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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Whoo, that opening had me ready for a full on ride, and the ride was pretty fun. I can hear some of the skrillex that halc pointed out, and that/this kind of deliberate dubstep is the kind that I can fully get behind and enjoy. I actually liked the "yah-yah"'s here. Sounded robotic and mechanical in a good way. Nice work.
  2. Pretty much the same here, except with Culex, and I just added an "R" so that it'd be Crulex (or Cruel X as it's pronounced. Combination of Evil Mega Man X and Culex, as my friend pointed out).
  3. This is one of the best upbeat trance ReMixes I've heard in quite a long time. This is unbelievably exciting in terms of high energy action and good melody switch-ups. Doesn't matter what the genre is, Willrock does amazing work every time. Great stuff.
  4. I think you did a great job of keeping the original feeling while going into the metal genre, so nice work there. Guitar work and arrangement varied up enough to keep me interested until it hit the Volcano area, before slipping into the 8-bitish section which made me laugh. Great ReMix all around.
  5. The beat certainly fits the bill in the badass walking music mold. The use of the glitchy sounds in this ReMix were pretty fun to listen to and it didn't seem like it was there for the sake of being there. It actually seemed to make the mix. The harder dubish parts of the glitch were nice as well. Great debut.
  6. Okay, this was the song I was interested in hearing because I knew it would be interesting. And I was right. Snowy levels always seem good for trance or, as I call things like this “deep thought” songs, and this is a great example of that. Draconiator and Flexstyle should be proud of this one.
  7. The way the lyrics fit along with the music just makes for something ridiculously fun. I really just want to bop back and forth during the chorus. It's got a really good "la, la-la, la-la" feeling to it right about there, great for the warm sunny days. So damn catchy. Great ReMix.
  8. Damn, this is smooth as all hell! I can really chill out to the beat of this one. The rhodes, and the flute are absolutely beautiful sounding. The source may be called "Cherry Blossom Wind Dance", but that's exactly what I picture when I listen to this with my eyes closed. Damn good stuff, Radiowar.
  9. At first, I wasn't sold, but after it got going I liked it. The sfx, the off-kilter chants and voice clips, and the overall creepy haunted house-like quality of it was great, especially in the areas where it sounded a little more metallic or industrial. Some things I liked, other things not so much, but end of the day, I thought it was a good debut.
  10. This is a pretty slick ReMix. Really nailed the ethic vibe for this one. Gotta love those beats. Makes me feel like I'm right in the middle of the fields where the sun rises.
  11. Interesting to hear halc switch things up a tad bit and go further into the electronica side of things. Lots of great choices in this ReMix when it comes to the flow of it all. Not bad at all.
  12. So many sources......will they blend? From the sound of this ReMix, you damn right they will. Loved the airy female vocals in the background. Adds a little something to the overall cinematic feel of it all. Great job with this ReMix and the amazing video as well. This album has put Deus Ex on my list of games to play in the near future.
  13. The high level of production quality for every song on this album has amazed me, to be honest. This track is certainly no exception. Incredible ReMix collab between Brandon and BGC.
  14. All the themes meld together so nicely in this one, that I would have to agree that this would fit right in with an overall reprise. I especially liked what you did with it from 3:08 onward. Lots of great electronica going on here.
  15. Oh man, that electric piano sounds so hauntingly good with the stormy sound effects in the background for the intro. It does seem to capture a sense of hopelessness, but at the same time, it's arranged so well that it has a weird uplifting beauty to it. Very interesting.
  16. Oh, damn, those drums have a good smack to them. Excellent production and really goes along with the kind of electronica I love the most: dark and crisp. Great technological vibe, I love it.
  17. Chippy 80's is always welcomed to my ears, especially with elecman's theme. Goes so well together with Sheep man, which is a nice surprise to me.
  18. I like how the album picture from the website seems to fit the sound of this song. It’s like what would happen if the water levels mixed with the pipes and got a little….well….warped. Twisted and wonky, it’s an interesting ReMix. I like the voices used in the track.
  19. Cool. I love the quick cybernetic vibe that fits right in with the more natural elements of this track. Those light airy vocals of Jill's are just fantastic with this ReMix. Great electronica abound! From the way people are talking, Deus Ex sounds like a game I need to go play.
  20. Now this is how an ending suite should sound, by god! Eight plus minutes of epic endings and more, and damn does it sound good!
  21. I've said this before, but the only issue I ever seem to have with some of these "live" ReMixes isn't even some mistakes or things that sound a little off. Hell, that just adds to the live experience in my opinion, because that's what happens in live performances. But sometimes the recordings for these things seem to hurt it at some points when they aren't cleaned up. Still, recording aside, the arrangement kicks ass and the singer's voice is lovely. Being a huge fan of Portal and it's music, especially the credits, it's pretty sweet to hear a ReMix that goes through several sections of whimsical playing and slow playing while keeping the feeling alive. Love the audience laugh at 0:58, and between the orchestra and the background choir, I legitimately enjoyed this one. So good.
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