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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. My words exactly. Though having the courage to launch and support such a project on your own, is commendable. Quite unusual to see someone refering to a project lifespan in years from the very begining. It's a realistic approach you have here, and shows that, at least, you have a vision. I wish you luck on your endeavor Neblix.
  2. It took me a while to get to review this one. But I figured there wouldn't be a better time to do it than during 'OCR review month'. Well, this is my ground zero of VG remixes, as it's the first remix I've ever heard. But it's also the song by which everything started, the reason why I'm here, why I wanted to learn how to use synth, and start remixing. Mirror and Transparent was so shockingly audacious, so far away from the clichés of any music I had heard so far, it simply grounded me on my chair the first time I heard it. I remember thinking: "What can this person's reality be like, so that he/she can make such music? What makes it go this way? Why this choice here? Why this sound?" and so on... Best of all, it was a song of one of my favorites videogames from my childhood, and I had no idea any other soul could see the VG music from back then as something else than blip and blop. It striked me as such a revolutionary way to make music, that up to this day, I can't really manage to be objective about it... Ok, I could if I really wanted to, but clearly I don't wanna rob it from its meaning. ;p To me, this song symbolizes hope, joy, enthusiasm, and is the dawn of a new world of musical possibilities I had never envisaged before. It is truly an inspirational and even motivational song for me. One that I'm constantly going back to. If you haven't guessed it at this point, I'll let the cat out now: Mirror and Transparent is my favorite video game remix to date. And despite being able to toroughly enjoy all the amazing remixes and talent the community has to offer, this one will always hold a special place. Thanks to Rellik for creating this jewel, and to OCR for sharing it with the world.
  3. What? This remix still ain't done yet! Can anyone help the poor Mork finish this one before the end of the year 2020. Here's the latest version to date: New Begining New Path v6 And the source is in the first post. Looking for any additional feedback/critique/advice that could point me into the right direction. Thanks.
  4. Glad to hear it. As an aspiring artist, I'm looking up to you, and hope I'll be able to create a song at least a fraction as good as this in the course of my lifetime.

  5. Secret of Mana holds some of my fondest gaming memories. It is no secret however that Kikuta's work on this game was stellar. The original source was already pretty hard to touch. Well, it's even more now. Nearly every person I know that isn't a gamer, and who I've played this remix to has fallen in love with it. This song is a complete living entity. It grows, it grooves, it nutures, it sings, it elevates, it reflects, it learns, it evolves, it reaches, and it succeeds. No point for me in critiquing what there is to love/hate. It's already past that. It's up there, soaring high into the sky, sitting on Flammie's back. The Dragon Song deserves posterity for what it achieves to do, for the worlds it achieves to transcend, for the people it achieves to bring together, for the joy it achieves to bring. One true masterpiece.
  6. Cheers to Stevo and the gang for what seems like a collaboration of huge proportion! Looking forward to how the song will turn out.
  7. I still hold memories of the first Breath of Fire, and its soundtrack. So I decided to set on a heart-warming journey back in time with Flames of Valor. Production wise, I've found it very difficult to critique, being absorbed by the numerous musical marvels, and captivated by the beautiful orchestration of the original source. The song, despite clocking at a little more than 6 minutes, flows at light speed pace, and almost seems too short. The transitions are seamless and appropriate, and it seems almost as if the whole story is unfolding before me. After a few listens, I was speechless at how powerfull and evocative this piece is. This is not just a remix of a song or two. This is a tribute to an entire game, to its story, world and characters. These flames will continue to burn of a fiery glow for a long long time. A grandiose and timeless hommage.
  8. Always a pleasure to hear some Gradius arrangement. While this actually sounds more like a peace treaty than a declaration of war, this is a solid re-interpretation. The song is a dangerous yet addictive cocktail of distinctive adrenaline pumping guitar/rythmic parts, coupled to a nostalgic and driving synth sound, and some enticing melodic piano breaks. The alchemy works very well in this case, reaching some key moments from 1:08 to 1:30 and from 2:44 to 3:05, where you can really picture the 'shmup' craziness: flying your little ship through dozens of enemies, with projectiles coming from all directions, wating desperately for a power-up while trying to avoid crashing on obstacles... I thought the part from 3:07 to 3:30 seemed a bit rushed and/or lacking compared to the rest of the song, which again is pretty solid. But that's only a minor subjective bias, which doesn't reflect on my apreciation of the whole remix. Definitely great fun, and a great listen.
  9. The Okami OST is undeniably one of the best game soundtrack ever made. As such I'm always both curious and admirative to hear anyone trying his hand at remixing this soundtrack. Globally, it still has this distinctive traditional japanese feeling, but the ethnic element is less prominent. This piece is even more emotional, much like the piano arrangement of the soundtrack, and in that regard, is very well executed. The building is quite similar, with some signature instruments to retain the characteristic of the source. But the disparities with rythmic elements, bass, piano solos are really giving this piece another dimension. I find this rendition much more personal. It feels like another point of view on the same story. This remix succeeds at re-imagining the original tune, and also tops the vocal version effortlessly imo. While these winds now sounds a bit more like they're coming from the west, they still bring a refreshing breeze on the source. No less exotic, slightly more melodic. Nonetheless exeptional.
  10. From what I've seen on friend's game, you technically can't die with the Siren class. When in a pinch, just phasewalk the heck out of here and wait till health recovers and shield replenishes itself. I've also seen that the whole random/special weaponry makes this game pretty addictive ...thankfully I'm not playing it. ;D Had a glimpse of the Safehouse filled with Badmuthas Maniac in the second playthrough. And here I thought those bandits near Fyrestone were tough.
  11. 2009 (sigh), I'll never forget it... It was the year when those grisly lack of progress started occuring. The wips update were disapearing, hitting the peaceful little workshop section with a devastating blow, crippling on its very fundations. Soon after the news was off to the world, Robotaki Inc was responsible. Not taking any chances, the OCR government issued an undefinite suspension of business to my musical carreer, until his remix was completed. Soon, my wips stopped arriving at their destination, and my e-friend stock crashed. Right now, I have no less than 10 project directors holding me at mouse point. The look on their face is rated M for mature. For all intend and purposes, I'm finished. Unless of course you decide to reconsider completing this awesome song. It might be a slightly better alternative to having my corpse desecrated and exposed on the new year eve at MagFest as an exemple to all. I trust that you will make the right choice... not that there is one to begin with. Thank you in advance for Kokari. Workshop City Garbageman Mork.
  12. This is a perfect exemple of a song being true to the original and liberal enough not to be frustrating for anyone who know the source. While originally not my favorites tracks, Shnabubula's take changed the way I was seeing (hearing) them. He kept the Matsueda spirit while building around, and expended the song structure and its boundaries almost to the... infinite. Thus the title I guess. This is still a very poetic/romantic song, but it definitely has more of a dramatic feel to it this time around. The variations are of the 'subtle but essential' kind, and every new element fall into place, making the whole song flow very well. A nicely refined remix, quite different from the usual Shnabubula's trademark style. Serves as a good demonstration of both versatility and talent.
  13. Megaman X, one of the most beloved game in the franchise, and of course one of the most beloved soundtrack too. The Zero Sacrifice is faithful to the original, with lots of synth and atmospheric soundscapes, and an almost identical structure. Now don't get me wrong: this is a good thing, since the source was really great to begin with. The remix is fairly even in terms of material and arrangement, and adds some interesting elements as well as a straight rock twist that is very fitting. I was really pleased at how the Megaman 2 intro/end theme was incorporated seamlessly into the mix. I also loved how the sounds (appart from the guitar of course) were subtly refined to make the remix sound almost like an update of the orignal song, keeping the spirit of the game intact. Somehow, I couldn't help but notice the sudden change in gain at 3:26 when the end part with the reversed notes rolls in. Sounds a bit like a clip-crop gone bad, but this isn't a big deal. Overall, it's a satisfying song to hear as a Megaman fan, and all in all, a very cool remix.
  14. Shadow of the Colossus in... rock. How awesome could that be? Well I soon found out, and I wasn't disapointed to say the least. I honestly wasn't imagining electric guitars could enhance the source so well, and truth be told, the violin solos just blew me away. The cohesivness of this mix is impecable, and it's always amazing to hear some already great source being refreshed so effectively. It has a different yet slightly more convincing 'battle' feel to it. I already imagine holding my puny blade while this song plays in the background, providing me with an appropriate adrenaline rush, effectively preparing me to get stomped on by a 200 ft tall building. ;D Joke aside, this is an astounding remix. It has emotion, passion, energy and focus. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
  15. This is one of the most dynamic rock remix I've heard so far. Being familiar with the source helps concentrate on the little details and additions... er, excuse me, did I said little? I meant huge of course! Scarse breaks and deviations everywhere, tempo changes and alternatives drum sections, crazy new harmonic parts and distortion all over the place. This is a very creative and balanced take on the source... yet very naughty at the same time, if that makes sense. What can I say: we have both Norg and Snappleman. What else should we expect apart from stunning arrangement goodness and a demonstration of pure skill? A fantastic tribute.
  16. Just a quick bump to remind people wanting to join that atm, this is not an official OCRemix project. Hope to see some more support in the future. Just a few tracks left to claim.
  17. You don't need to. I haven't (and won't) forget.

    I know it's hard when you really want something and can't wait, but like I said, you're gonna have to be patient.

    Occasionally, I also happen to have a life to attend to. ;)

  18. This is quite a surprise, and a pleasant one at that, since I'm fond of Castlevania music. Unexpected though, as solo albums haven't got any precedent here. It's in the continuity of the ever-changing and evolving process that OCR has undergone this past year. So in that regards, I guess that makes sense. But kicking off Xenogears from the front page doesn't though...
  19. Yeah, having just seen the number of problems inherent to the PC version, the console version appears to be the best option. Though I won't be playing it myself, seeing as loot-fest are generally the most addictive time-sink ever, I can attest the game is really fun and engaging, especially in co-op/multi-player. I was starting to notice the similitudes with another game from Bethesda, when I heard a bandit said: "Scared? You should be". Wasn't that the raider's line in Fallout 3?
  20. Ok, finally got to hearing it. Due to the nature of this album (half cover / half original), I can't really be impartial. Even more so when I like both her music and yours. That being said, I enjoyed it a lot as you can imagine. It has a chill, jazz feel to it that I can't ignore. This distinctive style, with really beautiful moments, voluntarily goofy ones, and sometimes cohesion of both, is what makes it unique. I like almost every track of this album, and can once again appreciate the very emotional feeling that emanate from your music. Actually I really wish Starla was singing on top of your solo piano in Wrong/Beans. That would have been a memorable colab... er, I mean it will be. Make it happen! Only complain is Leather and Lace. Clearly not your best work, and really not fitting with the rest of the tracks. But I still like those 20 minutes albums. They loop really well, and before you know it, you can't get those melody out of your head... So keep them coming! Oh, and nice hidden reprise of Magical Bags of Chips after Pants by the way. I'll finish mine one day for sure...
  21. ^ this. Believe me, I tried... Whatever you do, don't pitch the lead upward, PLEASE!
  22. The decision is ultimately up to Bahamut & Arek on this one. But if they decide I'm still worth keeping on board, your help will definitely be welcome Luke.
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