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Everything posted by richter

  1. Hah, that guy's voice is awesome!! OK! I've got to do THREE more THIS WEEKEND! Here's what I'm gonna do: 1) Show the difference between low mid and high pass filters. 2) ??? 3) ??? WHAT SHOULD THEY BE LOL???? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
  2. Congratulations! This is super huge.
  3. YOU CAN EAT MY SHIjust kidding. No flame intended I love XP, Ubuntu AND OSX!
  4. That's really just an ignorant remark. I hope that guy was kidding. People that think Linux is OMGBESTEVAR are just obnoxious. I use a PC at home, an Ununtu (6.10) laptop at work, and Macs (OSX) at school/in lab. All are great, and get their respective jobs done easily, but honestly Linux has the worst driver support and doesn't support any of the common, most powerful apps like Cubase and (shudder) Pro-Tools. Don't switch if you don't have a specific reason to switch.
  5. Scented Soap: Really excellent tone on that guitar! Also love the way the synth works with the mix. Do a DOD please??? Drumwork is tight. Could use some varying crash samples. Very catchy, but too short. Fade out? Suck a fatty. Also, don't scent your balls, girls dig the musk. (Vocal Preview): Haha, stopit! Treedom: Ooh, this sounds rich! Nice texture. I don't like the drumkit, but that's just my taste. Not nearly as catchy as Scented Soap, but kinda melancholy and chill. I'd actually like to hear a really overpowering lead synth instead of the current chiptunish one. Dunno, I imagine something with lots reverb, really distant. Left Handed Crayons: Way too long. wtf. Just kidding. I like the arpeggio pulse in the background. Is that synth guitar mixed with real guitar? The plucked and strummed guitars sound weird together to mine ears. Another really sad one, I dig it. LENGTHENPLZ! <3
  6. Hey, great to see you on OCR Joker! So yeah, this isn't for me. It's VERY quiet and I really dislike the piano samples. The vocals are forgettable, almost inaudible. The whole piece has an awkward flow and the beats sound out of place. Seems like you made what you intended to though, so well played sir!
  7. Thanks for listening and especially for the great feedback! I think this format is really working because like analoq said it's pretty terse and gets the job done quickly. MORE TO COME! (read on) I'll be posting this in each thread I made for this podcast, so enjoy the repetition: I just got the parameters for the final assignment today, and one of the options is to record 3 more podcasts! Looks I'll be doing at least that many more. So... I need ideas! Any suggestions on topics to cover? Thanks! SnappleMan I think for a future episode it might be cool to incorporate that awesome FFMQ mastering track you made (if that's cool with you?). Not sure, might not work out for this format...
  8. So I had a class assignment -- make 4 cohesive podcasts and publish them online. I was considering making them about cool gadgets/toys, but that's kind of overdone and I honestly couldn't think of 4 cool gadgets that I own. So instead, I opted to provide some very basic music production tutorials (for beginners!). Each episode is about 2:30. They're rushed, sloppy and boring to listen to. And honestly, I suck at music so anybody that listens to me will probably end up making worse crap than they began with, but hey. Episode 1 - Guitar Recording Episode 2 - Lead Synths Episode 3 - Orchestral Strings Episode 4 - Compression (lame) Oh and I used music by Ryan8Bit and Protricity without asking permission. Hi. Enjoy! (Though they suck, I will be pimping this out everywhere, so enjoy seeing this thread duplicated on several sites!)
  9. Planet Terror -- RIDICULOUS PREMISE! Instantly one of my favorite movies ever. The best dialog, so fucking funny, action-packed, campy as hell, I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Death Proof -- This is basically a Tarantino movie only more boring and with awkward cuts and splices. I almost fell asleep. T H A N K S G I V I N G ! ! Also I hate Nicolas Cage but he gets so many cool points for his bit in this.
  10. Nice intro! The song starts too abruptly to mine ears. Perhaps a reverse crash to add some transition? The drums you're using are really thin. I'd beef them up or use a different drumkit. They also don't do much; toss them up! Add some fills, crashes, etc! That mallet instrument is dead sexy! Aw, gone so quickly? I like the use of the chords but the instrument you chose is pretty bland. The keychange at 1:29 needs some kind of fill or transition. The movement around 2:00 is ridiculously abrupt too. The instruments here sound like they were lo-pass filtered but I'm not sure why? The effect is lost on me. I guess I just don't agree with the arrangement choice. Hm, after listening to this 3-4 times I'm starting to get a headache. This might have too much low-end. I dunno, I think it's way too repetitive as it is. I like the ending but again the filter seems unnecessary. So yeah lots of really smooth instruments here. Given what you've done so far I'd say go with a sexier sound, like something Josh Morse would do. Eh? Hope that helps! Sorry for the crazy randomness.
  11. Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with the source tune (or the previous version, in this case). Thoughts: The introduction is pretty bland. I like the organ arrangement I'd look into some samples with more depth; this one sounds lifeless. When the drums came in I got ready for a hard-ass breakbeat mix but it never happened. That snare REALLY needs more "snap." No crashes used at all? Put some in there! I think that's clipping or (unintended?) distortion around 1:01? And hm, only about 30 seconds worth of beats before they drop? I'd fill that part up some more. These bell synths/whatever around 1:50 might sound pretty cool with some hard panning. I'd definitely raise their presence in the mix and increase the focus on them. The section that starts at 3:00 is very cool. Nicely done! But it dies out much too quickly There we go, the organ that comes in next has much more life to it. I take it the ending's not done Please compress this! The entire song is way too quiet and could really benefit from a giant volume boost. Hope that helps!
  12. Dude, it's so nice seeing the source provided AND a reliable, easy to use server being used! Yay! My thoughts: I don't like the string instrument in the intro. Give it some FX love (reverb/chorus/bla bla)! Wow the song starts ABRUPTLY at 0:14! I personally hate those 90's synths; maybe some folks will disagree but I have a feeling the general opinion will be that this one used here sounds generic and thin... I kinda like it when it plays lower notes actually. Maybe try transposing down an octave? Just a thought. This is very close to the original -- too close for OCR's standards (by my guess). It's also very sparse. Maybe add some nifty beats? I'm not sure what you were going for with the ending; super-simplified chiptune? Honestly it kind of sounds like you haven't finished the ending yet, so I hope that's not it. Hope that helps!
  13. I can't speak for anybody else, but seeing 4 songs in one thread makes me not want to give feedback for any of them! Dunno, might be why there are no comments yet. Cheers!
  14. Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with the source tune. I can't believe how quiet this is considering how many instruments are playing! Sounds like you've got piano, pizzicato something and some kind of weird gated string instrument going, so you should have a nice thick layer of sounds... but you don't. Try gaining and/or compressing the instruments you want to be most audible (the piano, for example). The strings that come in at 0:32 are very thin. I'd try doubling them up (at least), and/or considering applying chorus/reverb to thicken them up. When the beat comes in at 1:04, it's very anticlimactic! I'd recommend dropping most instruments except for, say, some tremolo strings and then get a nice drum fill in there to make it interesting before the song starts up again. The transition at 2:08 is pretty weak too. Maybe some orchestral hits? The drums aren't doing much there; they could beef up that transition. Overall to me this is too repetitive and uninteresting. Are you going for a straight orchestral song? If not, considering adding some new sounds, perhaps some guitar or synths? Hope that helps
  15. I look forward to making its accompanying parody site! I'm thinking, "The LOLckdown."
  16. This is in my regular playlists. Starts off with thick, rich sounds and never lets down. The normally overdone kick/hi-hat beat actually sounds unique in this song. Love the rich percussions, fat synths and wide textures. Organ solo is a perfect downbeat. I adore this song. It's not just one of my favorite remixes, but one of my favorite songs ever.
  17. Congrats, Brad! I HOPE SHE'S WORTH RUINING YOUR LIFE OVER. Just kidding. (no seriously)
  18. WOW! High quality samples, terrific synths, phat beatzlol, excellent solos, what more could one want? Well done, sir!
  20. KWarp, I understand where you're coming from. I have very little patience and even less time to play video games, so I play games on easy when I can, and when I can't, I buy the strategy guide. I knew when I began playing Twilight Princess that I'd miss certain things or get to a puzzle that would take me 20 minutes to solve, and I hate that shit, so I just cheat when I stop having fun. Other than that, have you considered the fact that maybe you just don't like video games much? They're certainly not for everyone...
  21. I think my problem with a lot of shanaubuasifuweiaf's stuff is that I can't just relax and enjoy it. There's too much crap in the way like, "fuck what is this gmidi with effects?" or "christ where's the source tune" ... or the obligatory "why did the judges pass this when XYZ was rejected?" That kind of thing. Bullshit aside, it's clearly impressive and enjoyable as hell.
  22. Ah, cool!!! The reverb works really well on the beats, which is surprising. The kinda toy-sounding piano instrument is perfect. Love the synths too, make this longer!
  23. I actually always pronounce it Mick-Vaff-EE, but I thought that was wrong? What is it Larry?? hehe, thanks for the comments guys
  24. Words cannot express my love for VHDan! Seriously, your stuff is as good as Actraiser Symphonic Suite. Soooooo good!
  25. WinAmp > iTunes. (also xmms) Ha! This is pretty cool. Crazy dynamics! They usually work in classical music but some of these songs on this site could benefit from some heavy compression. The first 2 minutes or so are pretty abstract and uneventful. Sounded like it was going to go into Feena (Ys) music at around 0:50. Most of the samples sound great, but that makes the constrasting weaker ones (mostly horns) really glaring.
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