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Drawn by Dai

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Posts posted by Drawn by Dai

  1. On 5/4/2016 at 10:27 AM, Manji said:

     It'd be good to focus in on a smaller section of tracks IMO, rather than trying to remix the whole soundtrack- maybe just a selection of tracks from the various different regions of Ivalice, like a XII travel guide?

    I have the OST, it's a mindblowing 113 tracks...

  2. I probably don't have a say since I'm not going to be remixing but I would suggest NPC heroes be allowed on 2 points: One is that NPCs often have awesome themes, and the other is that they often hold back the end boss and/or sacrifice themselves so the playable hero can have a window to execute the coup de grace, rendering them martyrs/essential to the whole finality of the plot. I guess you could include the caveat that NPCs are ONLY allowed if they fulfil this scenario...


    I've been away from the topic thread a short while. I have a good excuse though. TRAPPED NERVE IN MY SHOULDER! Luckily it's gone from an intimate and detailed experience in excruciating agony to the far more tolerable category "world of pain" thanks to industrial grade prescriptions. I'm not out of the woods yet, but at least I can sit down and type


    We're down to 8 tracks unclaimed from 34! They are as follows (Click name for source):

    European Town
    Southern Rhythm
    Fyda Claimed by Nostalvania 26/04
    The Castle of Dragoon
    Dr. Beruga
    Boss Fight

    Get claiming if you think you can do any of them justice.

    SOME OF YOU EXISTING CLAIMANTS HAVE 1 WEEK LEFT BEFORE YOUR NEXT SUBMISSION DATE - MAY 1ST. I messaged those of you who are relevant to this a couple weeks ago, namely @HoboKa, @rebrained, @Sbeast, @Yami, @Jorito, @Sterbo708 so you should know who you are. I've granted extensions to a couple of ya, so don't worry if this is you. All other remixers should also know their submission date in their heads, if you've forgotten or are uncertain, hit me up. I have a full staggered deadline list. I'm super organised  

    Anyway, Hopefully all remixers involved are squirreling away, and enjoying it. Let's keep this up. Some really great WIPs so far, you're doing Terranigma proud!

    Happy Mixing!

  4. Hey admins and folks of OCR,

    I just got PM'd by what I strongly suspect is a scammer, going by the name of @florajonson4. Now I know, you're probably all wise to this kind of thing, but just in case, by all means DO NOT RESPOND to her. It's likely not even a 'her', but they'll be all too eager to fleece you in some way if you let them. 

    So this is just a heads up to mods to ban flora, and to users to be aware of her in the meantime.

    This has nothing to do with me wanting her all to myself :< lol 


    The assistant director position has been passed onto @Trism due to @HoboKa unfortunately suffering ill health. Thanks Hoboka for your input to date, you're always welcome as a voice in the album  hope things smooth out for you, and hope to hear from you soon!

    Welcome aboard Trism, you can do the official update to get your role... er... rolling  Take it away!!

  6. 5 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    Most games do not make good movies because most games have below direct-to-DVD level narrative.

    This is where sympathetic and creative scriptwriting and plot development should come in - spend the money on this, and not the AAA stars.

    5 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    The ones that are better and tell their stories well through gameplay do not need to be adapted into a movie as that would just be redundant and probably inferior anyway.

    Comicbooks, which you also quoted me on, and I reply to below, are consistently well written and drawn, but make it to movies and TV shows. So games are no exemption from this.

    5 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    Comicbook movies and TV shows have consistently been among the most critically well received blockbusters of the 21st century.

    Perhaps in the past 5-10 years, because as I said, they've upped their game- especially in TV. but certainly not the entirety of the 21st century. A few flops that spring to mind are Hulk, Fantastic 4, Daredevil, Xmen Origins: Wolverine, Green Lantern. Also, when you say critically acclaimed, which critics?

    I'm not picking a fight, but a lot of how this conversation is turning out is speculative and opinion-based. Sorry if I misread your reply and wrongly interpreted it as hostile. 

    EDIT: Also apologies Thin Crust for diverting the course of the topic, I was compelled to elaborate/explain myself. 

  7. It's not a movie per-se but here's a fantastically realised short of Metroid for those who've not seen it:

    If film companies were to be more sympathetic to the IP rather than following the money, I expect there would be a whole swathe of feature films of the above's calibre. The closest similarity to "Game Movies" I can think of is "Comicbook" movies, and look how hit-and-miss they can be. They seem to have sorted themselves out in recent years, but that seems to be because they've realised you just shouldn't anger comicbook fans. I doubt gamefans would get the same respect, so I consider it a blessing there are very few game films, all said.


    Hey everybody! (Gods, this jollyness is going to kill me) 

    This post serves mainly to keep the thread from being buried. Not much happening right now on the album, well not on the face of it anyway. Everybody is (or at least should be :<) squirrelling away at their claimed WIPs, roughly halfway through until the next submission stage. As ever, feel free to get in touch for any reasons, both remixers, claimers, and curious peeps.

    There may be a big update in the pipeline, but need to confirm some stuffs first. 


  9. I think everybody has their favourite. Either because of it's quirks, or because of the feel of the art/story, or perhaps it just connects with them on some genetic level right there in the DNA. I have many, but the one that yelled out to me immediately as soon as I read the topic title: Secret of Mana.

    SoM was the first RPG I ever played, my dad bought it second hand from an independent games retailer innocently and ignorantly (an independent retailer of games, not a retailer of independent games- they didn't exist back then the way they do now). He came home, threw it on the table. said "there you go," or words to that effect and that, as they say, is history. Talk about dumb luck. With Dad's knowledge of the consoles we played, he could just as easily have picked up a Megadrive or Atari cartridge. Anyhoo, back on track, the game is brightly coloured with lush graphics for its time, has addictive music, great story, days of gameplay and realtime fighting. I was in love. I used to draw the characters, daydream about playing it. I dust it off regularly to replay it on my SNES. No Roms, no Virtual Console. Has to be the ol' cartridge and controller setup. The nostalgia value is completely devoid of rose tinted glasses. It's like a vintage wine. Like an old friend. That unique rush when you put it in and turn it on is unparalleled. Here we go again... :)

  10. Yep @Brandon Strader I definitely see your point actually, and concede to your well considered response.  I know the following band is a bit of a money machine, and as such isn't the best example but I think it pulls off a lot of aspects extremely well. Especially the fusion of genres, and the combination of traditional and modern instruments.

    Alright alright, I like listening to Babymetal. Sue me :D But I do think this approach at MAGFest would be eaten up

    MORE IMPORTANTLY @The Legendary Zoltan, whatever you decide to do at MAG will be the right choice. Mr. Strader is correct that you are in the perfect position to meld both hemispheres, and your skill and ability to do so are unquestioned. But o'course it's up to you

  11. Cheers @Bundeslang! Your silent support is very appreciated. :)


    Uuuuuurghhh..... Not slept a wink. Insomnia ain't fun folks!

    Aaaanyway. 21 tracks claimed! that's basically 2 discs' worth. 2/3 of the way to having a fully claimed roster. Well done for your enthusiasm guys 'n' gals. Welcome to @Meteo Xavier, @NyxTheShield, @Trev, @zykO and @noTuX, who've jumped in since last update. The amount of talent signed up is brilliant. And very exciting...

    Got quite a few concept WIPs in, and even a couple of substantial ones. There's no rush peeps, it's still early days. I'm delighted by the eagerness though. :D As of todays date, everybody (except you @APZX- you're exempt for the time being) has a deadline for their concept or update WIP between 6 weeks and two months from now. You know the specifics because I PM'd y'all individually to make sure in the past week. If I missed you, shout out.

    Have I missed anything? Do you have any suggestions, or are there any questions? Hit me up!

    @HoboKa... Anything to add?

    Cheers folks. As ever, looking forward to hear your sounds

  12. ***EARLY UPDATE***

    I'm so enthused by the progress of this project that I'm updating it a whole two days early. I've also updated and given a facelift to the OP, to make it more readable and less waffly. Shiny shiny.

    You're probably going to get sick of my joviality by the time we're through

    First off, welcome to @Manji, @APZX, @Sterbo708 and @Ganaé who've signed up in the past few days. Welcome aboard peeps.

    Secondly, we now have almost half the tracks claimed at a total of 15. Now that's an album in itself, but we're not stopping there. This is to be an instalment that not only does a great game justice but paves the way fittingly for a whole series of albums dedicated to lost treasures.

    All signed up remixers should have their WIP deadlines in their diaries, if not, or if you need other info, then hit me up.

    It seems that most of the communication is going on behind the scenes in the PM's. That's largely my fault. My PM space quota has filled up by a quarter in the past week alone. So let's get the party out of the kitchen and crank up the volume in the games room! (That's right here in this thread for those who missed the poorly constructed analogy).

    Anyhoo... Glad to see this is progressing so well. Keep it up guys n gals, until next time...

    *Throws mic

  13. The WIPs I've been receiving are going to make for a very eclectic and interesting album. The takes that all the remixers have done so far are works of genius, even in their 'concept' stages.

    Some genres being used for the claimed remixes include:
    Bladerunner (yup)

    Colour me excited


    Hi all.

    The project seems to be picking up steam now. We now have well over a third of the tracks claimed, people are chipping away at their claimed WIPs and things are running smoothly. At the moment anyway :D . Some people are already well on the way to completing their tracks, it seems... Remember, just because you've claimed a track, doesn't mean you can't claim another.

    Welcome to @Jorito @Supercoolmike and @jnWake who've jumped in since the last update. 

    The next WIP deadline is May 1st. Put it in your calendars, looking forward to hearing what you guys have. 

    In the next week or so I'll be working on the artwork for the album. So that'll be nice. A bit of visual reference to add to the clout of what is already, if cautiously, shaping up to be a nice album. Keep at it folks.

    As ever, if you want to claim a track, type here, or PM me or @HoboKa.


  15. Missed this somehow. You're welcome aboard whenever you like @jnWake, just drop a line when you're ready 

    In regards to the resurrection theme et al, the complete list of tracks from the OST is even more expansive than above, and had quite a few looping 16-bar tracks.  I had to make some cuts for the sake of a pseudo-realistic album size. These loops were the first to go. It was a tough choice, and it's still a triple discer :<


    So as you can see we have @HoboKa on board as the Co-Director. Brilliant stuff! Having spoken to him/ at length during the course of this project, I'm happy to have him on board. He knows this game, and he knows his stuff. Welcome!

    I've been in the wilderness for a couple weeks, but I'm happy to say that's behind me. Back on track with this album and happy to continue forwards. Still, as Hoboka himself has mentioned, if you can't reach me, feel free to contact him. 

    Onto the state of the album:
    We now have 9 tracks of 34 claimed. That's almost a third, equating to one disk, not to mention the first claimed WIPs have started trickling through! This makes me happy. Keep claiming if you want to, It'll be good to see more faces :)

    Everyone already on board, who hasn't sent their first WIP in yet, I'll be contacting you presently.

    Happy musicmaking, folks!

  17. 57 minutes ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    There is also this idea of the "virtuous pauper", where you're broke at the moment, but you'd pay if your money wasn't tied up in some greater good at the moment and you're of course totally justified in theft or handouts because you're a student or whatever.

    There is an element of that for some,  I'll concede. But it's very few, and still an unfair justification. As you say, those who do get into a position of wealth all too easily forget to spread it to those who unknowingly helped them. It also doesn't account for the simple practice of asking first, and giving credit to the artist. I, for one would be happy for anyone to use my imagery if they asked and mentioned me, but only if they could genuinely prove they had no money to pay. Anything less is self-serving. I'm not going to talk about cracking programs or using keygens, because *to me* that's a (slightly) different topic albeit no less important or unjustified.

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