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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. oh yeah, sweet, cubase. I'll send that tonight.

  2. Could I send you an OMF instead of hte stems or does it have to be stems

  3. This forum subsection is just for that - you can browse what people have requested and fulfill as many as you'd like. There are hundreds of requests out there for you already.
  4. Meh, I'm new to the whole composer thing, but I've landed 2 video games in the last month. Not great pay, but it's given me a little insight. 1.) Network. Know people and reach out. Jobs will not come to you, you have to go to them. Hang out where people are going to look for composers, have a web presence, bandcamp, etc. OCR is a good place to hang out, but I've only seem 3-5 jobs get advertised here over the last year, and many of them are NOT good deals, posted by people who just want free stuff and don't have their games completed. 2.) Have a good portfolio. 3.) Be a professional, not an asshole artist who thinks he's amazing. People want to work with a personality as well as get a quality product. 4.) Look at the music business thread.
  5. It really hasn't changed since the last time I sent it to you for a solo. Fishy hasn't done the drums yet, either.

    But I think it's probably better that I send you the stems; I'll do that tonight.

  6. Rexy, I can't even begin to tell you how many times and different ways we sent messages to Square Enix - we snail-mailed their official address, we contacted legal, we contacted online content managers, we contacted EVERYONE that we could get our hands on to no avail. We even contacted the same legal team that was in charge of the Balance and Ruin negotiations - blown off, to the last. I'm not surprised we got shut down, either, honestly. But we got to the point where we'd put so much work into the prepwork that it was like "well, fuck, SE isn't going to talk to us...let's launch and see what happens." Nothing to lose, right?
  7. I'm happy you guys feel that way. You should see the shit we're taking from retards commenting on Kotaku. Most people are just like "GOOD. I HAVEN'T SEEN THE TRAILER BUT IT WOULD HAVE SUCKED ASS ANYWAY LOLZ I AM COOL."
  8. Yep. Not a C&D though, at least not yet. We're seeing if they'll come to the table and we can do a balance and ruin-style resurrection.
  9. Yeah, unfortunately the concept trailer has none of the actual cast or props or anything; it's being redone. The final product will be much better.
  10. Hey guys, The FFVII web series project kickstarter has launched! We could use your support and as much publicity as you can boost for us. We're struggling right now and the team is getting pretty discouraged. We know we asked for a lot, but it was based on us getting a Hollywood-quality production at a fraction of the cost of an actual Hollywood production. Team2X does some really good stuff. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ffviiwebseries/final-fantasy-vii-the-web-series-unofficial-fan-pr There are details about Square Enix's involvement (nothing official, yet) on the site. I'd be happy to answer questions. Thanks!
  11. I wouldn't be upset if you used the version I gave you for To The Future, but I'm going to be re-doing some of the production to make it sound less like I have no idea what the F@#$ I'm doing. Should have it this week.
  12. Hey, I was wondering if anyone that has done OSTs for video games before has a sort of sample contract that they use with the developer? I'm trying to do some of my own research, and I understand contracts from an author/publisher perspective as a writer, but I've never even seen a music one. Not sure which rights to sell, any specific verbage, etc. The guy I'm working with is really small time and a contract probably isn't really necessary, but it's something I'd like to get in the habit of doing.
  13. Imma grab the evolve bundle and balinese gamlan, but I'm on the fence about action strings. I already have EWQLSO Gold and Cinematic Strings 2 - anyone want to talk me off the fence either way?
  14. They might as well be the way it's set up, but yes, you're technically right. That doesn't make anything else I said different, though.
  15. I'm about 4.5 hours in and it's not really grabbing me. It's really, really kidsy. "Jeepers!" From a storytelling perspective (70% of the reason I play any game), if it wasn't for Mr. Drippy there would be no story because they don't deliver the narrative in any other way. 80% of the dialog is him explaining things to you (and calling you stupid for not knowing) which is awful writing mechanics. I can see how people like it from a JRPG gameplay perspective though. The battles are fun, if the random encounter rate is a little high. And of course the graphics and score are preeeeeeetty awwwsome. It's just falling flat story-wise right now. Right now, though, it's feeling a little bit like an immature Zelda game for a younger target audience and I'm not sure I'll continue. Argue with me!
  16. Hey guys, My wife started a nutrition blog that you might be interested in. She puts recipes up there, too. She is very GAPS/SCD/Paleo/Whole30 oriented. She had major, major gastro problems until she started eating like this, so it's a bit about her experiences as well (hence the term her 'new belly') http://ariesnewbelly.wordpress.com/ Enjoy!
  17. Weird idea: have you thought about listening to audiobooks instead? I used to do that a lot. Non-fiction. So, each day I was at the gym doing my best to fight a battle against gravity, I was actually learning something and improving myself mentally. I can give you recommendations if you're interested in certain topics.
  18. I'm kind of with Thin Crust. I used to tell people at the end of the day, "Alright - Imma go pick heavy things up and put them back down again." I find weight lifting and the gym in general to be a time vampire. Soul Splint - I'm glad you like that amount of prep work, but that becomes like 3 hours out of my day. I only have 5 hours to myself after an average work day, which is mostly going to get consumed with playing with my daughter, eating dinner, and trying to push my writing/music/voiceover career forward. That, and, like Thin Crust, I am just bored by the whole idea of the gym. I would much rather do Parkour on Sundays (which is awesome), play ultimate frisbee, or wrestle. Wrestling was the best workout I've ever had in my life AND I got to throw people. Seriously, how is lifting weights better than throwing people?
  19. Damn this is a good community to scout for this kind of music. Unfortunately it's way outside my expertise. Good luck!
  20. Hey guys, The FFVII web series project kickstarter has launched! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ffviiwebseries/final-fantasy-vii-the-web-series-unofficial-fan-pr
  21. Fistful was a combination of 4 playthroughs, 2 on a very bassy 6 string and 2 on a tinny 12 string.

  22. Fiddle De Chocobo, FF7 "Not the Taxi You Whistled For" by XPRTNovice :D
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