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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Very enjoyable to listen to. I particularly like how it doesn't go out of it's way to make any one idea stand out, it sorta works together from start to finish (will say that the dance beat worked very well with me though ). Not bad at all and a strong addition to the Final Fantasy VI album.
  2. So awesome to hear many great artists making a comeback in the past year, and I've missed Darangen's work so. Guitar work sounds better than ever, the actual arrangement is amazing and the production for the most part doesn't disappoint at all. Wonderful job blending two great themes together with your style of ass-kickery!
  3. Haha, fun stuff right here! Throw in some Latin jazz bossa style arrangement over here, some smooth vocals over there, and bam, a fantastic ReMix that excels in the creativity department is born! So good!
  4. Very sinister sounding in the beginning leading up to that giant section at 1:24. I do hear some various influences with NIN and some Matrix, but the grander parts would fit GoW as well. Great menacing ReMix with some sprinkles of epicness.
  5. That is really the best way to say it. Twelve and a half minutes of an epic story played out with a variety of instruments, tones and moods all combined. The fact that you were able to keep up the momentium and quality of the ReMix for so long is just utterly fantastic. A nice classical orchestral ReMix and certainly a keeper. Gotta hand it to that second section, that one had to be my favorite out of the entire thing. Damn good ReMix.
  6. It's like an odd dream that has its share of quirks, like that rumbling piano in the beginning, but it does start to come together later on. Yes, dream-like quality was definitely achieved for this Remix and I enjoyed it very much.
  7. Holy shit, man! Never imagined Terra with a tough-as-nails metal dub-dance arrangement backed by ethnic instruments, but I'll be damn if it isn't here! I caught the midway battle and I kinda like DJP's choice of words by saying it's like a theme for a 21st century samurai. I almost went insane for the section right around 3:30. One of my favorite takes on Terra thus far for sure.
  8. Ooh, man, this is some mysterious stuff. Gets to that nice, almost spooky kind of ambiance quite a few times, and yet there is a cool sense of wonder to it. Perfect for mines or dim caves filled with not so dim jewels or some vivid image like that. I love it.
  9. Yay ragtime! One of my favorite "not likely to be used a lot in an arrangement these days" kinds of music! The double violins and piano combined really well for this song, and hearing the violins go through several different kinds of playing was awesome. Certainly an interesting and fun take on the Spinach Rag that I'll probably have on repeat for a long while. Great ReMix.
  10. Loving the cheesy, happy 80's feel of this ReMix. Second half of the ReMix really had me feeling it. Still seems like I'm that one guy who actually likes the fade-out type ending, but that's just me. Break down sounded great, and aside from the minor issues that others have already pointed out, I can't really hear anything that I'd nitpick at. But dude, what the hell is up with that title? Haha, not hating on it, but man, that's got to be one of the stranger titles I've seen on this site.
  11. Love the back story Archangel gave this one. I actually liked this old-style cartoon animated kind of arrangement as used for the Abbey source. Splendid production and sound to the instruments, and it's light enough to lay back and enjoy. Great work.
  12. That's some damn good whistling! So awesome to see some bluegrass appear on OCR like this. I actually have a fondness for these kinds of arrangements, so the entire ReMix made me grin with how natural it all sounded. Just wonderful stuff.
  13. The happy melody reminds me an awful lot of the old SF2 credits theme at certain points (mostly right after the first minute) because of the upbeat hook, but it really does a great job of painting the perfect picture of summer. Well done, OA, this is terrific.
  14. Underwater-like is right. This does have a fantastic chill to it, like an easy-going paradise at some points and a bubbly water feel at other points. This is pretty sweet stuff that I could easily chill-out to.
  15. Definitely has a more serious and driven vibe than the Ken Song, but that's perfect for Ryu's character, really. Something about the lyrics, particularly the next generation part makes me think of Ryu preparing to throw down after a long absence with the new breed from SF3. Lyrics are tight, the vocals sound great and all-together, the arrangement is awesome. I'll gladly echo DJP and others in saying that more character vocal songs in this style would be a much welcomed sight to see.
  16. Loud and heavy, but from my end it comes off as a positive more than anything. As messed up as the synths got in their gritty ways, the original melody shined through and came off well in the electro style. Not bad at all and a great debut. Also, as crazy as the title is, it works after hearing the song.
  17. Pretty cool to finally see and hear this on the front page. Jazzy is damn right, this is a pretty smooth and boppin' rendition of Maridia. Sounds great and never lets up. Great to hear a jazzy ending roll as well.
  18. Certainly perfect for a warm seasonal setting. While the production had some spots of weirdness, I still feel like that's a small nitpick for a wonderful Wintery ReMix like this. Not bad at all, fellas.
  19. Damn that violin sounds beautiful along with that piano. Probably the most lovely combination I can think of. Very nice rendition of the theme.
  20. Totally getting some New Order feelings up in here. Deliciously 80's vibe and this ReMix is indeed rad. Probably the best kind of Winter I could hope for.
  21. Pretty nice country thing going on here along with a playful organ. A bit short, but every second of this ReMix is full of win.
  22. Ah, that very first audio clip was great for many reasons for me, but I'm loving this ReMix. The soft mellow piano being back up by some nice beats and a little bit of a mysterious ambiance that this kind of genre excels in, it all binds together to make quite the arrangement. It's nice that it all picks up a bit near the end. Been listening to this one all week. Great work Rexy.
  23. Classy indeed, marvelous work with this jazzy/funky little piece that would fit my kind of lounge.
  24. Absolutely gorgeous arrangement using a lot of themes. Well done getting them all to piece together in a way that seems seamless. A nice and peaceful ReMix to listen to for sure.
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