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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Haven't done this in awhile but ever since my first one I can only finish a JRPG on a 4+ hour play session late at night on saturday. Usually that's closing any side quests+ the final dungeon+ the ending+ the credits Sometimes followed by a midnight run to the grocery store for a victory donut. .
  2. DJP's own Love Hurts off of Sonic The Hedghog's Marble Zone http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00691/ Sorry if this was already suggested though I didn't see it if it was after a quick look.
  3. Honor. Skryp. Honor. You guys were supposed to be the creators of this language remember? Spending time to possibly get my name as a credit sounds pretty cool but it depends on a few things. 1. How long is said credit list 2. What is the font of said credit list mentioned in #1 3. How fast are these credits scrolling These should be at the top of everyone's credit negotiation concerns as suggested to me by Zircon. Or actually it might have been a fortune cookie I just had.
  4. no problem boss! It seems like I can no longer get the vst outside of Komplete so it might be a little while until I am able to get it.

  5. So far everyone with really good sounding stuff has been telling me to get Massive. Blind included. That means it's now my next purchase. Thanks!

  6. Hey kruai your Collision Chaos JP is really freaking nice. I haven't been into alot of the electronic stuff but is there an effect suite you'd recommend for working in the genre? I only have Sonitus and am looking to expand ASAP.

  7. Hey thanks for the crits but really that mix sounds awful. I've hit some walls with that mix over the past few months but I think it's finally coming together. Any chance for a preview of yours so I know what i'm up against? :)

  8. I get that alot. Really. People tend to think i'm either Swedish, Irish, Bavarian, Finnish or whatever but I just talk kind of funny for an upstate New Yorker. Most people think of New Yorkers as having a Long Island or NYC accent but nope. not me. Though I just wish more, you know, women brought this to my attention, that a few sentences I said to them stayed in their minds for half a year. :)

    It was cool meeting you too! Going to be at MAG 2014?

  9. I went fishing for crabs with hunks of chicken when I was a kid. Somehow I caught two crabs. I still think it's amazing because when was the last time you saw a roaming pack of crabs running down a chicken? Soul, Blame Strader for hijacking the thread. Though I think he opened up on a poignant issue. Proof reading your posts.
  10. You can get imitation crabs if you don't want to get the real crabs. I had imitation crabs when I was in highschool. I prefer having actual crabs. And just in case we haven't run this into the ground enough
  11. Alot of health programs and fad diets and whatever bank on you losing a few lbs in a week in order to convince you their program works. Most likely you lost 9 lbs of water and that was about it. When I first tried to bulk up one month I got up to about 197 lbs (and i was really happy with that too) then roughly two weeks of going back to my usual workouts I lost 15lbs like it was nothing. Don't give up changes can happen but it takes time and daily commitment. A quick loss of weight shouldn't change your attitude any more than a week of no loss at all. Keep your head in it!
  12. Had me laughing the first time i heard this line.SMACK!
  13. I've been looking at getting a room correction system as I found out that what I have been working in has some pretty severe deficits and near deafening boosts. Does anyone have any opinions when it comes to the KRK ergo? http://www.krksys.com/krk-ergo.html
  14. 1. Vyse (SoA) 2. Ryo (Shenmue) 3. Abe (Oddworld) Any chance for some Streets of Rage mascots in the near future?
  15. It sends electrical signals up through your feet when you stand on it. Doesn't hurt or anything but it might put a pretty big dent in your battery budget. Since it is electrical though it is very dependant on your fluid levels. Weigh yourself once a day at the same time, usually first thing in the morning is a good idea. I read somewhere that there is as much as a five percent error when using these things but as long as you don't get any wild unpredicted results you can still use it to gauge your progress.
  16. Calipers work great but there is a curve to using them. You can also get one of these which is what I use. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7442751482380710246?q=fat%20percentage%20scale&hl=en&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45580626,d.dmQ&biw=1024&bih=570&wrapid=tlif136675838300010&sa=X&ei=FhR3UY-_JqbF0gHF6YC4CQ&ved=0CGMQ8wIwAA But like anything else it's not perfect. There is some error involved and you're likely to get different readings at different times during the day depending on your fluid levels.
  17. Might I suggest something along these lines?
  18. There is nothing even remotely sexist about any fighting game. period. Fighting games are about true equality. They are about the most basic skills and tools for survival that humans have. They are about taking your clothes off and beating things up. ( ) Not sexist in the least. I'll be very very interested in hearing anyone's reasoning on a forthcoming youtube video, should one be made, as to why fighting games are sexist. Besides, anyone who thinks DOA is sexist hasn't fought Alpha who is ridiculously OP.
  19. Only one that i can think of right now but that clip is full of 'em
  20. Not sure if this is what you mean. I mean, I think i get what you mean but it will take me some time to think of something that pertains to what you mean. You know what I mean? Anyway, in the meantime I've been listening to a ton of Hang music Just two handpans.
  21. Pretty sweet. I can hear it as title music for something for sure. A year ago I picked up a bargain version of Komplete for 100 bucks. In it was a version of Kore player that came with some awesome warp effects. I think Kore player was discontinued a little while ago but if you check for Komplete Elements there are bound to be some nasty effects you can use for horror. I once warped a whale mating call and stuck it in the background. Instant tension!
  22. Awesome. Thanks for the writeup. I'm listening to your remix now while reading but I had a question about your signal splits. When you say you split it three ways was it three copies of the original signal or was it a mono split and a sum? Assuming the polyphonic pad was originally stereo.
  23. Hey nice job with PRC 242. Any chance you could detail some of the production techniques that you did for your remix? :)

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