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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. This was, by far, my favorite Remix off of the Badass volume - which says something, because I really enjoyed the whole thing. It just perfectly encapsulates Saren in musical form, and makes him even more Badass of a bad guy than he already was. Awesome stuff without a doubt - I'll be listening to this when I'm 80 and still getting the same chills down my spine as before.
  2. Yeah, FF9's the other one I was trying to think of.
  3. Plus, isn't there like three albums ahead of it? The FF6 one, for sure of course, and I feel like there's one or two others as well, although I'm drawing a blank at the moment - sleep deprivation is not being kind to my mental processes today.
  4. Whoa! Congrats to all on the project!
  5. Yeah, his newest stuff is particularly impressive, but all of it's good. Much better than my half-assed reconstruction of Figaro Castle ever got...
  6. Gotta admit, almost makes me tear up every time. In more of a "Eff yeah, respect!" kind of way, but still.
  7. That's really impressive work.
  8. Congrats to you both.
  9. Feels like forever since I saw a new bLiNd remix get posted, but man, this song was totally worth the wait. Quite possibly my favorite track by Mr. Aguirre to date; my foot was moving with the beat three seconds in without even realizing it. Instant d/l.
  10. Far Cry 3. I'm pretty turned off by modern FPSes in general (exception being the Mass Effect series, which isn't pure FPS tbh anyway), and the whole "It's like Skyrim, but with guns!" quote from Machinima that it so proudly touted just multiplied the turn-off by a huge amount. But I was over at a friend's house, and he had me play his for about an hour and a half... and gotta say, I actually found myself enjoying it somewhat. The only other game I can think of is The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (Game Boy version), which my parents gave me for Christmas the same year they gave me my Game Boy. Didn't like the show, wasn't particularly fond of the characters, but found myself oddly enjoying the game in spite of never making it past the second level and the clunky gameplay. To this day, I still can't put my finger on why I liked it... but I did.
  11. My third playthrough of Pokemon Yellow, I fought my way through the entire game using nothing but the starter Pikachu. (And HM slaves, of course, but they did no actual fighting.) Did something similar with a Red playthrough, too, although I used six Pikachu for that one, two from Viridian Forest and four from the Power Plant. (And again, HM slaves too.)
  12. I've been watching Rukunetsu with anticipation of his first posting since I first came across him in the WIP board, so congrats go out to him on finally getting to the front page. As is typical of his stuff, he's got a good groove going on here, and while I can agree it's a touch on the repetitious side, there's enough new ideas and changes being brought in throughout to keep the attention pretty well. Solid debut piece!
  13. Excited to see this project getting up off the ground. Good luck!
  14. I'd be interesting in seeing a livestream of that, for sure. Maybe livestreaming a Google hangout session of the judges would be a route to look into? (Although I don't know if the sound quality on G+ hangouts is high enough for the songs - the only ones I've ever watched are the GeekandSundry ones, which are all talking.) EDIT: Btw, the G+ hangout is really just if you do get a couple of the other judges to do it with you - would make it easier for the viewers/listeners who aren't as familiar with the different judges' voices to be able to tell who's talking.
  15. Congrats Superior! And everyone else on the project, too, of course.
  16. Just thought of another one: In Vagrant Story, starting a New Game (not New Game+) and playing it through without using any weapon other than Bare Fists. Except for a crossbow, and that only to break boxes when necessary - didn't use it against enemies. Such a pain in the ass.
  17. Trying to get the Excalibur II (legitimately) in FF9 via speedrunning. Did it once, but I felt I missed out on so much side content and didn't get to experience the story as thoroughly as I usually enjoy, so I don't think I'll ever do that again. Also in the same game, getting one of all of the cards. That just took too much time, period. Once was enough.
  18. Same. Screw EVs and screw training for stats. I catch/breed/trade to acquire Pokemon I like, so that I can train them. I also catch/breed/trade for Pokemon I don't particularly like, so that I can learn about them and possibly come to like them, and fill out my Pokedex. Training several generations to max out stats always seemed a little inhuman to me, tbh; the furthest I've ever gone was breeding to put a move on a Pokemon that didn't normally get it, and that was more for giggles than anything else.
  19. I'm primarily a Water and Electric trainer, so I usually choose the Water starter myself. I'll occasionally pick the Fire type for a change of pace though. Never pick the Grass types except for trading reasons, though.
  20. TBH, I've been waiting for both an equal amount of time. ...Basically, since I found VotL and thought, "That was freaking amazing, now I just need for them to give me an FF6, FFT, and FF9 album and I will be content."
  21. Oooh. That's an interesting theme - looking forward to the finished products! Good luck to all.
  22. Will check it out after I get back from the hospital tonight, but I want to express my displeasure that there's no boogey-based subtitle. I am disappoint.
  23. I could've sworn I saw a psychic move in there, too, but I figured it was my imagination (also, since the last gen I played was 2, I'm not up on what all of the moves look like these days.) Personally, my first thought when I saw Chespin was "weird squirrel." (I noticed the expression change too, btw.) Maybe it'll be a flying squirrel (Grass/Flying)? That has the potential for hilarity.
  24. The starters don't particularly look bad to me - the grass type actually looks vaguely interesting, and I'm curious to see what it's evolutions will look like. But gotta definitely agree about the legendaries - I think the design team trying to make them look like the letters x and y may have cramped their art style a bit too much.
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