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Everything posted by timaeus222

  1. Sounds great! My only minor complaint is that maybe it could have had another second or two of tail at the end (it seemed to end a touch too quickly).
  2. What I heard was a note that had a sudden volume dip for a short moment. If it was a low velocity note, I think it would just be quieter. Maybe a volume or CC11 automation got a stray low point, or it wasn't as smooth as it could be. Really though, it's a very minor point, and I only pointed it out to help Neifion with attention to detail. It doesn't detract (IMO) from what is still great.
  3. Happy birthday, man! :D

  4. I didn't know he wrote for Land Before Time. I'm pretty sure I had up to the 9th movie on VHS back then. RIP
  5. Then let's do it? C'mon man, I'll even lend you a hand. (and by that, I mean collab)
  6. If a source tune has vocals, and someone made a ReMix for OCR with the same lyrics, but a different melody and harmonies (but similar-sounding blend to the harmonies), would that still count as source usage? Specifically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKye8frl9Qc - Original https://app.box.com/s/d7wsat6dt4dlx8ul9yjzqij3xdh3vkd9 - ReMix The original seems vocoded, and mine is vocoded.
  7. I play piano, actually. They sounded pretty seamless to me! Based on the amount of talent it must take to play through the songs, I figured they would take more than one take, but based on just the sound alone, they sounded like one long take in the end, which makes them sound even more impressive!
  8. Um, does your bass have reverb? I'm pretty sure I hear something like it at 0:08, and I... don't ever hear bass with reverb, honestly, because it adds extra low end ambience that clutters the mixdown below 200 Hz. Also, and more importantly, the piano in the beginning sounds plunky (in other words, like someone played with one finger the whole time), and the FL Slayer instance coming soon after just immediately makes me wonder, "what did you intend for this soundscape?". There are also some pretty resonant sounds every few seconds in the more energetic sections (pretty much, everywhere except 3:29 - 4:00). You said you have more reverb now? I don't think it really helped enough, unfortunately, because those resonant sounds still hurt. I think you should try reducing the resonance on everything that has a resonance knob, and lower the volume of the entire remix by about 2 dB. Overall, the things I would say are most important are that the guitar and piano samples aren't very convincing as realistic samples (did you adjust the velocity timings or values at all?), and the mix as a whole feels very painful above 2000 Hz. I would suggest perhaps practicing with EQing by sight (brighter on the Parametric EQ 2 means louder), and that may help. You did have some good spots where the energy level changes to relax the listener a bit before getting back into the action, but I had to skip around every time I heard a resonant sound to not cringe, which was every few seconds, so I didn't get to hear much of that. :/ What headphones are you using (e.g. AKG K240, Grado SR-60i, Sony MDR-V6, etc)? That's probably influencing a lot of your EQ and sound-selection decisions.
  9. Are you going to keep working on this? It's a good foundation so far, but to me it feels like a temporary sketch of what's to come. I think it could have less copy+paste, more varied bass patterns, and an update to the breakdown section. The bass pattern keeps doing the same filter motion, and it could be a longer pattern instead of one short one repeated a lot. The breakdown section has almost nothing happening other than one arp and one lead, and then the same bass with the same motion starts coming in again (try a new bass perhaps?). I personally take advantage of my breakdown sections and really have a lot of fun to make it the best part of the track. Maybe you could try that too?
  10. This is actually really good. Even on the interpretation level, I honestly think some of these should be submitted to OCR. I listened to that Super Mario 64 / Zelda:OoT mashup, and you had some pretty great chord progressions and melodic contour alterations from the originals, but I still recognized it. The mixing was impeccable and your dynamics were pretty excellent. Were these in single full takes after lots of rehearsal, or performance segments stitched together?
  11. Thanks, guys! I used presets I made before, and I used the "Recent files" folder in FL Studio to pick samples I used yesterday. With my volume on though, it was improved for about 30 more minutes: https://app.box.com/s/s9qoxr6rkdbeflqo1qtd728cppn0y8vm So that's what I would have done with my volume on for an hour. (didn't really think about what I wanted to write though; I just let it flow out) I'm stopping this song there though, but it was a fun experiment! EDIT: Now that I think about it, it kinda reminds me of this feel: http://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/track/oasis-epsilon mixed with this melody: https://soundcloud.com/zircon-1/no-regret-ft-chris-gordon
  12. I technically got done with something in 28 minutes. Now if I can successfully post it here, that would be great (been getting Internal Server Errors) EDIT: https://app.box.com/s/1il3nbc3myyvuye0nbkgjowe97w2e64u
  13. That's just from harmonizing a basic saw wave as the modulator. I forget if you have the full FL, but the default setting on FL Studio's Vocodex sounds like that. http://www.image-line.com/plugins/Effects/Vocodex/ The demos don't really show that, but try it at a high octave to make it sound less "buzzy" and more "pure". Here's an example of a similar tone: https://app.box.com/s/lqt82xe7illo300ntn1qfnehwel6duji
  14. Alright, yeah. I'll make a short, maybe 1 minute song later tonight or tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. xD
  15. Hehe, I think that would actually be pretty fun. I almost always mix and master visually, and I sing quite a lot. Obviously if I do like how it goes I'll polish it up later with the volume on. BONUS: Try doing it without playing an instrument in real life. You may not know what key you're in, but knowing your intervals, it shouldn't be all that bad! Before or after picking out sounds, though?
  16. Yeah, I have no problem with things being more automated these days, and I'm all for keeping design standards consistently high, but in case you missed it, I did ask, is it possible to go back and edit (online) the generated code later to do particular design changes (small ones), or would I have to ask you first so you could send the raw files yourself?
  17. Well, I was actually pretty far along with this; the dropbox zip file I provided is the latest one as of right this moment, but it's fine. My main beef with templates is that I don't get control over the formatting of the generated code; I'm sure you know how there's a bunch of white space in it. I'm alright with going with the template. I do want to know though: is it possible for me to clean up the formatting of the generated code later (tabbing, spacing, linebreaks, etc)? Y'know, just because I like to write the raw coding and have it be readable... at the same time.
  18. 'sup? Wanna build off of this? Just did it recently. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5zeftl80vmeqwjl/VV3%20Website%20Sketch.zip?dl=0 What specifically are you looking for with the design aspect? Coding I'm sure I can do.
  19. Hm... I think this upload of the Bleach OST track 029 is clearer:

    1. WiFiSunset


      Yeah you're right, it does sound clearer. I've edited the post and used that link. Thanks for helping out :)!

  20. Man, not many people may realize it, but the chord progressions and melodic contours in here are top notch. Jazz influences at their best!
  21. No, I mean their initial one. At least $270,041 was definitely funded. Either way, they're 96.8% there to their 2000000-pound ($3120530) goal and counting. (I just think it's funny how fast the numbers are going up)
  22. Try thinking about it this way: What would you actually use from the list of libraries, and is THAT worth the $50 a month? I personally use everything I have, for some reason or another, so... yeah. EDIT: You don't have to pay $50 a month. If you don't feel greedy, $30 a month is just fine, for 7 libraries of your choice. I honestly think that would help if you personally have a problem with self-restraint. Why have something if you end up not using it?
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