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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Keep the inspiration flowing and the awesome music coming. Have a great birthday Dio!
  2. Make that three! Moar wouldn't hurt really. That, and a bit of Succession of Witches would be a perfect match.
  3. Heck, for 250 bucks, you could get a whole album done these days. But question is: how all the other remixers on the album will feel, knowing that two persons got paid this much, while 20 equally-worthy artists haven't received a dime for their hardwork? Makes me wonder about the legitimity of introducing money in the whole 'arranging for fun' thing, and also wonder what will come next... Anyway, I hope you get plenty of entries for this. Rockman X is awesomeness! This is undoubtedly a great opportunity, so good luck to all contestants.
  4. I'd love to see someone like Willrock do some damage with this. But no direct midi-USB input seems like a bad commercial decision imo (even more so when the price isn't known yet). Many keyboards / controllers on the market have both nowadays, and entry-level controllers even tend to favor USB only. Midi only is a little outdated, that's about my only gripe. Also: The thing looks amazing, the concept is cool, but the bad sound demo is kind of a dream crusher.
  5. I often hear at least parts of the soundtracks before I play the game... if I ever play them. To me, it's a way to expand outside of the 'sitting down and playing the game' context. Music has always been one of the main element that defines the experience as a whole for me. I've never played Breath of Fire V, Racing Lagoon, Front Mission 5 or Bullet Witch, but their soundtracks are among my favorites. Also, the Ace Combat soundtracks actually got me into Ace Combat games. Try the OST if you haven't already. You'll probably never play the game (japan only), but there are some Mitsuda gems in there that I'm sure you'll enjoy.
  6. Hey JH, yeah I haven't made a proper thread yet because I wanted to get progress done beforehand. Schumacher Fly was already claimed, and I've received a final version a couple days ago. Even though I wasn't planning multiple remixes of one source originally, we can work something out. Just in case, check the list of available tracks at the end of this post, and let's discuss this in PM. Swann: as a matter of fact, A Ballad for You is one of the few songs remaining to claim in the tracklist. So if you wanna claim a place for yourself on the album, just send me a PM. EDIT: A Ballad for You was claimed by Swann. To avoid confusion, here's the list of available tracks left to claim (linked to their source): - - - - And yes, no one has claimed You're Izayoi yet!
  7. Being un-official shouldn't prevent anyone from subbing their mixes here. On the contrary, this is encouraging that someone led the way. Even though I know my songs probably wouldn't pass the bar, I agree with Proto's statement that many tracks from the project could make it on OCR.
  8. Happy bday. How about eating Another Morotskaka now?
  9. comes out of the dark... For the sake of scheduling, I'm going to consider March 1st as the next due date. ...crawls back to the shadows.
  10. Yeah, the Hack Sign anime's music was amazing. Then again, almost everything by Yuki Kajiura is. As for the games, the four episodes of Hack Liminality and the Hack G.U. trilogy had some pretty good tunes: Hack GU - Boss Battle Hack GU - Red Demon Palace Good luck to anyone trying to remix this.
  11. Popping to say I'm still on this boat. I was hidding in the ship's hold, working on making my song creepier. I'm now setting sail for February 20th, and will be delivering an update on time.
  12. I'm going to consider March 1st 2010 as the next wip deadline then.
  13. UPDATE v7: check it on the first post! Minor adjustments: added some chorus parts, tweaked velocities and volumes, but mostly: So yes, Timpanis. And lots of them too. Should sound more epic this time around.
  14. I'm with Dan on this one. It's important to notice what a soundtrack can do for the game. Many songs that purists here would consider lacking are effective in their original context. And sure most FF osts are enjoyable on their own, even if you haven't played them. FFVIII maybe has less popularity, but its soundtrack still contains some great tracks worth mentioning: The landing, Succession of Witches, Lunatic Pandora & Fisherman's Horizon, come to mind instantly. But in this case, I think it's really more a question of experience and memories of the game. On another note, I'm a huge fan of Sakimoto/Matsuo, so FFXII would be my favorite pick. That being said, wasn't this originally a WILD ARMS PROJECT THREAD?
  15. Smiley box now displaying all essentials without any doubles. Thanks for this modification guys! That'll save a lot of time. EDIT: Or so I thought. Worked fine for a month, then I was back to 3 wink and 5 Mr Green in a box. Strange...
  16. I imported Lufia Fortress of Doom on the SNES back in the days. To play it, you had to use some sort of action replay thing, where you put one cartridge from your region on the back, and the imort game on top. I started my game, and played until I could save, so that I could stop and get something to eat. When I loaded the file back... well, there was no file to load. It acted as if it was saving, but then I realized when I came back to load next that the previous save wasn't there. Unfortunately, the action replay was corrupting the save files for this particular game. But here's the most epic part: the next day, I decided to finish the game in one sitting. How naive... I probably played it for 10hrs non-stop, without eating, and still wasn't at the end of the walkthrough in the game manual. Can you imagine that? The puny 'how to get started' guide took more than 10hrs to get done!! Anyway, I played 2 more hours, and then exhausted, definitely gave up on the game. Needless to say, I threw the dreaded device in the bin, but kept some fond memories of Lufia. And since that time, I always make sure to save every 5 minutes on every game I play.
  17. Hey Halt, I think it has a lot to do with the workflow. Seeing as you can't yet find a suitable time frame or mindset to get down to practice making music a little more seriously, it all comes down to finding a way to do just that. Once again, one hour compo is a really good way to start getting something done in a time limit, and it's still pleasant cause you can feel the rush of emulation while having fun. The 'treat music as a job' approach really doesn't work for me, as if I feel I'm forced to sit down and compose, it ends up being a wasted effort. I agree with the fact that a 30-45 minutes warm up will really help you get in the right mood. It can be practicing your instrument, or starting something on FL. But it can also simply be listening to some music you like, while analysing what you like about it, and trying to learn how a specific segment was made. Take your favorite song from ChronoCross for exemple, and try to find out what makes it so great in your eyes. Is it Mitsuda's style? Is it the genre/instruments used? Or is it related to the memories your have of playing the game? To make music, you have to start by knowing what kind of music you wanna make. Find an inspiration first.
  18. Ok, just finished reading the adaptive music article. This is pure gold. Experimented on the concept at some point, and found it to be a rewarding way to compose. However, I imagine this isn't the easiest thing to put in motion, as finding a game that would require that kind of fancy score structure more or less means working on a big budget title, with appropriate visuals and storyline... and budget. Back onto the blog, I appreciate the fact that this is not another "how to become a famous game-composer in just 10 days starting from scratch" BS. The overall approach is without compromise and the articles very insightful. I subscribed.
  19. What an amazing way to start a new year of remixing! I can't believe this project is actually happening. There are just so many great songs to cover here. It's nice to have extended the scope to the whole X serie. I agree with Lea, Command Mission has some good, yet under-appreciated songs, like Steel Massimo or Marino's themes. Time is scarce atm, but I'll probably audition for in a few weeks.@Bahamut: is the june 28 for first wips or final mixes? I'm assuming it's the latter.
  20. Just finished catching up on episodes 117 to 125. I've discovered yet again a ton of cool artists, as well as some new aspects of the community. Hot-seat episodes and interviews were very enlightening. Lots of great music and lots of entertainment. You guys rock as usual. Btw, the first post's link to archives leads to a 404. I believe this might be the correct link: http://kngi.org/episode-archive. Oh, and congrats for the milestone too.
  21. This compo is gonna be monumental. Looking forward to the entries.
  22. Well, the effort is truly appreciated sir. Will get to reading that soon. I'm not familiar with your work yet, so I'll go listen to some of your remixes too.
  23. Though it's not an official project, there's supposedly a remix album in the works for Dynamite Headdy. And 'You're Izayoi' is one of the songs being covered.
  24. Best wishes. Hope you have a wonderful wedding and a happy marriage.
  25. Following Stevo's advice from some time ago, I've finally managed to find the thread, like 2 years after everyone else. ;D So I've been playing catch up with seven heavily packed and politically incorrect episodes, forming this uncanny cocktail of roughness and subtility... Wait, screw subtility: OCAD is a dish best served RAW, and you're never prepared for what comes next. So far, I've had the opportunity to witness the show's progression in a very short amount of time. It has evolved from a funny convo between friends, full of 'dood', private jokes and audio artifacts, to a more efficient yet still funny and enjoyable experience. In the beginning, I was inevitably comparing it to NGI's podcast, wishing it were more structured at times. But I soon realized that the randomness was what made it so entertaining. The unexpected/hilarious factor is what kept me coming back. I've choked on my food several times already, thanks mostly to Deven, but also to Brak...er, I mean bLiNd. As a result, you've got yet another subscriber to the feed. Anyway, I wish you guys a great time at MAG. Enjoy yourselves, and go crazy celebrating 2010.
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