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Everything posted by Wintermute

  1. Pilotwings 64 Midnight Altitude Love this one.
  2. Thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed the track. Best praise I can possibly receive. Thanks for downloading the album!
  3. Quite an amazing preview track. Gets me hyped to be part of this awesome project.
  4. I think you may have confused these two. But thanks for the "Listen now"
  5. Never thought I'd agree with Bleck, but I do. I think the Co-Op in this game is fucking flawless.
  6. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
  7. Unfortuantely basically nothing in this thread is "Innovative." The only one that maybe comes close is ol' Merzbow up there. His stuff is pretty much parody, though. He's serious about it enough I suppose, so you could probably make some kind of argument in favor of his stuff being innovative. Everything else in this thread is retreads. Especially that "innovative rap producer" on page 2, who (oh my word) makes music that sounds like diva house from the 90s with beefier compression. Not saying that its bad, however. These are all excellent examples of fine music, but they tread no new sonic ground (except, perhaps, for Merzbow's straight up noise stuff, but even then he's just cutting out elements rather than innovating new ones).
  8. Thanks for your comment!

  9. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
  10. Negative, we both feel like it's best place is within the Xenogears project.
  11. If, in fact, you did play Binary Chain (I did not get a chance to tune in to the interview, unfortunately), I am thoroughly humbled. Thank you good sir.
  12. I'd love to do a rendition of Zed's theme (Wh-What!?)
  13. Absolutely brilliant.
  14. Kids these days. *shakes cane*
  15. No words. Should have sent a poet.
  16. This thread is an awesome example of one thing: Bleck is an unsufferable douchebag. The title should be changed.
  17. I hate to say it man, but your post is the most trollbait I've seen all day.
  18. Ahh I get it. I think it has a pleasant look to it. Looking forward to it very much.
  19. And I will be voting with my dollar, and not purchasing what does not warrant a purchase.
  20. Wait a second... you were a bit caught off guard with the 3d look of a 3d remake. .....
  21. Just watched the film. I've been an avid trekkie since my youth, and I must say... this movie was immensely entertaining and a fun new look at Star Trek. Two thumbs up.
  22. Currently DMing a 4e campaign. Great fun. We have a Half-Elf bard bodybuilder in the group based off one of these guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYpUs87ha0w He speaks with a thick russian accent and does muscle poses to inspire (heal) people. Totally awesome. And in case anybody is wondering, yes his skin is gold ingame, due to a magical dye.
  23. Don't be fooled. Most of these tracks have been in the works for at least 4 months... and its only 5 tracks long. The RPM challenge album was a special case where I was literally just working as fast as I possibly could. Glad you enjoy it Mustin, Dhsu.
  24. Howdy fellow OCReMixers. Just stopping by to let everyone know that I have finished a new EP and am releasing it for free download. http://www.danbruington.com/music/weatherpatterns.zip It's 5 tracks of electronica, mostly instrumental this time. I hope you enjoy it
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