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Drawn by Dai

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Posts posted by Drawn by Dai

  1. 18 minutes ago, Nathan Allen Pinard said:

    Can you correct my name on the list to be "Nathan Allen Pinard".


    Whoops I Honestly have no idea how that happened. Turns out it was only that instance. You're down as Nathan in my notes and at the head of the thread, not to mention conversation. Must've been going on autopilot right there. Still, my bad. a 1000 apologies mate.

  2. On 6/12/2016 at 5:48 AM, Tuberz McGee said:

    I was supposed to be writing a thesis

    Screw the thesis!

    On a serious note, glad to have you with us Tuberz.

    On the Updates tip:

    Not much to report this time around. Things are running smoothly, or at least appearing to be. I'm running around like a nutter balancing plates talking to remixers, but it seems that pretty much everyone involved has their stuff in hand so that's cool. It's almost a well oiled machine with the help of my glamorous assistant @Trism though admittedly it also could become a slapstick routine at any time... :D 

    There's an update submission deadline  for some of you on July 1st. Those of whom it applies to, I already messaged a few days ago.

    I've noticed interestingly that all but one of the unclaimed tracks are on DISC 1 - REST of the album. Not many ambience lovers it seems. Anybody lurking in the shadows tempted to cut their teeth on some serenity? maybe some cool jazz or trip-hop? 

    Just a thought...

    Hit me or Trism up if you have any problems, same goes if you want to claim a track.  Or you can post right here.

    Take it easy peeps!

  3. Since I'm working on (and have worked previously) on album art for the projects here, is there any specific protocol for referencing and linking to OCR from my portfolio/blog? 

    I'm not asking about the terminology right now. That's covered very well (cheers!) but more the question of:

    1- Am I allowed to?
    2- If so,  is it only OCRA projects, or can all projects be included?
    3- Do you have a preferred spiel/paragraph I can copypaste?
    4- Would you object to or prefer any part of the site being linked?
    5- Would you prefer OCR to be referenced in specific works related to it and/or a direct link in my (as yet not live) links page?

    Disclaimer: my site contains nothing controversial or offensive, and the reason I'm submitting this comment is because I like to volunteer credit to the people I have worked for.


  4. 7 hours ago, jnWake said:

    IIRC the Wind Waker says the hero didn't even show up so this wouldn't be possible. There wasn't a hero who failed, there was simply no hero.

    But... but... the histories may have been incorrect.

    7 hours ago, jnWake said:

    People on the internet noted that the Rock Salt item Mirby mentioned was found in a mountain which is a weird place for it to be... unless it used to be part of the ocean.

    Well that's me told then.

    You win this round, adversary. But I shall return!

  5. OK... So I seem to remember in WW part of the story references a time when Ganon rose but a hero didn't arise to face him. Could it be that this is that time, and possibly link is doomed to fail? Perhaps Link in his weakness can't actually defeat Ganon and is forced to Flood Hyrule instead? (Possible pre-emptive spoiler right there) Or maybe, it's some mid-state post-apocalyptic era before the world's flooded, but after Ganon's done his thang, and the Hero has awoken too late?

  6. 2 hours ago, Bleck said:

    I just wanted more info on the FF7 remake and apparently we're not getting any

    Not sure if you're aware of this but rumour has it that when it was announced they hadn't even started work on it. Much in the same way that Satoru Iwata hadn't started work on Super Smash Bros Brawl when he announced that (except in that situation it wasn't even planned either. That wily Iwata). The video trailer for the FFVII remake was merely a proof of concept, so you may have a while to wait before any updates.

  7. 2 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

    I'm curious what the other 'volumes' will be after Terranigma. Once I'm 100% done with directing Skies of Arcadia remix album, I'd be interested in heading up an Illusion of Gaia volume sometime in 2017/beyond. Also another favorite game of mine.

    Illusion of gaia is certainly in the list of volumes I intend to make :) Perhaps we can work on it together when the time comes. But that's another story for another day. One thing at a time!

    2 hours ago, Darkflamewolf said:

    Also, calling out members directly about deadlines on the thread? Wow. Didn't know you could do that or how proper it was in terms of etiquette. Is this an accepted thing?

    I'm not aware that I had done this? can you point it out for me? (EDIT: Unless you're talking about friendly reminders regarding upcoming submission dates)

  8. Hi @Chromarin, thanks for your interest and outreach! I've taken a look at your Deviantart page. You have some good stuff in there :) brilliant use of colour in your pictures. Unfortunately, I've got the album art all covered BUT there may be space for more artwork down the line when it comes to promoting the album. Is that something you'd be interested in?

  9. Hi, Just putting in my bit. Paths Less Travelled Vol. 1: Terranigma has been running since January 1st. It's not currently OCRA but is in the application process (have emailed projects, awaiting second reply - just a friendly reminder, I know you're busy! :D

    Current status: Triple- disc, Most tracks claimed,WIPs ranging from completed down, Recruiting final remixers.
    Rolling 2-month deadlines from remixer's signup (to the nearest 1st of the month)

    Considering the project's only 6 months old, It's apparently very popular and steaming ahead productivity-wise, so I'll use this window (if I humbly may) to promote the album, request addition to the OP and remind staff of my recent email. Why do I feel cheeky doing this?


  10. **MINI UPDATE**

    It's with great pleasure I welcome @Chimpazilla to the team as a member of the Audio Support staff! 

    Happy to have you join us Chimpazilla, I'm sure you'll be happy here, and we're delighted to have you lending your skills.

    NOTE TO REMIXERS: Any tracks submitted for appraisal/examination/mixing etc by Chimpazilla should go through me, and not directly to her, as she has kindly and understandably noted her already floating workload and doesn't want to be bombarded with PM's. Thanks peeps!

  11. That imo is well orchestrated, but my granddad always used to say "Always buy the most expensive tools you can afford". Meaning, subpar tools make for subpar work, regardless of skill. I don't know whether that chestnut helps, and price doesn't always equal quality, but in most respects it's true. 

    The good thing is, if you do shell out for an updated library, it's something you'll always have. 

  12. UPDATE

    Yeah yeah. I know. Nearly 3 weeks since the last update. I'm not slacking and I'm not slipping. Things've just been rather quiet since the 1st of the month due to deadline WIP updates having been submitted and evaluated. It's been busy behind the scenes. I've also taken the opportunity to work on the album art and banner(the current banner was always just a placeholder).. Since I'm the perfectionist type you won't see the proper one til it's done (probably next week), but it should be a pretty cool unveiling even if it's me that says so :D

    Album-wise, We've got a couple tracks that have reverted to "Unclaimed" status, namely Crysta and Castle. Real shame, but when outside constraints are in place for the remixer, what can I do as a humble director? Honesty's the best policy and I appreciate @Meteo Xavier and @ShadowRaz for their enthusiasm and involvement to date, even if circumstances have prevented them from completing their tasks. It's cool, bros. Sorry to see you go, but don't be strangers :) 

    On a more positive note, tracks with "Completed, awaiting mastering" status are now trickling through from the earliest adopters of the album! Exciting stuff indeed.

    OK. New deadlines. The next wave is June 1st for those of you it's appropriate to. I'll be hitting you up with a reminder in the next couple days. If you don't receive a PM from me , then you're exempt until the following wave. You should know all this guff anyway, but there you are.

    As ever, hit me or @Trism up here or via PM if you want to claim a track. Things are running really well, and if you think you have something to contribute, we'd love to hear it!

    Take it easy Peeps


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