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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I would like to start putting the FAC in the actual Competitions forum. I will move this thread with a redirect for now. Please make sure to put future FACs in the Competitions forum.
  2. That's enough. It's one thing to express your own opinion. It's another thing entirely to call into question the collective opinions of all of the people that voted. prophetik advanced this far in the tournament because many people voted for his entries, and people voted for his entries because they liked them. Stop suggesting otherwise, and stop insulting everyone who's participated in the voting process by doing so. You have your opinion, but in the end you're just one opinion in a sea of dozens. Try to remember that. This matter is closed, and any further discussion along this line will be removed from this thread.
  3. You're right, and it is uncalled for. Next competition I run, I'll make it clear at the outset that votes like that will be neither appreciated nor counted. I probably should have done it here, but I usually think these kinds of things don't really need to be said.
  4. I played some God Help the Girl last night. You can play anything you like, as long as it's good.
  5. Don't give me that shit. I played it straight with the rules about voting because that's what makes it fair to all the contestants involved. I'm granting an extension because I was notified in advance and this is the last round of the competition. Does anyone want this to end on a technicality? I don't think so. It's 24 hours. It's not another week. It's not "well let's just wait until he finishes it and go from there." It's a deadline extension. I've done it before in the GMRB and the GRMRB. It's nothing new. And you know what? Spare me the sob story. If you had extenuating circumstances that made it difficult to access your workstation for mixing, you could have said something at the start. You could have asked, "Hey I'm gonna be out of town for the final round, can we push it back?" You made it this far, you think I'm going to say "no, tough shit?" This competition has always been about the music and the most important thing, especially at the very end, is to make sure the artists are able to make their entries.
  6. While Brad already sent me his track, WillRock has asked for a 24 hour extension due to a busy week and illness. I'm granting both remixers a 24 hour extension, so Brad, if you'd like to make some adjustments and changes to your mix, please take the opportunity to do so.
  7. It's not spam if he's asking a legit question, even if he asks the same question in two places.
  8. I am buying it for the PlayStation Portable. It looks quite excellent.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man_Battle_%26_Chase http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megaman_soccer
  10. Why would anyone download the release from OCR if they were already able to get the entire album in its completed state from Shinesparks months before? It's not unfair. You're thinking too hard about this. OCR and Shinesparks are not two continents divided by a vast ocean. They are two websites on the internet. You make a hyperlink from one to the other. Easy. Um...they would have to submit their tracks to OCR to get posted anyway. Remix albums released by OCR aren't technically OC ReMixes, they're just part of an OC ReMix album.
  11. Heroes vs. Villains was released by OC ReMix. We handled practically all of the logistics for that. Um, what exactly do you think we're going to do? Not mention the album when it gets released? We're going to promote it and tell people that it's out and we're going to tell them to go download it. Where do people get these ideas? There is no "fear of domination." That's silly. It's a Metroid remix album. We'll post some remixes and pimp it out on Twitter and Facebook. It's a community effort, it's relevant to everyone. Nobody is competing. It is not logistically possible for us to release this album as an official OCR album in time for the anniversary date. This is purely a scheduling and logistics issue. We have albums in the pipeline and cannot do everything we normally do in terms of QC and promotion for our "official" releases before the anniversary date. The timing didn't work out. No big deal.
  12. If you're having trouble with the controls for Metroid Prime you're Metroid Priming wrong.
  13. I have a confession to make. This is not actually a competition. I just made this thread to trick all of you into making Mega Man mixes.
  14. This thread stayed open because I fucking missed it, alright? Last time I checked it (which was months and months ago) it didn't look like the project was actually being run in here, so I didn't pay it any mind, and since I was already recruited for the project I didn't bother checking it again. Now I come back and check stuff and people are getting all huffy and puffy about it. This isn't a fucking favoritism issue or anything. It's a moderation issue and practically none of the staff members chiming in right now are moderators, so please disregard what they're saying, especially TO. The thread doesn't get a free ride because the staff is involved with the project, the thread got a free ride because I was doing other things. We don't play favorites, so cut me a fucking break. The fact remains that there is a rule in effect that people should not be using the recruitment forum to RUN PROJECTS. The recruitment forum is here to get people to help you work on shit, that's it. You wanna run a project here, you contact us, you make a proposal, and if it looks good, we'll hook you up with some private forums and everything. If you wanna do shit on your own, that's cool too, there are plenty of places that'll hook you up. My apologies to Darren for blowing up, but jesus guys, get a fucking grip. Stop viewing everything we fucking do as some horrible injustice. I'm going to leave this thread open because this album is basically done, but hey, no more running the project here, and no more talk about why the thread was left open and why is DarkeSword such a douchebag and oh my god the OCR staff hates people and they're all a bunch of elitist pricks. Any further discussion along this line will be met with a swift deletion of posts and temporary ban. Now talk about Metroid.
  15. WillRock advances to the final round. Final Battle is prophetik vs. WillRock
  16. I liked this before, so I'm just going to copy the nice things I said from my last vote. Still some really minor timing issues on the rhythm guitar, but to err is human, right? Or something. Anyway, just like last time, not a dealbreaker. Let's just get this thing posted. JEEZ
  17. One of the things I didn't like about Goblet of Fire was the scene of the flashback to Barty Crouch Jr.'s trial. In the book, you see Jr. essentially begging for his life and pleading for mercy because he's basically just a kid that fell in with the worst crowd. This leads to a bit where Harry is thinking about all the evil things Crouch Jr. did, but then experiences a jarring realization that Voldemort is really at the root of everything; he's responsible for destroying all these families, Crouch's included. The movie, Barty Crouch Jr. is depicted in the same trial scene as a deranged, evil lunatic. The end. That was one of those little things that changed from the book to the movie that really changed the entire tone of the scene, and indicative of a lot of changes in that movie and the previous one that sort of glossed over the subtler characterizations.
  18. I stopped watching the movies after the 5th one because I felt that they excised too much of what I felt was essential to the stories. They were basically highlights reels of the books. Azkaban and Goblet were particularly disappointing (Azkaban is my favorite of the books). I'm being taken to see 7.2 this Friday though. Seems like it'll be good.
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