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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Welcome to the recruitment thread for: Secret Bonus Point - a Dynamite Headdy tribute album SBP release and discussion thread is HERE ~ Thanks everyone! All tracks are DONE and we're wrapping up the album. Can't disclose more info in here, as this is only a recruitment thread. But if you've been following this project (secretly or not), stay tuned. We're almost there... Release date: August 26th 2011 ~ Project supporter sigs: Support this project by using the sigs below and linking them to: http://dhsbp.kngi.org ~ Project history Dynamite Headdy is a sidescroller platforming game developped for the Sega Genesis in 1994 by Treasure (Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Radiant Silvergun, Silhouette Mirage, Ikaruga). It's a fun, albeit challenging game, that often rewards you for thinking outside the box ...with Secret Bonus Points! Thanks to Nazo² Unit, who pushed the YM2612 to its limits, the soundtrack has a very distinct personality, driven by jazzy and classical influences, colorful grooves, and a healthy dose of craziness. Someone needed to make sure their prowesses wouldn't go unnoticed. This project started primarily as a fun way to experiment with some ideas and grow as an artist. A remix request posted by user Jaybell was left unanswered since 2007. After joining the community, I took upon myself to arrange some songs. Along the way, a few people volunteered to help or were recruited to join the effort. What was once a one-man job, turned into a collaborative tribute album. A preview was released to celebrate the game 16th anniversary and showcase progress. We've also been granted forums space courtesy of Nitro Game Injection host KyleJCrb. Interestingly enough, the original thread has since become the most viewed request thread of all time. Secret Bonus Point will contain around 20 arrangements from the game's soundtrack. ~ For various reasons, these tracks were not arranged: Carmen and Nutcracker (both classical pieces) Funny Angry I love Goldie Hawn Kejime 2 Maruyama appears North Town theme Tonight's a Jazzy Night Why Figgy ~
  2. Thanks for the advice Joe. I'll try to add more bass freq overall. Will also redo the drums at some point and raise the volume a bit like you suggested. Hope I can get some additional feedback to know if there's anything else that need fixing, apart from what was mentioned. I'd like to complete this one at some point.
  3. In recent news, we now have forums for the project. It's an opportunity I'm very thankful for, so let's not waste it. Also started a recruitment thread to gather more help in claiming remaining tracks and doing artwork. Attention - people with claimed tracks: You should have received a PM with all relevant info. For those who haven't responded already, get back to me before April 10th 2010. After that, I'm cleaning up the table, voiding all unanswered claims and starting over. I plan to have the album completed this year, even if that means having to remix 10 songs by myself.
  4. Thing is, Final Fantasy is no longer the last hope at commercial success of Squaresoft it once was. It's now the emblematic bulldozer franchise emcompassing Squaresoft and Enix's universe and teams. Though they did a clever thing: instead of making 'Final Dragon Fantasy Quest', they took a smaller licence more fitting of the whole StarWars direction they were trying to take. If I say: Enix futuristic Sci-Fi-fantasy love-story with free roaming monsters and action RPG type combat, you can't help but think Star Ocean (especially the recent ones). And that's pretty noticeable in this last FF. Heck, it's alsmost like it was Enix that absorbed Square in the first place. So next, be prepared to see a fusion of the Seiken Densetsu (Secret of) serie with the Gaia Gensouki / Soulblader / Terranigma! ...that would rock actually. But in the meantime, I think we'll all relax and enjoy some Final Ocean Wars: The Last Hope of the Fantasy - episode XIII.
  5. That, my friend, is the next project on my list right after Dynamite Headdy. Have a few tracks in the works already. Look forward to 2011.
  6. The track is a little too atmospheric atm to allow critique on the realistic instrumentation standpoint. If you're looking for feedback on such area, try something more melody-based instead. That will force you to expose your individual technique on each instruments a bit more. I'd say there's a strong emphasis on highs, and the choir is a bit prominent, but I didn't find anything else bothering with the overall mixing. Though most of the sounds are of course really decent, what got my attention here is the flute. First thing that comes to mind is the anime 'Kino no Tabi', cause Ryo Sakai used the exact same instument in the music. Out of curiosity, is it from Ra?
  7. If it's open to people who don't play 'real' instruments, i.e. are making music on a computer mostly, why not. Though my participation will be sporadic due to schedule, I'll be happy to contribute however and whenever possible.
  8. Masashi Hamauzu - The Warpath Home (from FFXIII original soundtrack) If there is anything better than Hitoshi Sakimoto doing an FF soundtrack, it's Hamauzu emulating Sakimoto while doing an FF soundtrack.
  9. The last time I did find spare time to play, I went through DeadSpace and Bionic Commando 2009 again, like 2 or 3 times each. So I guess I should add them to the list of games I play over and over... only from time to time.
  10. I couldn't agree more on the fact that projects with huge scale (3 discs or so) and genre constraint aren't the easiest to complete. No matter how many willing and able musicians are around, you need to have both a strong direction and truly dedicated people to execute the concept flawlessly. But yeah, it seems that most recent projects have some kind of genre-specific focus. So much that in fact, the freedom allowed in this one sounded kinda fishy.
  11. There isn't a word about the sound you're going for, or on genre considerations in the first post. Is that normal?
  12. Seconded. Also, is there any update on the fate of the Rockman4 project, which's been locked-up for sometime now?
  13. It amazes me when people do things of these proportions, and never say a word about it until it's released. Makes me feel really small in perspective to such display of humility. So, without further due, congratulations to Mr Jimmy 'BGC' Hinson for the accomplishment. Now for the questions! To Jimmy: -What was your role in the team? Were you as important a member as anyone? Or were you given less critical tasks or songs to perform? -How did you handled the pressure (if you felt any) of having to work with legendary composers on a product with such massive expectations? To the Team: -What did Mr Wall, Hulick and Kates thought about working on Bioware's much anticipated sequel? -Was creating this kind of follow-up soundtrack more of a challenge compared to the first one, or instead less? In what ways? -How much time did it took to build a solid composition from scratch? What was the usual creative process you followed? -How many tracks ended up in the bin for the final 27 that comprise the soundtrack to exist?
  14. If you want people to hide it under a sweatshirt that is. No, just make something simple with the show's logo and/or same design as the banners. That way, we can all send our money directly to 'The Otaku', and you can go on with your regularly scheduled deportation to Canada.
  15. Is it just me, or is Gecko vs Willrock the toughest match thus far?
  16. At least now the freezing status is official. Imho, the deadlines weren't that unrealistic to begin with. But this makes you wish everyone was keen on finishing what they started before jumping on the novelty wagon. I'll continue to provide updates as discussed in PM Bahamut. Waiting till fall might make one loose momentum and inspiration, so I won't wait till there to finish this. Plus, I'm prioritizing current-projects mixes before allowing myself to take on anything else. On another note, I'd happily vouch for having Jade help with the Estopolis project.
  17. In the end not really, because that means more Headdy for everyone. But I'd prefer to have all current tracks claimed first before taking side roads, that's all. Hopefully, this will be living proof that 'Requests' actually find an answer sometimes.
  18. OverCooked After Dyne : the live 10 hrs epic marathon show you don't wanna miss... even if it costs you your soul.
  19. True. It's like this Phantasy Star Online album directed by Dj Pretzel and Zircon that I keep dreaming about...
  20. First compo of the year for me was a blast! Dunno when I'll be able to enter again though... Plus, you guys are becoming indecently skilled, I'm lost for words here.
  21. So glad to see someone remix some Ragnacenty / Soleil. I luved the music of that game. This is a great arrangement, you really kept the vibe of the original, and this goes beyond a simple updgrade of the song. All those additional melodies, the retro sound mixed with orchestral, the little breaks and that wonderful flute, are a treat. I'm not even sure I got anything to say about production, cause I dunno if the few audio artifacts I've heard are from your song or from youtube. Tis why you should host on another location when possible, so that people can at least listen to it elsewhere than in front of a computer. But all in all, it's a refreshing and creative remix, and you should totally submit it once it's finished.
  22. The SF-EX serie definitely needs moar remixes. I like the genre and direction this is going into. It sounds a bit like the Ayako Saso's jazz arrange, but with a more direct and dynamic approach. That intro reminded me of a song from Order of Ecclesia, can't remember which one, but I dug the piano arpeggio. It's a really compelling work, I would just complain about the drums volume being a bit high and on the same velocity at all time. And this very issue makes the break from 1:43 to 1:55 nearly unbearable, because it focuses heavily on exposing those very drums. Plus, the overture transition for this particular break is a bit bland. Though the outro is much better. It can be really awesome if you put some more work into it, and maybe break from the source a bit more. Looking forward to hear the finished song. ps: try Tindeck or Mediafire to host your song next time. It'll make it easier for people.
  23. Way to make a 10 sec source into a full song. It's a fairly realistic sounding orchestral take. The pace is nice and engaging, but there's way too much echo/reverb involved in the prod. Melody could have been developped a bit more, adding variations on the monster town theme for exemple. Looks like there's not much velocity tweaking, so this sounds a bit mechanical too. I noticed some clipping issues around 0:40, when all instuments play together. Using a compressor could help. Also, it sounds like an hip-hop instrumental because of the rigid verse/chorus/verse song structure, which almost suggests it was done that way so that someone could lay some lyrics over it. That, and the fact it's more or less an elaborate loop with no ending for now. On a side note, youtube is not a very user-friendly place to upload your work. If you want more feedback, try hosting on Tindeck, Mediafire or the likes. Anyway, your samples are really decent, so this could be way better with a little more work. Wonderboy III is an awesome game that need moar remixes. So keep at it.
  24. Thought it was a great 2009 retrospective album from J64H. Appreciated the unique style and versatility per usual. At the same time, I also think you reached the limits of using samples that aren't particularly outstanding on their own. No matter how much patience, practice and skills are involved, not upgrading your sound can drag you down at some point. I trust you'll stay as creative and productive as ever. But you need to step your game up for 2010. Good listen nonetheless. Keep it up JH!
  25. Great news. Congrats to Stevo and gang! Hope you'll also bake some tasty Armored Amadillo Muffins that will be featured on the MMX album too. TOCPM album, GO!
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