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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Happy belated birthday to all four of you! Wow, that's a lot of cake...............
  2. You are more than welcome. :D I'm always glad to show some appreciation for talented ReMixers and their work.

  3. Emotionally charged acoustic guitars can really bring out the best of a beautiful song, and Stevo excels at that. Nice touch with the vocals and including Edgar and Sabin in the later half. It's little things like that that add up to one lovely ReMix. Great work, Stevo!
  4. Klezmer on the phantom train? Haha, yeah! This is freaking infectious and you just can't help but move around with this one. Great clarinet and amazing production combined, oh man it's just too much fun going on here. Sweet.
  5. This is pretty much Kefka in musical form. Switching tempo and general direction of the mix over and over throughout the arrangement while transitioning in a way that doesn't sound cluttered or sudden takes real talent, and you've certainly nailed it here. This is wonderful.
  6. The glitchy, wonky synths were crazy and I dig the female vocals. Certainly a ReMix that seems to come in clear and then break away into an electronic whirl. A tad loud at some parts, but that's not really a problem if you know how to work the volume on your player. Pretty good.
  7. Nothing like an electronic take on a carnival from hell. Awesome. Drums have a nice kick to them. The little tinking and cranking in the midsection of this ReMix sounds an awful lot like winding up an old wind-up toy, and I enjoyed how right before it and before the end, the engine rev up noises (what it sounds like to me) increase in ever-growing spurts with the in and out synths. So complex and crisp, this is pretty damn solid. Sweet ReMix, Flexstyle.
  8. You took Shadow's theme and turned it into a Fistful of Dollars style western ReMix, complete with whistling, female vocals and harmonica!? I think I am in love.......with the ReMix of course. I love old spaghetti western music, especially stuff composed by Ennio Morricone and this little track brings me back to the memories of those movies and the game itself. Well done fellas! Let's ride!
  9. This is grand and cinematic and epic beyond words! It really captures the feeling the I believe the original meant to long, long ago, and the perfect way to kick off this long awaited album. That brass kicks loads of ass and I totally dug the march in the middle with the main melody weaving in and out of it. An amazing ReMix that carries a lot of power in it's production and arrangement quality for sure. Bravo!
  10. It does sound nice and folksy in the beginning and closer to the end, don't it? Love that violin and the upbeat melody behind it, and when it shifts to the more classical sounding bits, it makes for a nice transition. Very cool.
  11. Ah Hyadain. So much fun comes from his work and ReMixes, and this speedy, breakneck paced ReMix is no exception. So fast, so good, so I'm definitely finding this to be a keeper.
  12. May have just been me, but it seems like with headphones on, this has a neat little 3D sounding effect. Without the bass, it sounds like there are two layers of song going on, one in the background and one in the foreground in each separate ear bud. Just noting how cool that seemed. Wasn't fond of the "lost your touch" sample, but I didn't hate it either. It just seemed like it could have done fine without it. For a ReMix well over ten years old, this has held up fairly well, I'd say. Not bad at all.
  13. Solid debut for sure. Both themes sound well-represented and the whole pop-hook electronica feel that he was going for was certainly obtained here. It has moments where it isn't as clear as the rest of the ReMix, but in a good way. Lots of texture and very effective instrument sounds here. Nice work, man.
  14. One of my top five favorite Robot Masters. Always loved to play through the level with the alternate Ghosts and Goblins Graveyard theme, but the original theme is still good as well. Really glad that you ReMixed both together and managed to do some justice to the themes. Mario cameo at the end was kinda weird, but it still made me smile. For a game that didn't seem to live up to the other six before it, this Robot Master and it's theme was one of the positives, so it's cool to hear a sweet ReMix for him.
  15. That cake looks awesome! Happy Birthday Willrock!
  16. I actually like the warbly effect that this ReMix has in it's sound. Good to hear a ReMix that can be good even with several things that might go against it nowadays. The vocal clip works for the arrangement and the source is clearly audible. Very nice take on Flame Man's stage.
  17. Totally loving the sax playing and the beautiful violin in this ReMix. Not a whole lot of "fury" in this fantastic frozen foray into Blizzard Man's stage, but it has a nice visual of a calm snowfall over his mechanical base. Production and arrangement was great as always. Nice work.
  18. This ReMix couldn't be happier if it tried, could it? Haha, but that's fine, because sometimes you need a piece of candy to enjoy the whole meal. And this sure is one tasty, bubbly, fun meal. Great beat, and great blending of good wonderful themes. Nice work on putting the bubble back in Bubble Man and giving Wind Man a little love as well.
  19. It's definitely more the piano than the drums, but I can hear why the judges said what they did. While I actually liked the drums weaving in and out of the piano, it did have a moment or two in the first minute and a half where it didn't seem to mesh as well as the rest of the song. When the drums pick up and then drop off to the piano, though, that was a great touch. I know some people don't like fade-outs (really don't know why) but I think it was good here seeing as how you was ending with a solo-piano. Not bad.
  20. Can't get enough of solo-piano ReMixes. Almost nothing touches the gorgeousness of a song played well on the old black and white keys. This ReMix is no exception. Beautiful sound and great production behind the whole thing. Picking up the melody and giving it more speed near the end was fantastic. Well done.
  21. Knight Man has always been one of my favorite Robot Masters and I've enjoyed his theme a lot as well. Vurez manages to take that slight "medieval as Mega Man could get" feel and give it a boost. The vocals and the rocking bits sounded great, but some things sounded a tad off or loud. In the grand scheme of things though, I loved this ReMix.
  22. The Greek sound coming off of this ReMix is terrific. Loved the pan pipes and grand, yet easy going, vibe of it. It fits Centaur Man very well and the quality here is top notch. I can hear where some people say that it sounds a bit Arabian at some points, but either way you interpret it, it sounds great.
  23. I can get behind what one reviewer said about it being almost like a combination of Doom and Mega Man. A little short, but the beat is good and it does improve on the source a bit. Even with it's age being shown and not being exactly groundbreaking, I still like this ReMix. It's like a bite-sized little goody to enjoy every now and then.
  24. The combination of rock and orchestra in this ReMix makes me grin. There is an amazing feeling of power and grandeur that you can get from this, fitting for a battle theme. Awesome.
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