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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Are you playing this directly from an archive? It can't access the .usflib file if you do it that way. If not, well...I dunno then.
  2. Dang I still haven't beaten the first game. :/ Heard this is really rare though so if anyone was intending to get it at any point, now would be the time.
  3. I think <textarea> has its own background-color attribute, but I dunno what you'd do about the black text.
  4. I'm pretty excited about the Panzer Dragoon project. ...yeah.
  5. I will laugh when that's *exactly* what they do.
  6. Sarcasm! That's original! (Sorry, been on a Dr. Horrible kick recently.) No, of course it's not ridiculous to express your disappointment at a product. It's not ridiculous to say that Nintendo could've and should've done it differently. And it's not ridiculous to say you won't be supporting them with your dollars (if fact, that's probably the best way to say they made a mistake). What *is* ridiculous as of late is for people to say that Nintendo is "screwing over" their fans and that it is "infuriating" and that you are an "unhappy customer" about something you don't have and probably never will have, because last time I checked they haven't used transporters to instantly vaporize every DS Lite in the world. You can say the DSi sucks all you want and that's all well and good, but actually getting mad about it is just beyond pointless.
  7. I find it amusing how Nintendo is apparently behind the times, yet they always seem to be the ones being copied: thumbsticks, rumble, analog triggers, motion controls, Miis, and I'm hearing that Sony is making a new two-piece controller with an extra accelerometer for more precise control. Sheesh, can't Nintendo think of *anything* original?? Of course Nintendo is gonna milk the cash cow: they MADE the cow.
  8. Sorry I didn't mean it to come off that way...what I was trying to convey is that crits are not a big deal *unless* you're one of those guys who just absolutely can't stand having his 50-kill streak broken in the interest of allowing the other players to actually enjoy themselves for 10 seconds before he respawns.
  9. You'd be surprised! I've seen people on this very forum whining about how GBA cartridges stick out of it (i.e. they thought the Lite should have been bigger to accommodate them or not have the slot at all), how they don't like the new buttons, that it cramps their hands, etc... You'll get whiners for everything. Then why are you complaining about it?????????????????????? Seriously zircon, no one is making you buy this thing. It's honestly pretty ridiculous that you're calling yourself an unhappy customer for something that's not even out yet because nobody is a freaking customer yet and Nintendo isn't forcing anyone to be one.
  10. Just to clarify, the Wii version is a complete remake of the PC version, akin to how Valve remade Narbacular Drop in the form of Portal. So don't judge the Wii version of De Blob on the original, just in case anyone decided to dig it up.
  11. Pretty likely he had a demoman or soldier to help him farm it. I know a lot of people don't realize this, but this is exactly why crits are in the game in the first place. It is *not* fun for *either* side to have one pyro dominating the same noob (or noob team) for entire matches, so once in a while the handicap system kicks in and the pyro gets owned. This is to balance (and is balanced by) the fact that *your* crit rates skyrocket when you start dominating people. So yeah, basically if you are really that intent on picking on noobs, find a no-crit server and you can wank to your 25:1 kpd to your heart's content.
  12. Very nice. I'm not against the light-on-dark concept for tables, but I feel lightening the shade a little and/or changing the hue to match/complement the site header would help.
  13. Well, just decoding HD isn't a walk in the park either. I had to overclock my C2D to get any sort of decent framerate. But yeah, my college roommate had an X-Box streaming stuff straight from his PC and it worked like a dream. The small hard drive wasn't an issue at all.
  14. A softmodded HuegBox is actually a pretty darn good media and emulator box as is. It might not be able to handle HD content, but judging from the Atom specs, it's likely your mod won't either. The big downside is the 4GB hard drive, but there are ways to get around that. Of course, if it's one of those "more about the journey than the destination" type things, then I can understand that too.
  15. Well, first the most obvious thing: the dark grays are too big of a contrast in my opinion, not only with the surrounding white area, but in terms of consistency with the rest of the site. You don't see those colors in any of the other, non-list content areas (front page, links, wiki, etc.) so there's a bit of a disconnect. It's not quite the color of the site header either, so that adds to the effect. The second thing is pretty minor, but it might be preferable to align the headings left instead of center. Since there are now no grid lines or other form of differentiation between columns, it provides more visual organization IMO. In fact, right now if there is an entry that's long enough, it will cause the headings to appear to be on entirely separate columns from the shorter entries. Here, for example, the "title" heading is completely to the right of the titles until you scroll down. To this end, it also might help to wrap the sub-list of composers to a certain width (see: entry for "Blazing Lazers" on the same page) to avoid stretching out the column so much. BTW, pretty sure it's been like this forever, but I just noticed that the "home" tab is on the very right, which is kind of odd. Not a gripe, just unexpected.
  16. You're really blowing this out of proportion, zircon. Were you this upset when you found out the DS didn't have GBC support? "I need two systems and chargers to play Shantae and Meteos in the same trip WHAT THE FIG NEWTONS IS THIS MADNESS."
  17. I feel like I've been transported into a Freezepop song. I can hear the vocoder already... That's a good thing, by the way.
  18. I tried the PC version and it's pretty fun but I get dizzy after a bit. I like the funny sounds the blob makes though.
  19. Anything that lets me play the NiGHTS remake without opening up my PS2 is a success as far I'm concerned.
  20. This is of utmost priority.
  21. Wasn't really feeling the solos towards the beginning (a bit too plodding and repetitive), but as a whole a very enjoyable piece. I do feel bad for indirectly making him go back and manually edit the velocities of every single note, though.
  22. Er, duh? It's always a given that something better will be out in a year or two, but in the meantime you get to use it for a year or two. Still, hopefully Nintendo will set up something via the Nintendo Channel or game store download stations that will allow old DS owners to have access to the DLC.
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