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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. I think SSB has crappy graphics because they wanted the game to run at 60FPS, so they used models with a low number of polygons. Mario, for example, looks a lot better in Mario 64 than he does in SSB. Despite that, SSB was amazing. I remember having hours of fun with that game, even if some characters were kind of broken (damn you Kirby!). Regarding Melee, I think people look more at it because it has a lot of technical stuff that makes it a more interesting fighting game. Also, GCN controler >>>>> N64 controller for fighting games.
  2. Because Resident Evil is a Nintendo franchise? Not sure what's your point.
  3. I don't understand then, at least Pikmin 3 seems very polished.
  4. Interest surely faded towards the end of this! I wonder who won... Blue Blur or Blue Bomber?
  5. Nintendo's "cute" graphics tend to fool people into believing that their games don't have many production values. Today games are either brown open world AAA games or low budget ones to people.
  6. The ZombiU case is a shame because I remember Nintendo highlighted that game a lot during conferences and crap (didn't it also get a bundle?). I guess the genre, platform and reviews didn't help it :/
  7. This track is amazing. Really pretty... Adding Figaro Castle's theme was a great decision, it added such emotion to the track. One of my favorites of the album!
  8. Luckily for you, therex chose Toxic Caves for a competition recently, so if you check the Competitions subforum and go to the Blue Bomber Blue Blur Collision Competition you'll find lots of mixes using Toxic Caves!
  9. When did Crystal Room get claimed? I was hoping to grab that someday Anyway, looking forward to what comes out of this, especially Jordanius' new take on the victory theme
  10. I finally finished the album! Some comments of other songs: "Flava de Chocobo" has to be the best Chocobo rendition ever. It's like what would happen if Jamiroquai covered the Chocobo theme. "Gestahlian Sonata" is a pretty piano piece. It lacks some of the evilness from the source (even if it has some evil moments), but it's a nice change of pace from the rest of the album. I was surprised by the lack of Brandon in this album (especially after Random Encounter) and I totally didn't see "Mogstradamus" coming. Quite an unique blend of styles and sounds here, nicely done! "Evisceration" is brutal! Almost painful to listen to (in a good way, I just didn't know how to word my feelings ). "Blackjack's Breakup Bossa" is neat. Unexpected style and nice instruments! "A Glimmer of Hope" is beautiful, just like the source theme. One of my favourites. "The Endless Stair" has a Metroid-ish feel. Nice remix of a source I never cared about. "Demon, Fiend & Goddess" is very cool. I can understand some people not enjoying the direction that much, but I think it's an amazing song. Organ here is a VST? "Ending Suite" is pretty. I don't really remember the actual ending theme, but the progression between the main themes is very natural. Loved the album! Hope I ever get to participate in one
  11. Omen is amazing. I haven't finished listening to it yet but I have to say it's really impressive, almost an album on its own!
  12. This is amazing! I'll post some thoughts about a few tracks: "Now is the Winter" has a nice atmosphere. The arrangement is a bit too long imo but I like the mood it creates. "Polemos" grabbed me by surprise. It "disappoints" me a bit that it's not a "pure" remix of the battle theme, but I can't complain! 10 minutes of metal goodness! "La Montaña de los Caballos Jóvenes" is pretty good and I believe it hasn't got much recognition. Well done Novice! "river of sine waves" is nice. I wonder why everything wasn't capitalized in the title "There Will be Blood" really surprised me. Metamorphosis is a hard track to remix but the dubstep nailed it perfectly. All the Opera related tracks are amazing. "Full Speed Ahead" feels like a Mario Galaxy/Mario Kart track in some sections. I guess the synths do that! I haven't heard anything past the opera themes yet so I can't comment on that, but I will post more later!
  13. I think that the only console I was really hyped for in my life was the N64. But that was probably because I was very young and the jump from 2D to 3D simply blew my mind. Now I only get hyped when Smash Bros. appears. I only bought a Gamecube and a Wii because of that. I have to admit that some of the Wii U games coming soon are hyping me a bit (same with the 3DS, but I've never bought a portable). PS4 also seems fine but I don't want to risk buying it too son, faulty consoles and all.
  14. Watch your hand position! You may get your wrists hurt otherwise, not sure about the fingers. But yeah, it shouldn't hurt...
  15. All the discussion about innovation in this title is a bit funny. We've seen one trailer and 3 (not that sure) stages, which is clearly not enough to judge a game, especially a Mario game where almost every stage introduces new mechanics (look at Mario Galaxy for that). I think we should wait until the game actually comes out to judge it! Also, people complain a lot about the camera angle being similar to 3D Land, but apparently everyone missed that you can actually move the camera in this game and play just like you played Mario 64
  16. And the last one (I didn't participate in Rounds 5 and 6...). This time I mixed Aquatic Base from Sonic 06 with Turbo Man. Links: Aquatic Base: .The Remix: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/sonic-06-mega-man-7-h2oil-wip . Aquatic Base is quite a hard song to mix. It has this strange mood that I tried to keep in my remix (using lots of chords with 9ths and odd chord progressions). I added a slightly progressive jazzy feel to the song too. Grabbed some inspiration from "Hydrophone Breakdown" for the song's structure. Hope you like it! Any feedback is very welcome!
  17. Sounds cool, but weekly songs is a bit too much (I suffered a lot in B4C2 because of that!).
  18. The reactions to the Direct have been slightly odd. Sure, 3D World isn't what everyone expected. But 4 player co-op in 3D is a pretty big thing imo. It's not going to sell the game to me but I'm sure it'll sell the game to many people and is a big innovation largely ignored by people that claim the direct was safe. The reaction towards DKCTF was also sad. DKCR was an amazing game, yet people were mad about it because they wanted Metroid... I think we'll see Metroid, but just not this year. And Nintendo showed X and Bayonetta 2 for "realistic" graphics. Monolith Soft is part of Nintendo so their game shouldn't be ignored when talking about what Nintendo can do, and that game has beautiful "realistic" graphics. Sure, Nintendo didn't show any FPS or any zombie game, but considering that the PS4 and X1 libraries are almost only FPS or zombie games with very similar looks, it doesn't make me sad at all.
  19. Yeah, participation has been pretty bad. It seems the 6 week straight schedule is hard for most people (which is understandable I think).
  20. Glad you liked it! I actually want to polish the 4 tracks I did for this competition (been posting them on the WIP forums) and also remix some more MM7 tracks (great OST) and do a mini album thingy... Probably going to do that later this year!
  21. Quoting myself because nobody has said anything yet! My spot is still open for the following 2 rounds, someone grab it!
  22. Yeah but remember that Brawl was released early into the Wii's life and mostly featured Gamecube games. Twin Snakes was on the Gamecube so adding Snake made a bit of sense (it still was a stretch though).
  23. The list also mentions only one south american country. It's supossedly coming to my country but there's no point on it being so expensive if half the features are not usable...
  24. I think Sonic will stay, he got the Mario & Sonic series on the Wii, a few exclusive platformers and Lost World coming to Wii U and 3DS. He's almost becoming a Nintendo franchise! I'd even expect them to add a second Sonic character. Snake will probably go, no Metal Gear games on the Wii (and nothing announced for Wii U) so I don't think he'll make it this time. I'm hoping for Little Mac as a new character.
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