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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Lots of fun going on here. I love the 70's beat building up to Wily's Castle. And tossing in some Benny Hill was fantastic. I love goofy little throw-ins like that, reminds me of the Mexican Hat Dance throw in from Dr. M's Sunset Riders ReMix. Great work, Rexy!
  2. Whoa.....this is a pretty damn sick hip-hop ReMix! Production is insanely clean, the vocals and lyrics are tight as hell (bonus points for the Y2J line), and it even has the boppin' funk, complete with bass, trumpets and piano that reminds me of my favorite hip-hop songs from way back when. I think I can safely say that Overclocked Assembled didn't just knock this out of the park, they clipped a satellite or two on the way out of orbit. Hope we can turn it up and get down some more later on!
  3. While I do agree that the first minute is basically one long lead in to the meat that follows afterwords, I enjoyed this one very much. Groovy riffs that can, I'll admit, conjure up images of evil clowns and enough metal to rock a cave, mystic or otherwise, I'd say this is a very strong debut. Looking forward to more from you, PirateCrab.
  4. Oh, absolutely. It is a minimalist sounding ReMix, but everything has it's place and fits like a snug little puzzle piece that makes it all whole. DJP said it best, this is perfect peaceful, drifting, meditation music for just letting your mind wander. Wonderful debut, Jordi!
  5. Oh, man, OCR is hitting me right in the feels today. Those vocals from Dale are just so smooth and....it's hard to explain, but this guy was meant to sing like this. His voice works so damn good with this style, it's insane. And of course the music behind it sounded brilliant as well. Gorgeous stuff.
  6. Ooooh, so good! Never heard anything from Kate that I didn't absolutely love, and this might actually be my favorite ReMix from her. Can't beat a Celtic folk tune like this with those kind of vocals. So damn beautiful.
  7. Rest in Peace, good sir. Your impact on many folk's lives will be felt for a long time.
  8. The switch from the intro into the more rockish section was pretty sweet. Definitely enjoyed the transitions in styles you made throughout the ReMix. Vox-like soloing was pretty cool as well. Very nice!
  9. I can really dig the grinding undertones of this ReMix while keeping the spirit of the source alive. Sounds like something you would expect from an action filled level anyway, so it works for me. Not bad.
  10. Pretty good synth work here. Good amount of energy for a trancey electronica ReMix and I believe this is the first of many tracks on this album to do justice to the game. Well done.
  11. Aggressive is right! This packs the right amount of punch for a boss theme, so pretty damn good ReMix, man.
  12. Awesome debut, Ivan! Glad to see you finally make it to the front page with such a rockin' 80's mix. So in love with that guitar!
  13. Certainly the reverb and spacey feel combined with the cool, upbeat energy makes this my kind of electronic dance track. Wonderful ReMix.
  14. Hahaha, yeah, percussion emsemble! While I do agree that the first few seconds of the ReMix had some odd moments of everything trying to come together, once they did, it sounded marvelous. Really glad you managed to do both of the sections from the source (I'll call it the sunny and rainy sections, for the folks who played the game and know what I mean). Excellent crisp and clear percussion ReMix, especially for being recorded so long ago.
  15. Funky! Pretty impressive for three artists to tie in a bunch of sources together in such a neat package. Splash Woman and Hornet Man sure sounded great together (loved that combo) and Plant Man and Wily were handled with some damn good skill. Pretty cool combination of themes.
  16. Damn good piano playing! Solo-piano with a pace faster than a snail, oh yeah, now that's what I like! Fantastic arrangement and well done with the production as well.
  17. Synthy poppy goodness with Elecman and Woodman, now that's a recipe for a great ReMix. Add in some of the Journey like focus that Elecman always seems to bring out, and you've got another terrific Willrock track. Good stuff, Willrock!
  18. What an incredibly mind blowing realization of Dweezil Zappa and Tommy Tallarico working together and getting a ReMix up, and of Pac-Man music! Honestly, I'm really glad that they were able to fit in "Act 1-They Meet", because it's one of the sources I really like from the Pac-Man games that never seem to get touched (love Ms. Pac-Man more than original anyway). The only nit-pick is that it's short time-length, but that's what the replay button is for. Such a great ReMix, I love it!
  19. Man, this is some pretty chill stuff. I can dig the idea of just laying back and relaxing to this for a while. Just kinda washes over you, even with the snare as strong as it was. The changes the song made as it went on was great for making work for the whole eight minutes.
  20. The voices and overall joyous atmosphere of this ReMix makes it almost sound like a nice festival in a seaside town of sorts. Great song for an early morning "get up and go!" when you need it. Gotta love folksy stuff that can make bad days a little better.
  21. The beat goes pretty hard with the ambiance of the ReMix. Seems like something I would expect from an ancient ruins area, particularly one with spotty lighting and some mist or haze. Not bad for the first ReMix you had posted. Not bad at all.
  22. Violin and hard metal guitar is not something I often think about being together, but as an advocate of darkness in beauty-type arrangements, it's clearly up my listening alley. I just love how you can have something so gorgeous sound so aggressive at the same time. That's pretty freaking awesome. One of my favorites from this album, easily.
  23. Classy as hell and fantastic with the grand orchestra arrangement. Sounds so damn clear on the production side and all the instruments came together in a way that could only be described as an art form. Very cool.
  24. It does work for the quirky and uniqueness of the Earthbound soundtrack. Almost surprised me with the false ending (where it dropped off and came back for another few seconds). Nostalgic is the key word here, that's the feeling I get from this. Solid ReMix, Sci.
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