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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. Man this sounds so cool but I'm not sure I have the time for this... I have some thinking to do!
  2. mp3? Why would you need mp3 in a console?
  3. I think I accidentally stumbled upon some remixes back when the first Donkey Kong Country album (or the DKC2 one, not sure) came out, I believe I was looking for DKC2's music after replaying the game. I thought "wow this is cool", but that was it! Several years later I remembered OCRemix again (probably searching for random VGM on YouTube) and decided to make an account To think I could've joined this community like 5 years earlier... Oh well.
  4. I finally got a Wii U. My ID is jnfaunde so add me!
  5. Wow that envelope tip is great! I always do that manually haha.
  6. Yay I got a thread and a Coop birthday photo! Thanks!
  7. Thanks for noticing!

  8. I've been sick this past week but I hope I can send the song I'm working on. Mixing shouldn't take more than 9 days!
  9. That line of albums could be called SadAss! No? Okay.
  10. That could be another themed line of albums instead of having the BadAss label though. It's a neat idea!
  11. Nice tips again! Ctrl+click is a very useful one. I should mention that when you do this, envelopes are also copied, so that can save even more time! And also about items: When you grab the edge of an item, you can cut it by dragging the cursor. However, you'll notice that Reaper automatically adjusts the movement to fixed positions (depending on the tempo and time signature). But, if you press the Shift key, you can drag the edge to wherever you want. Note: The above also works when you move points in envelopes or when moving things in general (notes and edges of notes in the piano roll for example, which is nice for humanization!).
  12. I love the BadAss line of albums and there are some sources that I'd really like to tackle. I may contact you in a couple of months
  13. Nice tips! I had no idea about the first 2 ones haha. The MIDI thing will save me some time! Related: How do you handle time signatures in Reaper? From what I've experimented, it seems to be quite annoying to deal with them.
  14. Just wondering, how up to date is the google docs? Surprised that nobody is tackling "Here are some weapons!".
  15. So, I bought a Wii U. But, of course, when I buy one the damn unit doesn't work. Have to wait until the store opens tomorrow to get a new one
  16. Hahaha it looks so cool. If it evolves into a car it'll be the best one ever.
  17. I hope my comment above didn't sound like criticism, because it wasn't! I appreciate all your feedback and honestly care a lot more about production feedback than source feedback most of the time
  18. I see what you mean. I tried to make the piano fill the mid range in the acoustic sections and added some pads to the other section. I'll check the EQ and volumes of those backing instruments! I'll check that about the phasey sound. I agree that it sounds mechanical, which is funny because I actually play piano I'll fix that! Yep, I was struggling with that. Not sure why I didn't think of layering the sample with another one I'm glad you like the arrangement. I'm a bit lazy right now to write where I used Wire Sponge, but it's there in most of the remix. Maybe it's hard to recognize because the song isn't really melody focused and varies a lot very quickly! I'd love to have someone play that lead part, but I tried to get someone and couldn't So if anybody reads this and is interested, just contact me!
  19. Well, as far as I know, it's till flopping. It doesn't mean that it won't have good games though
  20. I mainly use my laptop for music stuff now (my poor attempts at mixing and arranging songs with Reaper!). I barely play PC games. I don't have a defined budget but I'd guess around $1,000 (like, from $800 to $1,200) is fine
  21. Just bought a Wii U! It should arrive soon Did you people see the new Super Mario 3D World trailer? Completely vanished any doubts I had about the game: .
  22. What ASUS in particular would you recommend? I have been looking to upgrade my notebook for a while and I could use some suggestions
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