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Everything posted by Thylacine

  1. I got to the stage with the vampire attacking the cheerleaders. This was after my survivors dwindled down to one. There are so many horror flicks that would be good and horrible at the same time in this game. I DID have a really good run where I survived against the giant worms and rescued the only living person with one unit of health and my partner (my dad) dead. That's the last boss battle I recall surviving. Fun game, but so hard! If it ever goes to Virtual Console, I'm getting it. No questions asked.
  2. What's really impressive is that they got real actors. The guy who plays Link, J.R. Killigrew, has an imdb page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2202251/ So does everyone else in those credits. The movie advertised is disappointingly absent. Given these are all actors and actresses with low-budget items, it's still really extensive to go for an April Fool's joke. I want to believe. :\
  3. Add me to that block list, Gollgagh. And congrats, Dhsu. For what it's worth, it's your sig that led me to it before I saw this post.
  4. I was looking for a screen name for Ragnarok Online and I flipped through the dictionary, glancing at the pictures. My eyes caught this thing that looked like a cross between a wolf and a tiger. It was a thylacine, an extinct carnivorous marsupial. I went with it, and that character ended up becoming an acolyte and a persona I associate with "the right things to do." Since then, I've learned bits and pieces about it. I could attach any number of meanings to it, but the truth is that it was divine intervention (or, for those who feel we're a little less structured in this universe, dumb luck).
  5. Happy 2008, all!
  6. Reuben Kee will not soon be forgotten, and he has improved my life in a small, profound way with his work. I am truly sorry for your loss, but am thankful for how Reuben has contributed to this community.
  7. I would like to hear a remix of Dick Gumshoe's theme. It's very basic, using only two instruments: the bass line (sounds like a chiptune) and the melody (piano). Obviously, there will need to be some fleshing out, but it has a lot of potential for a fun remix. I would prefer something soft and melancholy, but would be happy with anything the remixer wishes to attempt. Gumshoe's one of my favorite characters, and it took a while before I grew to love this song. It's at http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/ds/index-gr.html about 3/4ths down the page for your listening pleasure.
  8. Yes, have a great day, all. My family has prime rib instead, though. Easier to cook, and just plain tastes better. Less tryphtophan (sp?) to worry about, too.
  9. If Volke's in the game, he'll probably be a clone of Solid Snake. Then again, if they don't do clones this time around, they'll probably do assists in lieu of it. I was hoping for better, but an assist isn't the worst thing to happen. I probably would have taken her as a replacement for Marth, but at least this way she's in the game. It's almost as if the assist is a lame consolation for not fully including the character. I heard the screams of many fanboys, and it was terrifying indeed.
  10. Battlefield and Final Destination immediately spring to mind. Unless you count hacking into Master Hand, of course. There's also some characters who had two stages (Ness) and some who technically had none (Fire Emblem?).I can't imagine who they'd include as a character for Animal Crossing. The case has been made many times over already: every reasonable character from that game has appeared in the Smashville screenshots. Who would we control? Wendell? Assist trophies are even in question under these circumstances. I like the Yoshi update. Wasn't expecting that. I'm probably going to go into game detail lockdown after this week. It does seem to be reaching "spoiler territory" and I'd like to be caught off-guard by one or two things.
  11. I wonder if the Photo Channel's going to play a role in this...
  12. Yeah, but the Devil is still pointing to the right. There's nothing that appears to be saying when the scrolling will stop.
  13. I'm wondering if it's possible at all to survive this character's attack. If the entire platform scrolls away, even those who can fly will have a hard time hanging on for a significant period of time. Wasn't this the character that was a "hidden trophy" in Melee at one point? Like, a removed trophy from the Japanese version?
  14. I always thought they would use Ash if they put a trainer in the games, not a non-name. Part of me was looking forward to it. At least this time the player can't just stick around with one and ignore the other forms like a Zelda (I mean Sheik) player could. Can't imagine that anyone would want to play as a Squirtle regularly. Actually, I can't imagine anyone would want to play as Squirtle at all. A Wartortle at least sounds cooler. This is the first one that I am genuinely curious about how alternate costumes are going to look. What will the Pokemon wear? Will they change colors like Mewtwo?
  15. I think it's fun to re-interpret characters through another artistic lens. It's not like the artist had any real intent with this, I'm sure. It's like how people here are constantly redrawing the Nice Work Guy. It's not an insult to him, it's just a re-envisioning. Humor was the artist's muse.
  16. I do think the idea of a plumber-turn-doctor operating on me is a little creepy. Although, if I wanted everything to be hooked up right and have a lifetime "bursting" warranty, I find the idea rather appealing.
  17. Gladly.The Franklin Badge reflects lightning attacks. It is received shortly before fighting the leader of the Happy Happy Cultists, Mr. Carpainter, who mainly used PSI lightning attacks. However, this picture on the website differs significantly from the plainer one seen in the Earthbound strategy guide... And this does pretty much confirm Ness's return. EDIT: Is Pikachu's Thunderbolt considered projectile? I could see a potential inconsistency here.
  18. Not horrible, and not unexpected. I'm saying right now my only problem with Pit is the music, otherwise it's good.
  19. I think this is the first Smash background music I haven't liked. I wonder if it would pass OCR standards; the instruments sound awful.
  20. Well, the count was indeed high, so I may have missed others, but Ted Tonks doesn't die. He's in the final chapter kissing Victoire, remember?
  21. Astra? Well, that would be copying Link quite a bit, but it would fit. That or Sol, where he sucks some energy from others.I'm wondering if Soren's going to be an assist trophy at this point.
  22. Well, what about the Everybody Votes channel? That's kind of a game, since you can predict how people will vote and from that change personal attributes, much as a character gains experience in an RPG. What I'm getting at is that eventually the line in the sand will need to be drawn, and I'd much rather it be drawn before people invest time into a remix for OCR. It may not hurt to hash out some rough guidelines for "game" rules. Just something that states if it qualifies for posting, much as you have those guidelines in the department of music quality. That issue is coming up fast. ...Or do such guidelines exist and I have yet to find them? EDIT 1: Removed pointless banter. Also, here is the quote from the submission guidelines concerning games. It's clear on what's excluded, but not on what's included.
  23. Have a great one, O Master of Pretz.
  24. I highly doubt that. Ness can be used too well by a skilled player for elimination and it's way too popular of a game. But while I'm waiting for the update, I'll pose this question: What if Ness were replaced by either Paula or Poo? You could still do the same attacks, of course, and the roster gets freshened. The only thing that changes is the character.Note that I say WHAT IF, so don't start stating this across the 'net as fact.
  25. But it'd be really hard to back-pedal from that.
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