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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Atmosphere that is dark and moody, with some beautifully haunting piano moving things along? Yes please! Five minutes really pass by quickly with this one, it's just so engaging, which is a feat for atmospheric tunes like this. Nice work in getting a little less dark and a bit more wonderous as the mix went on. That was cool. Great debut ReMix, Zoned.
  2. Lots of club energy, and the percussion is pretty good for the beat it's giving. This fusion was an interesting one to hear, and I generally enjoyed it. I don't mind fade outs, but it seemed like this one faded a tad too quick, but that's a small nitpick for a ReMix that I liked everything else about. Pretty damn good, man.
  3. This is some pretty powerful stuff! Good old rockin' out ReMix with a driving guitar lead that makes me so happy. Production is good enough to get the job done as most have mentioned. Well done, DusK, well done!
  4. I just love the plucking in this ReMix. The production of almost everything sounds so crisp and clear, I can almost see the orchestra. Pretty good debut from you, fella.
  5. Light and airy for an electronica mix, but it does a nice job of combining Magnet Man and Wily's first level. It's nice to hear the chips just drive the ReMix rather than going all out and crazy every now and then. Really cool.
  6. Now this is true blue rap! Great work with the music side of the arrangement and the delivery of those lyrics were incredible! Clever idea using the titles of the Zelda games in the lyrics and making it work. Even Link's annoying voice sounded good with the scratches at the end. Damn good ReMix, man.
  7. Another ReMix where it seems that the electronic beat is right up my alley. The vocal echoing was kinda weird, but it does add something more to the track, and you were able to avoid being repetitive many times, which is good for an arrangement like this. Great creative title. It's nice to see than an anagram of the game's name can be rearranged to something eye catching. Pretty good stuff.
  8. Pretty slick ReMix with Elecman and Sheepman. So mellow and relaxing, it nails down the 60's era pretty well. Lovely little easy-going ReMix you've got here. Very nice.
  9. How many styles can you fit into one ReMix without sounding overly chaotic or messy? A ton, apparently. Kudos on that. Midway through, you really shine in on that groove and vocal clips where things even out and the whole thing comes off as a musical twister: has a lot of stuff in it but swirls around like clockwork and it works! Awesome ReMix, man!
  10. Bubbly clouds on acoustic guitar is just so gorgious, and a damn fine way to begin (along with end) the ReMix. Managing to add in the victory song and Green Greens while keeping up the beautiful sound of the guitar was wonderful. Probably one of my favorite Stevo ReMixes so far and a high quality Kirby ReMix for sure.
  11. Vocals have a strange bit of an echo to it, and while it wasn't bad (I actually liked the idea, makes it that much better in the arrangement of the ballad), it was tough to make out some of the lyrics at times when I didn't listen intently. Overall music, including the piano, was great, and this track did the album proud in my opinion. Cool vocal mix.
  12. The chugs do have a lot of toughness to them, which can make it go either way for folks. Aside from minor points such as balance like others have picked out, I quite liked it myself. I particularly liked how you were able to get the guitar work to mirror melodies that would normally be done on a piano or organ, giving it that extra emphasis. Breakdown and on from there was the best part in my opinion, I think you nailed that section well. Not bad for the first ReMix at all.
  13. Pretty tense in the intro, and builds up to a pretty grand sounding orchestra. A wonderful addition to the Wild Arms project, and with top-notch production and power to boot. Hell of an orchestral ReMix, VHD.
  14. What a happy little march this is! Really liking the brass work in this one. As fun as I like rough and tough marches, every now and then I can dig a nice grand, good-natured one. Nice ReMix.
  15. Ohohohoho, yes! So dark and menacing sounding with those rolling riffs, and while it doesn't get heavy, it's just strong enough to leave an impression, and when it does kick up, the guitars get a nice easy workout and shows some versatility along with a little power. True metal. Downloaded for sure.
  16. Mt. Moon was always one of those themes that would get on my nerves if I spent too much time in those caves, so to hear a ReMix take that source and give it a spin that sounds great and not get grating is absolutely delightful. I really enjoy this upbeat arrangement a lot more than the dreary original. Very nice.
  17. Ben Affleck has his moments, and it could always be worse, so eh.
  18. This album certainly has it's share of great tracks that combine chip tune with a lot of things that I haven't heard much of before, and this one featuring some Deneb and dubish industrial beats is an awesome example of that. You've got the light melody of the Gym battle in the chips, and then everything else seems to add to the intensity that a battle like that should have. Digging the breakdown section as well.
  19. Halc 9-bit Chip tune ReMixing with Birdcussion and a nature setting? Yes, I love this! It's got the musical soul of Eterna Forest, that's for sure. Has to be one of my favorite halc ReMixes to date. Well done, it's so good!
  20. Cute and badass. Seems to be the two words that fit way too perfectly for this ReMix. It just makes you feel so happy and bouncy, but you know shit can get real in an instant. So upbeat and gives you a head-nodding feel, and yet for something so new, the title theme is well known and loved at the same time, so it's easy to get into right off the bat. Great work!
  21. Funky chip Jazz? Sounds psychic enough to me. Pretty impressive to not only nail down such an elusive concept, but to work it in with the National Park theme. 3:05 to the end was a great way to end it, as it seems like everything dropped off except for a few sounds, which hinted at a psychic move being used in concentration. Sweet.
  22. I always liked Eevee and the way it could cater to just about anyone's taste with different evolutions and types, so an album in that vain was a nice idea. As a Water/Ice trainer for the most part, I stuck with Vaporeon myself. As for the ReMix, I never thought I'd hear Viridian's creepy melody used in such a happy, dreamlike way, but it sounds terrific here along with the Cerulean City theme thrown it (one of my personal favorite cities). Great job with this chippy and bubbly song and cool idea in using Vaporeon's shout. And that title..........hehehehe, nice.
  23. Whoa, this is beautiful. Jillian did a damn good job with the vocals with that wonderful voice of hers, which was definitely the highlight of the track, and the whole ReMix just has a suburb airy feeling that kinda lifts things up. Gorgeous ReMix of the Aria.
  24. Has a playful sort of evil in it, doesn't it? Sounds like a mix between military beat with classical madman genius, which is an interesting and amusing combination. Great arrangement, clean production, overall a damn good Remix. Nice work, DJP!
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