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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Having read the book years ago, it's so interesting to see the reactions everyone is having to what happened. It's one thing when your friend reads the book and is like "oh my god! such-and-such thing happened to so-and-so!" But it's another thing entirely when the internet collectively freaks out. XD
  2. Why do you think this is a dreamland game? It doesn't look like at all like Dreamland game: no mounts, kirby is wearing hats, etc.
  3. I look awesome. You look like an idiot playing it, but I guess that's not really the fault of the console itself, because you always look like an idiot in your face whenever you do anything ever.
  4. You don't need gold to play anything PC online. Gold is just for xbox.
  5. I'm getting one because I get everything but also because of Uncharted. GONNA BE SICK, YO~
  6. Hey let's talk about the Wii U instead of talking about scalping. I think this console is tailor made for a new Pokémon Snap game. That's something I'd like to see; the original Pokémon Snap is one of the best N64 games ever, and with the controller you could do some really cool stuff.
  7. I cannot stress this enough: Don't post more than once in a voting thread.
  8. I have all the mixes. ALL OF THEM. GOOD JOB PROTOMANS.
  9. You know I can punch you for real. You know I am allowed to punch you for real.
  10. Because if games like Left 4 Dead, MGS4, and the upcoming AC: Revelations have taught us anything, it's that there need to be more BADASS OLD MEN in video games.
  11. Brand new machine and you didn't even start yet. TSK TSK TSK.
  12. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. Is Cassandra going to be in this? I love Cassandra she's my girl.
  13. I love your sig it's super cool.

  14. You're fine. Don't worry about it.
  15. Pretty slick. Piano's a bit 'verby but that's okay. Roadside Romeo reference out of nowhere though, haha. I guess it fits! Nice sax. I love a good fake sax. YES
  16. Giving this a bump, considering today is Nintendo's presser. Please stay on topic and talk about Nintendo's new console only in this thread, not Wii games, 3DS stuff, etc. Thanks.
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