashioned task of importing each audio sample one by one into a sequencer. Plus, no matter how good algorithms are, pitch-bend clearly isn't as practical and precise as having each note assigned to a velocity sensitive key. Very good idea you had here Harmony. I'll research on how to create a kontakt library. This should be a great opportunity to learn something useful.
  13. Hey Arc, It really depends on what samples you're using, and what result you're hoping to achieve. Some effects will work well with some instruments, and not with others. I'm not a pro by all means, but here are some things that I use: -distortion/overdrive on drums for a cool dirty effect. -large room reverb and EQ tweaks on strings or woodwinds, to give them presence. -high-pass on guitar and low-pass filter on bass, plus fuzz on both to add some character. -mutli-tap delay/echo for piano or synth to give an eerie, more ambient-building sound. -mix two or three different sounds/samples on the same note to create a new customized one. Then again, it works for me on samples that I know well. The more you work with your samples, the more you know them and can determine what to apply to get desired result.
  14. The trailer by Jose is stellar, and the preview sounds fantastic. I'm holding off on hearing more till the listening party... the wait is excruciating though.
  15. Since I tend to tune in on RTS-live when I come back home, I'll have to agree with Dyne. Plus, even if some folks already have listened to it, that's still great to have the world premiere of an entire OCR album on a live radio show.
  16. For some basic chiptuney sketch or even to make some songs using SFZ (since it comes with a soundfonts player), it works fine.

    After, depends on your system perf, and how familiar you are with Linux distros.

    I know that Skiessi over at OHC did some awesome songs with it.

    In a way, it's almost like FL, but with delightful Linux Alsa config mayhem, to help spicen up the activity. ;D

    Sonar is still my primary DAW though. And from what I've seen in OCR cribs, you guys seem to be using it quite differently...

  17. Guess I'll join the fun: AspireOneA110 on UbuntuNetbookremix+LMMS+KorgNanokey+ZalmanDS4F. My ultra-portable (yet ultra-incompetent) secondary DAW, to make some quick audio sketches anywhere. And at night, because it's almost always the only time when I (can) make music.
  18. Thanks. I take your suggestion on timpanis and orchestral percussion in general. Though the lack of 'driving force' may come from the fact that I want an emphasis on the slow building, rather than on a boombastic and epic holywood trailer. Haven't played or listened to Megaman X6 in ages. This one works too. I dropped v5 mainly because many suggested the drum parts were inadequate in most instances. And since the mix wasn't that cohesive to begin with, I figured I should try another way around, instead of over-tweaking everything. But like I said regarding the previous comment, I'm not necessarily going for more epicness. I'm thankful for the feedback though.
  19. Final Fantasy Tactics A4: Roughly the Size of a Paper Sheet And how about then. Gotta love the new limit breaks....ah, wait, you're listing music now?
  20. Congratulations Brad! I don't own an iphone, but I wish you and RPNi a bright future. Hope you can make many more games and many more game music too.
  21. Just found someone named Lacope0 apparently did a guitar cover of this song! Funny that Yasuhiro Ichihashi, who composed the soundtrack along with Michiru Yamane, and did the other OoE arrangements, somehow forgot to do this one... Anyway, it's a pretty good cover, so enjoy: ....and watch out for the special ending.
  22. Yes of course. After all, this project was born for the fans that have been waiting Dynamite Headdy remixes for ages. I trust you'll work fast, and be done ages before the album is out.
  23. It's ok Will, the version you have is the normal one. So you're not missing on anything here. The short version is just the part from 0:35 to 1:00 looped for some events in the game.
  24. Yup, that's correct sir. Though you've never mentioned if you were going for the 'short' version or the normal one?
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