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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. Sounds pretty good to me! might need to do something to make the vocals sit better with the mix though. id say try to find someone on here who would have a good idea of how to treat vocals, and then PM them about it?
  2. its cool to see people branching out! seems like the hats were a bit dominating, but that could just be my speakers. Im probably way less experienced at this that you, so i cant give good advice on the eq bit. seems nicely sequenced though, i didnt get bored at all
  3. i cant give much advice beyond making the intro a little more engaging. i had to double check to see if it was even playing anything at first.oh also the snares (?) that are panned to the right, are a bit repetative after a while it seems like. otherwise, i liked it!
  4. these are pretty interesting. though ive yet to figure out the whole point of the operation is. looking forward to future episodes
  5. i wish minecraft wouldnt update so much! but to be fair, the next update is JUIIIIICCCCCY. light sensors, a new block type and some redstone stuff for you redstone nerds. among other nice things.
  6. Im not sure how deviantart groups work, but i know theres a bunch of us with deviant art accounts and after looking up variants of ocr on there, i didnt come up with much. So i was thinkin, what do you guys think about having a deviantart page where we can gather the OCR deviants? we could post Ocr chan stuff, album art, t shirt art ideas, art inspired by the songs. I feel like ocr fans that are already on deviantart might enjoy it too. might be a silly idea, but i didnt see anything about it posted here and thought it was worth asking! OverClocked Deviants Group
  7. alternative time signatures are a pain. I never understood how to smoothly change it throughout the song. another thing that baffles me is automated tempo changes. kudos though thanks for the feedback btw . personally, I advise everyone to seek out some feedback, there were lots of good mixes.
  8. Im out of this round. my laptop decided it was a perfect time to blow a fan/HD, so while i would've had time otherwise to finish up, i wont with my laptop in for repairs. Ill still participate in the listening part though. Are non entrants allowed to vote?
  9. IF ONLY THOSE TAXES WOULD COME BACK SOONER. but to be real, i dont have the HD space for that many samples, unfortunately
  10. thanks! I agree, Looking forward to what come of the next round! Im pretty weak with drum patterns. do you think its the pattern itself, or the levels and processing of the drums? im not sure if its a trait or not, i can try listening to it again a few times to see. overall i enjoy the transitions, but they might be a bit long
  11. the advice in this thread is really inspiring thanks guys
  12. just curious, when we get something somewhat substantial done, do we just post it up here for wip feedback? im not even close, but i just wanna know for now
  13. i enjoyed the piece alot. the awkward time signature makes it harder if you ask me (its 3/4 isnt it?) It inspired me to mess around with making a remix of it, but im getting nowhere with it so far, so i dont blame you!
  14. Heres my entry from This past months Remixing with the Stars competition. It was quite a blast, and tied for second! Just looking for a little feedback on how to make it better https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/esperado-feat-hakstock-all-the
  15. well done! I'm glad you guys convinced me to try it out afterall. looking forward to next round!
  16. boom joined, ill have to not be lazy and actually enter my info. but maybe itll make me more motivated than i usually am to actually track my progress
  17. indeed. i enjoy midi sequencing on my iPod, at least for original work, more than my laptop. I tend to work much faster

  18. I just was curious with all the IOS stuff youve been using lately, I figured something mustve happened to it. :) you seem pretty content with what youve got

  19. i have two questions: 1. where do we go to listen to mixes that get voted on but dont pass? I can never seem to find the links to the submissions in the posts, only the source tunes. I suppose its probably a dumb question and i may be posting in the wrong place, but Im unable to figure it out 2. How does remixing a song with vocals work? for example, a song like "great mighty poo" from conkers bad fur day, it would be a pretty average sounding remix without the lyrics. how would a person go about it in a manner that can be submitted according to the rules?
  20. i figure, you can never learn too much music related stuff. even if you dont like traditional japanese music, surely you can learn a bit about it and use the info in some way
  21. i almost forgot about enter the matrix for ps2. I usually write off movie games as sucking, but the more i played the more strange little combos i learned and it eventually got to be a lot of fun to plow through enemies in matrix mode.
  22. i can see why youd enjoy it so much. nothing like some ambient music once in a while
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