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Everything posted by jnWake

  1. This was the surprise of the show to me. I expected Mario Kart 8 to look slightly better than Mario Kart Wii with no innovations... but I was completely wrong! Game looks amazing, even tempts me to buy a Wii U earlier than I expected to (I guess it's coming before Smash Bros).
  2. This is the reason to buy a Wii U... Next year though. I hope the Smash Bros site is like the Dojo, I'll get so hyped.
  3. I'm honestly a bit surprised at the reaction of Sony's conference. It's clear that they went the easy way announcing no DRM, no online requirements and the price (which is very cool actually!) to get people cheering for them. I've seen people trash the Wii U and the X1 announcement because there were no games and Sony announced like no exclusives... I think this conference was really lacking in the games department sadly (I mainly mean exclusives here). The jabs at Microsoft are hilarious though and I'm glad they did that.
  4. This sounds like trailer music... Especially with how long it takes to become interesting. However, it sounds nice to me. Arrangement is a bit cover-ish, you could at least change up the chord progression or the key of the song, I don't know, add something more to it than arpeggiated chords.
  5. Time for Round 3! New source is Prison Lane from Sonic Adventure 2: .Link to my mix: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/sonic-adventure-2-mega-man-7 . My idea for this mix was to keep Prison Lane's rocking mood so I decided to use a standard set of rock instruments! The arrangement is slightly straightforward but I think it's nice. Guitar is Shreddage II with Guitar Rig for amps, Bass is Scarbee MM with Guitar Rig and the drums are Addictive Drums. All the other instruments come from my keyboard. Hope someone is enjoying these mixes! Any feedback appreciated
  6. It seems my Round 4 mix will be my last one for this competition. I'm going on vacation this Thursday, so unless I manage to make a song really fast (unlikely) I won't have anything for Round 5. Round 6 is impossible since I'll return on the 23th. Anybody wants to take my spot for these last two rounds?
  7. Submitted my entry. Not sure how I feel about it... It has some neat musical ideas but I didn't polish it as much as I could. Hope you people enjoy it anyway! (It's slightly long, hope that doesn't bother anyone ) ******** Quick Source usage: - Intro uses a chord progression from Aquatic Base. First melody also comes from Aquatic Base. - E. Piano thing is Turbo Man's main melody. - Then, the part with the snare is a chord progression from Aquatic Base. - After the repeat of the first section comes Turbo Man's second melody. - The slow part is based on Aquatic Base's intro, - Ending is the bridge of Turbo Man.
  8. 'jn' comes from the 'initials' of my names and 'Wake' is what I'd call a band if I played in one... Not very interesting
  9. I think I may buy a WiiU later this year. Now I'm trying to catch up (buying Pikmin and Rayman Origins )!
  10. This thread is pretty dead Anyway, I hope people are doing fine with their entries. I have been short on ideas for this round but I think I finally got something good!
  11. Reviews for the rest! Mr. L - Classical Mr. L song! Ambient stuff with nice pads and stuff. The synth bass is a bit too low, if you raise the volume a bit it'll add a lot of tension to the song. I think you're still struggling in figuring out how to make melodies stand out, but I feel you did a better job at that this time. Pads are nice but you could experiment by doing the melody first and the pads later. I liked the synth that does the arpeggios by the way. Xarnax - Well, this is very short but sounds promising. A shame you haven't been able to participate much in the competition, because it seems you could do some interesting stuff. Regarding this song, the volumes are very inbalanced, voice takes over everything... therex - Interesting mood. Snare feels a bit weak, drowned by almost everything. The pads in the first section are a bit too high pitch-wise and low volume-wise, they seem important but are hard to hear. The section at 1:00 feels empty before the pads and the rhytm synth enter. Overall, I like the song but it feels like it's lacking something. MindWanderer - I don't think this is worse than your other mixes, I'd even say it's better. Percussions are a bit lame but I like the direction you went with. Sax sounds nice but it could use more "tricks", like bends and more vibrato (there is some, but I'd use more!). Some parts feel Mario Kart-ish! I think this is actually very promising, I'd add more dynamic percussions and a backing piano and it'd be a pretty good song Cash and Change - Wow the drums are loud (kick especially). I like the piano at the intro, but the bass sound is very bad. At 0:39 there's a very painful dissonance, you should look at it because your songs tend to have some off-key sections (0:53 sounds a bit odd too). Section beggining at 0:56 could use livelier drums, the rhytm starts becoming stale by this point. The change at 1:55 is very welcome, nicely done there. Transition at 2:05 is super forced (maybe you could have transposed Marble Zone to the key you were using instead of doing that strange piano thing), and the Marble section sounds very similar to what you did last round. I'd like to see you play with more source interaction NovaReaper - It's clear this was a bit rushed. The Burst Man section could use better volume balance and also some panning to separate the different sections (winds and strings). Sampling the song directly is a bit strange and the piano lines that you add are compeltely off-key most of the time. I guess next round, with more time to do the mix, will have some more interesting ideas! CosmicSounds - You're getting better at making your samples sound better! I feel the attack on the strings is a bit too quick most of the time though, you can add a lot of emotion by making the attack slower in long notes. Piano samples is pretty bad sadly, sounds like a toy when compared to the strings (also feels like it lacks low frequencies and has a bit too much reverb). I'm not sure where you used Aquatic Base here... Overall, the arrangement is nice, but I'd really like to see you experiment more, not all orchestral songs are slow paced and dramatic! Also, you tend to not use low pitched instruments at all and that makes your songs feel like they miss something. Production is always rushed for this things! But yeah, I did it quite fast, even though I like how it sounds. I used electric guitars because I wanted to keep the spirit of Prison Lane in the mix. Turbo Man is used in more sections than the ending, but the ending is the most noticeable use clearly.
  12. I'll be commenting on entries during the week, just wanted to give some comments on my match-up: The name of Tuberz' entry made me laugh. Turbo Man as an epic orchestra song is a bit funny, the melody doesn't really lend itself to epicness . Using the intro riff from Prison Lane with the blues scale is a bit risky, some harsh harmonies there. I liked the part at 2:56. Use of sources is very balanced here, the arrangement is mostly good but drags on a bit (a lot of repetition in the first 3 minutes) and has some slightly questionable harmonies. About my song, I tried to keep the rocking feel of Prison Lane while incorporating Turbo Man elements. I only used the main melody (in the 1:40 section and in the ending) and the bridge melody (it works as a bridge here too) of Turbo Man, while I took the main chord progression and the main melodies from Prison Lane as the base of the song. The guitar solo is my interpretation of the solo in Prison Lane. I hope you enjoy the slow part of the song! I liked the contrast between the two takes on the sources
  13. Soundcloud says: 1. USA. 2. Canada. 3. UK. 4. Netherlands. 5. Japan. I guess most of those come from here. Netherlands is a bit surprising though. My Youtube Channel is fairly new and has only one video with less than 100 views but it has the same countries with France instead of Netherlands.
  14. My entry is close to being done. It's rockin' but I didn't have that much time to write it so it isn't as polished as I'd like... When you listen to it, imagine Turbo Man racing on Prison Lane, then getting stopped by the cops for driving too fast and lamenting in prison
  15. Didn't have time for decent reviews this time, but I'll share some quick thoughts. Cosmic Sounds: Similar to your last entry. I feel the instruments are better sequenced this time. I think you could do more with Aquatic Base though, it is a great song with an amazing mood and some interesting chords that I believe you haven't used yet. Tuberz: Nice tune, I like the part with Burst Man's main melody. Rocking! I feel the drums could be a bit more powerful and that the bass could be louder too. In general, the low end seems to lack some power. Also, not much Prison Lane this time (and you repeated the same exact riff from Round 1 )! Mr. L - Once again, a pad! This is a very ambient track, sounds good. Main critique is that some leads feel very forced, which is why you put them in the background I guess. I'd really like to hear something in a different style from you, most of your tracks have a very similar vibe... The pads are awesome though, what do you use to build them? ZeroTheMaster - Quite an unusual style for a Sonic/Mega Man mix! Main problem I have with this is that the instruments are too synthetic and don't really give a march feeling. Also, as therex said, the soundscape is a bit bare, there aren't many lows. therex - This is unexpected . Percussions are fun as are the brass fills with the Toxic Caves bass. Bass is a bit drowned by the rest of the instruments and it makes the section beggining at 0:55 feel a bit "toneless". Flute section is a bit unfitting imo, too cutesy when compared when the rest of the song. MindWanderer - Instruments are better this time! The horns are a bit low (and some notes may be off key) though. The arrangement is good, but it's usually a bit hard to mix this kind of songs in a slow orchestra style, not every melody fits that kind of arrangement. Arrangement feels a bit long too (and that flute note at 3:21 sounds terrible!). Cash and Change - Drum sound could use a longer reverb, it sounds slightly strange now. The part where bass enters at 0:32 is quite cool. Marble melody sounds a bit waltz-y with the new rhytm . Section at 1:25 kills the mood a bit, the snare doesn't sound that good here. The higher pitched synths you used are nice. Song could use a pad, but it is cool anyway!
  16. Despite the series being old, Mario games still sell more than most other games today. I'm too lazy to look for the exact numbers, but Mario Kart Wii sold like 33 million copies, New Super Mario Bros Wii sold more than 20 million copies and Mario Galaxy sold a bit over 10 million copies. Also, Call of Duty releasing 44 games since 2003 is incredible. Are all the Call of Duty games shooters or do they make spin offs?
  17. Instead of spamming the forums with all my entries, I'll post all of them on this thread! Anyway, here is my entry for round 2: The new source (Turbo Man will be used in all entries) is: Chrome Gadget: .My mix: https://soundcloud.com/jnwake/sonic-3-mega-man-7-chroma-car . Initially I wanted to do something in the style of Chrome Gadget, but that song doesn't have an easily identifiable style so I ended up mixing the styles from both sources. The final mix is an energetic and fast song with some neat chord progressions in the vein of Chrome Gadget. Any feedback (on this mix or the previous one) is welcome! This time I used a bigger variety of VSTs. There are some synths (and the E. Piano) from FM8, guitar is Shreddage, Bass is Scarbee, Piano is The Giant, drums are AD and the synthetic drums are from Battery.
  18. Hahaha wow I can't believe it got taken down. I watched the video. It was better than the last one, can't believe how many games kill your wife! (I'm glad she didn't mention Mother 3 because that would've made me so salty)
  19. I actually have never listened to any song from that game :-P, the one you linked is pretty cool though!

    I hadn't even noticed that Darke posted the entries so I haven't listened to yours, but good luck!

  20. Submitted my entry! A lot of the source usage is in the chords used, hope you notice that (for example, the chord progression from the section with the synthetic drums is taken from the second section of Chrome Gadget, but I used Turbo Man's melody over it). I feel like I could've polished a bit more, but I think it's a pretty fun song anyway. Hope this one doesn't bore you Mirby
  21. Your track was pretty good! I believe you were ahead most of the time in the votes except well... right now My mix for this round is almost ready. It's closer to my usual style than my round 1 song, but I tried some neat experiments for this one. Hope you like it!
  22. Haha there haven't been many votes either. My song is coming along nicely now, I had some trouble at first with Chrome Gadget (its harmonies are kinda odd) but now I'm progressing!
  23. This article explains some stuff about the used games: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-22-phil-harrison-tries-again-to-clarify-game-ownership-second-hand-sales-and-always-online-in-xbox-one It's clear you can't play used games without paying the price again. However, he states that there will be reselling and stuff, but he doesn't say how they'll do it. About the "all in one" market, I don't see why the same that is happening with phones should happen with home consoles. People seem to prefer smartphones over other devices (which is a bit debatable since the 3DS isn't doing bad) because it is more comfortable to carry less stuff. That doesn't necessarily apply to the home market, but we'll have to see what happens! Besides, most of Xbox's services are avaible on the US so it isn't a big deal in other countries.
  24. I guess that's your opinion. I've had a lot of fun playing FIFA in my life
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