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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. This is one of the reasons I'm still amazed The Daily Show is still able to pull off their joke interviews on a consistent basis. They claim they're mostly unscripted, although some of them know about the show.
  2. Wow and I thought my birthday was dangerously close to Christmas. Happy birthday, sahib!
  3. I know? MP3s aren't as good as a hard copy? You don't lose any money if he rips the tracks? Unless they are from a top secret future album?? ??????????!
  4. ?!? MP3S PLZ (If that's okay with Mustin, of course. )
  5. Looks good, but will pretty much have absolutely no appeal to non-gamers. I call The Spirits Within on this one.
  6. Hahahaha. This makes up for all the worthless updates we've been getting.
  7. I've also heard it called "Noshavember" and "No-razor November."
  8. The Green Lantern movie is scheduled for 2010, which makes me think a World's Finest movie is actually in the works too.
  9. Haha, Grizzly Zircon? This is gonna be awesome.
  10. Heh...I guess it does sound like "yupyupyup" if you listen for it.
  11. Haha, I was about to say something about that, but it looks like you got it covered. I enjoyed the movie. The CG quality didn't bother me for a second.
  12. The harmonies were a bit oversimplified for my taste (even considering the genre), but I like the concept. More SotC coverage is always a good thing.
  13. Did anyone anyone see the word "DEFLICKER" and think it was something much, much naughtier?
  14. Congrats! Trust me, it's worth every penny. AND it's all going to charity! Win-win-win.
  15. Yeah, I was hoping this would be our chance to see a grown-up Sakura, but I guess not.
  16. I noticed that it's not possible to sort by the actual remix titles (since apparently the game is part of the title). Has this always been the case or is it something that was recently decided? Not that I think it will really affect anything, just curious.
  17. Whooo, thanks everyone! Now I see the appeal of these threads. Help yourself to some cake! <3 Edit: Thanks for making this thread, but do me a favor and don't sleep and post again, k? :3 Thanks, but as I recall you are not the largest black person either! You smelly, Larry. Thanks! Workin' on it, bro. That. Is. Awesome. Thanks, man! My pleasure.
  18. I actually agree for the most part. What I meant by "sorting criteria" was changing the list type such as "games" and "remixes," e.g. the games list might have alphabetical subheaders, but the remixes list would have a games subheader. I didn't take into account resorting by other parameters within the actual lists though, so in that light I think it's a reasonable design decision. Not to mention some subheaders would just look silly (for example having the "songs" list consolidated by number of mixes). I think that if people want the mixes to be consolidated by game, using the "games" list is more than accommodating. Speaking of which, are you planning on adding the game thumbnails to that list in the future?
  19. Yes, both ways are acceptable, I was just joshin' ya. Although, I tend to think of grey as a lighter shade of gray. Or maybe gray is a color, while grey is a colour.
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