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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. *looks at write-up to see if recorded orchestra* The production on this is absolutely fantastic. As for liberality on the source, I can see where that makes the song off-putting, but God, the way C7 fuses these two tunes is simply amazing. Majora's theme really accents the "disturbed tranquility" of the Song of Healing. Also, for what its worth, my friend initially thought this was a track for Skyward Sword. Very well done.
  2. "The Champion synths" ^I c wat u did ther^ The snare is punching out too much in regards to the rest of the instruments, I would pick something different. There's also something I can't really explain. I think you need a more aggressive sound for the upbeat tempo you chose. Maybe a saw wave in the background or something.
  3. Victini's battle theme is almost miracle matter from Kirby 64.
  4. So I was listening to some source tunes, and I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBuBd_7jbYA&feature=youtube_gdata_player Same thing amirite? So I was wondering if there were any similar instances like this, and what you guys thought about it.
  5. Also, your biography is full of win. Just sayin'

  6. ^ A better solution ^ But I still think that Boo's sole purpose in that game was to ruin friendships, one stolen star at a time.
  7. Baha. I do what I can. :D

  8. OCR SO VAST, it not only ate djpretzel, but the whole djbakery! Anyway...I especially enjoyed "Monsoon In a Concrete Jungle," "Smooth as Honey," and pretty much everything WillRock said.
  9. This looks tight. I'm glad we live in a world where small time developers can still get their product to a crapton of people. Go interwebz.
  10. My friends and I have collectively banned this game from our household when one of them got a hidden block star, made fun of the guy he stole first place from, and was promptly punched in the chest, almost breaking his rib.
  11. My main problem with a lot of dubstep is the fact that a lot of it now is just wub wub with a drumbeat. My definition of "good" dubstep are songs that have the wub wub UNDER a bigger lead or chord of some sort. A decent example of what I'm talking about. The wub wub adds a layer of rhythm as opposed to being annoying and repetitive.
  12. The intro (:06 to about :20) is the tuba line in the SMW castle theme. Maybe a stretch, but the total flashman rip from :50 to 1:05 of Showdown isn't.
  13. You can make love to this music. Good work at getting us nerds laid. That is all.
  14. Thanks, I didn't need to sleep tonight. I like the changes made, and can now that I have the melody for that portion I didn't like, it makes sense. Good job!
  15. I've always enjoyed Samuel (?) Hazo's work, and it's delightfully percussive. Cichy's divertimento for winds and percussion is also pretty good. The Tuba Mirum movement of requiem dies irae is also good, and sounds pretty violent. Vox populi by danielpour is interesting, I like it, but it may not be "violent" enough. Hope that helps
  16. Maybe changing my mind from my first post, but it seems to me that the quality of "good" VGM is that it fits the game and the scene well. Obviously if the Green Hill theme was in a game like Bioshock, then it doesn't do it's job as a supplement to the video game itself. Therefore, one could consider it "bad." HOWEVER, this all depends on whether we're analyzing these as compliments to a video game or as individual pieces of music themselves. In the latter case, you could argue that many modern day songs are grand in production, but lack a compositional aspect that makes them truly great and memorable. It doesn't have to be catchy per se, but if you forget a piece of music shortly after hearing it, then it must be lacking in some regard. It is the good pieces that you remember and want to hear again.
  17. Banjo Kazooie [Do these even f**king do anything?] - Collect all eggs and the ice key Banjo Tooie [i worked my ass off for this?] - Get the "powerups" from the eggs and open the vault with the ice key.
  18. I think there was a Extra Credits episode about the "decline" of VGM. It pretty much said that the reason VGM nowadays is forgettable is because it lacks a strong melody. Anyway, I my opinions on your thesis is mixed; if you mean that the aural production has declined, then I would say you're wrong, mainly because of all of the tech there is now. But if you say that the overall aural experience has declined, I would agree. Ask anyone what the Mario theme song is, and they'll know. Then ask them a theme from a modern day game. They'll look at you like an idiot. Good luck on the paper! P.S I agree on the point of indie composers being good, but unfortunately it seems as though they're the exception rather than the rule.
  19. OCR is a conspiracy. They made a weapon of mass destruction fueled by video game remixes. And they've now moved into phase two. Its name......BLACK DYNAMITE.
  20. Thirded I really like the idea of this. Anything with the words "Fallout" while describing them always brings my attention. And the graphics choice of Chrono Trigger-esque? I nostagia'd. Good luck with this project, I cant wait to see it.
  21. Thats some dirty dubstep right there I'm not particularly enthusiastic about the part at 1:42-2:10ish; I get the stutter bass idea, but I feel like there can be a little more melody to hear. However, I think the end was really pretty strong: I can't wait to hear what it sounds like when you flesh it out! Along the whole song I feel like there can be a deeper bass that I'm not hearing. It most dubstep that I listen to, the lower register is always really powerful, and I think you have room to bring that sound out to make it really dark and gritty. Also, Ghastly.
  22. Retro Studios must make ALL THE GAMES!!!! But seriously, what they've done so far is fantastic. And I would play a Star Fox by them in a heartbeat. As for other games, I always thought they'd do really well with a Kirby game, not that the Kirby series needs any help or anything. I just think the franchise would be great for them, and that they could take it in a really innovative way (like with the Prime series) And last I heard was that they were wrapped up in an original project. Which sounds AMAZING.
  23. Sweet! Thanks man.

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