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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. Getting off topic here but there's actually a Paper Mario project in this forum... Anyway, that Paper Mario is indeed very cool so hopefully someone remixes it!
  2. I'm not trying to find rules in your EQs, I just thought it was curious that you raised the 600Hz. Maybe you did it because of a particular reason that could be useful sometime (other than "it sounds good"), but apparently this wasn't the case
  3. I feel you're focusing too much on low notes, and complex chords don't sound that good in lower keys. In any case, I'm not really feeling your chord decisions, they don't seem to fit with the melody at all...
  4. I guess the 2khz confusion comes from here: .In the Bass EQ, why did you raise the 600Hz section? That one usually sounds like crap in bass tracks haha.
  5. There's a winter-ish track I've wanted to remix for a while... If I have enough time I'll surely try do it!
  6. If you're looking for progressive music that doesn't only focus only on the complexity, you can always look at the less metal ones. For example: Spock's Beard: , ThoughtsThe music is quite complex (not the wankery stuff you find in DT though ), but it has a lot of the things you want to do, like not focusing on a particular style and having "no limits" (notice how much the songs change!). Frost*: .I'll admit that Frost* has more nifty solos and stuff, but their focus is more on the soundscape than anything else, especially on the song I listed. The band is pretty much synth focused, even though the second album has more "standard" songs. You can also go to the poppier side of prog with bands like Marillion (my favourite band!): , . Amazing band, I won't even bother trying to describe them because I'll probably do it badly EDIT: If you already know this bands, ignore me. In any case, more people can get to listen to this awesome music!
  7. It sounds much more full now! Sounds great. Nice sounding bass. I don't think it was very noticeable last time. Pad that enters at 0:22 is a bit too loud imo. I love the sound in the organ (what library is it?). Strings are a nice addition to the following riff. They give a Dream Theater vibe, even though they seemed a tad too wet. Organ at 0:55 is cool too, but maybe slightly too wet. 2:07 sounds awesome! Very powerful. Nice song! My complaints are really small nitpicks, it sounds great
  8. July's DoD was Sierra Month, so I did a mix that can be shared here! http://www.dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/13-07-Sierra_Month/01-Wake,IvanHakstok-LodeRunner-Perils-DoD.mp3 The source is Crystal Hoard from Lode Runner: The Legend Returns (already claimed by mk_97!). I'm not 100% sure if I'll submit since it depends on if I can get someone to play acoustic guitar (only the solo is live played, by Hakstock), but any feedback is welcome and could be useful if I actually submit this.
  9. Wow I had never listened to this mix. It's amazing! Very emotional (the source is beautiful too, I had to listen to it after hearing the remix!). I love the small little touches like the guitar sound (is it reversed?) and all that stuff.
  10. I can't upload songs to the current version of VGMix. Anyone else has this problem?
  11. This is cool, we don't get that much prog metal here I don't know why, but most of the first half of the song sounds a bit empty to me. I have no idea if you cut too many frequencies while EQing or something, but I believe you lack more stuff in the mid range. The bass is clear but it isn't very powerful, which is very important in metal songs! The drums aren't really powerful either. Everything sounds clear, but it lacks power. The second half of the song, with the sax and piano, is pretty, and it feels much less empty (probably the piano chords are filling the void). I don't feel any transition is really awkward. Tempo shift at 2:21 is cool but the guitar slide is quite bad (seems a bit off-timed) I like the arrangement, but the mix feels a bit empty and the bass/drums mixing isn't powerful enough.
  12. I didn't expect to like this but it's quite cool! Very unexpected use of the source The part beggining at 1:47 is awesome!
  13. Destiny and The Order are coming 2014 though (inFamous too), we should skip this entire year!
  14. The rap battle sounded a lot more interesting.
  15. Wow, this is very good! What sample is the harp? I love how it sounds slightly detuned or something. I don't dig the drums much, I get that you want to achieve a "prog" feel, but they sound so unfitting to me... I think this would sound much better with standard drums instead (like it does after the beggining!). By the 2:20 mark the song feels a bit stale, you could try a tone change or something there. Or maybe mute the percussion and harp for a while and let another instrument take the main spot for a small while, I don't know. In any case, I love the mood of the song. Very unique for such a remixed tune!
  16. This is a tricky question! Especially when considering my remixes, since I try to experiment in the source's style instead of forcing my own style when I remix. Despite that, I feel this remix represents my style fairly well. My songs are mostly rock/metal-ish with a lot of piano and some progressive elements. Kind of like Marillion but heavier (and not as good!)
  17. I don't think the Wii was sold at loss. Unless you mean a Playstation console, in which case I have no idea!
  18. Yeah, I'll be checking how the Gaikai stuff works because I'm tempted to buy a PS4 but I'm also tempted to finally buy a PS3 and play all the awesome games from this generation!
  19. Launch line-up isn't terribly exciting. If only the PS4 had BC I'd probably buy it close to launch (I never owned a PS3 ).
  20. Mega bump! So, almost a year later I actually reworked this song. I re-recorded the lead sections, changed the pads and almost every sample from the old version. I also did the mixing again from scratch (last time the mixing was very poor!) and stuff. Hakstock recorded the bass section too (back in January, woops), so thanks to him for that! Link here (and in the OP): https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/forever-a-sponge-wire-sponge . I hope to submit this so any feedback is very appreciated. Hope you like it!
  21. We've got some interesting new users lately!
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