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Everything posted by Audiomancer

  1. Thanks so much for the reply!:) I really appreciate the constructive feedback and yes, everything I used is free stuff;) I do have some other free instruments that sound more realistic; I chose to avoid those because of what I have read about the "uncanny valley" from other posts on these forums. I've heard that term when the subject is robotics, but it makes perfect sense here, too. I'm not sure if I'm going to do any more with this track..it was basically a learning experience, and it was fun to take into consideration the feedback that I have gotten, as well as the advice that I have read on these forums. I am a severe amateur, so it was great to have you say that the production on this track isn't terrible:-D I think my next crack at something will be with me playing the flute; I've been experimenting with that lately, I've posted a couple rough things in the original music section of the forums. I HAVE to get a decent mic for that, I used the USB one that comes with the Rock Band video game, and it's really not very well suited at all:) Again, thanks for the feedback!
  2. Hmmm, I might try to take a shot at this, and this is plenty of warning. I already have ideas:)
  3. I took another shot at this. The bottom one of my original post is my most recent version. There's a couple notes I can't get to sound exactly how I want. They're supposed to be dissonant against the oboe countermelody..but every take it's just not quite right..and it's the same notes every time:) They're at 0:35 and 0:55. I've adjusted my pitch both ways on the notes in question, always sounds "off". I'm putting this take up because thunder struck nearby while I was recording towards the end, and it almost sounds like it was on purpose.
  4. An extremely rough first draft. I'm playing the flute...but I don't have a mic right now, so I recorded my playing with a cell phone, and it shows. Wow, it sure sounds different on SoundCloud, the EQ is even more harsh. Oh well, it's a work in progress, after all:-D Edit 4-29-18 Redid this with a cheap mic I found laying around the house. Sounds a little better, I think. I'm going to redo this at some point this coming week if I have the time, the performance here has some rough spots.
  5. I know I'm new here, and this is an old thread, but Zircon in his original post mentioned in bold print "picking up an instrument like piano or guitar." I believe he specified those two instruments for a couple of reasons. One of them is that you can play more than one pitch at a time, therefore getting yourself used to hearing and playing multiple notes at the same time/chords. Number two is that you can "see" the music theory right in front of you. Moving from one key to the very next on a keyboard (including black keys) is a half step, and every fret on a guitar is a half step. The only extra thing on guitar is knowing what pitch the different strings are:)
  6. I'm using LMMS. It's free, and I don't know if others do this, but it allows me to directly use SoundFonts, and I don't have to worry about bank switching. Some soundfonts are put together differently than others, and my noob self can't figure out how to use them correctly with proper notation software. LMMS is a step sequencer, and I'm still getting used to using that, instead of something like Sibeleus or Musescore. It's a learning experience that I have honestly enjoyed:)
  7. Ha! This is something I did quite a while ago, and when I was listening to it, I thought to myself, "Hmm, I think I noticed some similarities with the DW piece I've been working on;) I noticed the lack of discernible articulation as well...I wonder what my thought was on that, why my articulation was so faint, or if somehow I "produced" it out of the music...I don't know how/why I would have done that. The whole accompaniment was just a Roland keyboard MIDI interfaced with notation software (including the middle section), then recorded and played along with. I was, and still very much am, new to the arranging and production of music. I had a few years where I wasn't doing really anything musical at all, and now I'm getting back into it. I'm really enjoying trial and erroring my way through the using of digital audio software:) Thanks for the comment!
  8. Something I wrote and did a while back. I'm playing the flute, and I wrote the background music. If I recall correctly for the background music, used notation software to command a Roland keyboard, and recorded the result.
  9. Thanks for the feedback! Good, that's the one I was hoping would come across as better sounding. I've been fiddling with different compression settings, as well as figuring out what to adjust and when to adjust it in the mixing process. Someone else above mentioned something about a reference track, but didn't mention the regularity of switching back and forth between the reference track and the track you are working on. I think I have it (my desired EQ) pretty close...I have a couple different styles in the mix I am working on, and I've done my best to make sure they all sound good. I've also taken a break working on it/listening to it, and then listen to it "fresh" after a couple days. Thanks again for taking the time to listen and comment:)
  10. Edit 3-28-18 Changed some EQ again...I have two versions posted in my original post now. I have the one labeled Latest Edit, and I have one below that labeled Different EQ. If I could get some feedback on the EQ on those, and be told which one sounds better EQ-wise (not taking into consideration overall volume), that would be greatly appreciated:) I want to know which headphone set is steering me more in the correct direction, as far as sound is concerned.
  11. Vidilian, What you said about cleaning up the reverb made sense to me...at least I think it did;) I changed some of the reverb parameters as suggested, and also played with the EQ a bit more. Also changed a section of drums I decided needed change, Again, thanks for the continued feedback. I've actually been enjoying playing with all of this stuff, the more I learn, the better I might do:)
  12. Vidilian, I added the reverb on a instrument by instrument basis, so lessening the reverb on the lower pitched instruments shouldn't be too much of an issue to solve. Thanks for the continued feedback!:)
  13. Thank you both for the feedback! I appreciate the advice from both of you:) That string instrument that satoka refers to is a cello that's been "chorused". I noticed after I posted this that the sample has a sort of "ramp up" time to it, or a slow attack. I think I'm saying that properly:) I think I will change that. Vidilian, That's a great idea, I doubt I would have thought of that on my own. The vastly different character of sound from even slightly different speaker setups is/was vexing to me. Thanks again for the feedback!
  14. This is an original song of mine. I am playing the flute. Thought I would share!
  15. Greetings, fellow game music lovers! My name is Eric, and although I am new to these forums, I have heard some of the music created by members of this site before. I always had a bit of an interest in music, ever since I would watch my father practicing his violin. I started playing the flute when I got to 6th grade...I chose that instrument because it was easy to carry and stow, didn't require reeds, and let me sit next to the cute girls in my grade:) I did pretty well with it, and had success with music performances and competitions throughout high school. I joined the Marine Corps as a musician after graduation from high school. Music and military..it's quite the amalgamation of lifestyles:) I had the opportunity to travel and perform for many people, at many different places I might not have ever seen had I not joined. After serving my time, I came back home, and gave private lessons in my free time when not at work. In the years since, I also wrote a beginning flute method, and am in the process of writing another book as well. I have always enjoyed game music (particularly the 8-16 bit era), and I had a good time submitting my first remix/work in progress to this site. I am very inexperienced with this sort of music/arrangement/production, and look forward to some constructive feedback. I also notice that there is an area on the forums for people to post other original music, and I believe I shall share some music of my own there when I get the chance! In closing, I look forward to the chance to hear some of ya'll's music, and talking with others that enjoy game music. Respectfully, Eric
  16. I've made many changes since my first posting:) Version submitted first https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nHURd09pcMxso4k32o9CuwqUvuTeNww- Latest version 11-7-2019, second submission https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Bv8PRVMqUlDu1CxRpIjNQtLMXxhfbq5/view?usp=sharing Latest Latest version 12-24-2019 This is pretty much completely different, it's something I have been working on under a different name for a short while. The original idea of this tune has gone through the grinder a couple of times, and it was gently suggested that perhaps a different tack might help. My VERY first attempt at Epic FootSteps actually incorporated both walkabout themes from Dragon Warrior 2, and this new version is the second walkabout theme, as opposed to the first. I also add that this is obviously not close to completion, I'm looking for some feedback;) I haven't fiddled with EQ/Mastering yet. I also ask that it be listened to with something that uses ASIO for playback. On my pc, for reasons I have not been able to fathom, playback done with any normal media player sounds MARKEDLY different, in EQ and stereo image/spectrum...and I have tried all solutions googled and asked about here on these forums:) This version is not done with LMMS, as the previous version, and I have installed a few different VST's Original Second Walkabout theme Latest version 12-24-2019 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TMV-pYLpCklO0ZdRx99wiVb8HdT5tAvS/view?usp=sharing
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