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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. I started when I was around 14 or 15, at the same time that I started to play piano. My first songs were terrible though! EDIT: To give that some meaning, I should point out that I'm 24 now.
  2. Wow this is pretty good. Love the pad at the intro (all of this is built with Zebra?). At the 0:26 section, the lead instrument begins a bit low in volume, but I guess this is intentional since it kind of fixes itself. Kick is quite loud in that section (and in most of the song honestly). I can't hear the bass that clearly, but maybe my headphones take the blame? I love how the 0:52 section sounds. Nice lead! Kick drum may be slightly too loud here too. 1:31 section is cool. Chord progression is a bit risky but I like it. Bass sounds better here but I think it can sound more powerful. Maybe layer it with another bass sample playing the same melody an octave higher? Overall, very cool! Looking forward to how you continue it
  3. This song would fit into zircon's latest album perfectly Nice remix!
  4. Woops, linked the wrong video then! There's another one where he talks about mixing everything in mono.
  5. I honestly have no criticism of this. Maybe you can make the snare sound a bit sharper, it seems a bit low pitched for the song, but that's a very minor thing Very nice song! Blend of the sources was perfect, felt like one connected song.
  6. Nice atmosphere at the beggining. The guitar sounds a bit fake but I love the melody (wouldn't a piano be a better fit?). Flute is really really low in volume. It's the only connection to the source in the beggining, so you should raise its volume. The melody you wrote for it is very pretty. I love the section at 0:44. Section at 0:59 is the weakest of the song imo. Those choir samples aren't very good. Overall, nice song. The arrangement is good, creates a nice atmosphere. It reminds me of a song from Assassin's Creed 2 (but I forgot the name!). Production isn't as strong though. Most instruments sound very mechanical, especially the guitar. Piano sounds very mechanical in its small solo section too...
  7. Hahaha wow those duck noises. They are funny but they drown out the music in some parts of the song I'm not sure if it's the panning or something but the song feels very weak on the center. There's some emptiness that I can exactly explain. In any case, I love the sound of the drums. Production is very clean. Also, the arrangement is very cool. It doesn't matter much outside of the competition but I had a terrible time trying to pick parts from Cold Man. Nice song!
  8. I loved this one at DoD! I think the arrangement is amazing so I have no criticism there. The acoustic guitar at the beggining sounds too mechanical. The percussions also sound a bit fake, are you using any reverb on them? I loved the leads that you removed... I thought they added a lot to the song. At the very least, you could have additional strings playing the lead an octave higher, just like the old lead did. It adds a lot more depth to the ending.
  9. I think Sakurai's complaint was that he designed the cutscenes to be a "reward" for advancing in Subspace, but since people were watching the cutscenes online, then they didn't work as a reward as he intended to. I'm too lazy to find the interview where he says that though
  10. I hope we get something similar to Melee's Adventure Mode at least, I love playing Single Player in Smash.
  11. Nintendo didn't hurt Monolith though, so I don't see them hurting Atlus if they buy them. In any case, Nintendo isn't very keen on buying external companies, but this would be a nice grab (and the salt would be hilarious).
  12. Poor guy spent hours designing that costume for that.
  13. Yeah I meant the samples all the time too The beat is actually pretty cool! EDIT: Not all the samples, that was just a typo...
  14. You said it yourself Regarding your song, all the section from the beggining to 0:12 has the soft trance-ish drums, but they fit well there. You end that section with something that seems to be a build-up, but the drums stay very similar. Maybe the problem is that the guitar is a tad too loud and removes the power from the drums? The combination works much better on the 0:48 section too and the drums are louder and more powerful there. The Youtube song also has stronger drums than the ones from the 0:12 section of your song. I guess my problem with that section is that the guitar is too powerful for the soft-ish drums you're using. I do like the direction you're heading by the way. Use of glitching effects and that stuff is very cool.
  15. Are my ears fooling me or did you detune some instruments (kind of like some old 80s songs)? Sounds odd. The video is awesome though, nice graphics and the cover of the song is good (except the oddly tuned instruments). Too bad a remake will never happen...
  16. Something about the guitar sounds a bit plastic to me... Not sure what it is, but I'd take a second look at whatever EQ you're using. In any case, I'm not sure I "get" what you're aiming for, the guitars and drums don't really blend well imo. Maybe I'm not used to this style of music, but until the 0:48 mark I don't "feel" the song. To me, it seems that some saw-y distorted synth would fit so much better than the guitar... I do like the glitching effects you used, pretty cool stuff!
  17. Pikmin 3 looks so damn good. I'm actually tempted to buy a Wii U for it right now... However, I recently bought Pikmin 2 for Wii so I'll see if I actually like the genre first!
  18. Programming of sustain pedals is a bit strange. Sometimes you cut it too early (0:08) and some other times you don't cut it (0:36), creating a bit of dissonance. There's probably too much reverb, but the fake-ness of the sample bothers me more than that. Piano playing is nice but sometimes the velocities are weird, like some notes are randomly lower than the rest. Arrangement is nice, pretty close to the source but sounds good. I'm not sure why you didn't change the chord at 0:42 though, it sounds odd.
  19. Guitars are definitely the highlight of this mix. Rhytm guitars are a bit too low in some sections, but the playing is very cool. I especially love the section at 1:03. However, the rest of the instruments aren't as good. Strings in particular sound way too fake, especially in the 0:41 section. Piano is a bit better but I don't understand its panning. Drums are better but I don't really "feel" all the rhytms you picked. In particular, the one at 0:20 doesn't blend well with the quick guitar playing. Arrangement is cool. Biggest gripes I have are strings at 0:09 and a ugly dissonance at 2:28. Nice job!
  20. The first synth is a bit too loud. It sounds quite dull too, you can add some reverb/delay to it. The low synth that enters at 0:26 is very unfitting. Everything is super relaxed and it kind of ruins the mood with the distortion. It's also too loud. The lead that enters near 0:53 is a bit low, but I like the sample used. I love the section that begins at 1:22! I'm not entirely convinced by the transition that leads to it though. It'd be cool if you had a violin playing the low lead at 2:00, to mix it up a bit The 2:27 section needs some bass, it sounds a bit empty. Overall it sounds very nice! I love the style that you picked for the remix, it fits the original song. I would mainly fix some volume issues and change some synth samples.
  21. This is cool! A bit repetitive, but still fun I don't play guitar so I can't criticize much but I feel that some of the backing chords you play sound a bit washed out, like if you didn't press the strings hard enough... It's also a bit uneven volume-wise, but overall it's fine!
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