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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I think the concerns here might be a little too nitpicky. I think this is a great arrangement and an nice combination of the sources. It doesn't follow an ABA kind of form but sometimes that's alright. The transitions aren't jarring at all. I like this. Let's goooo~ YES
  2. Folks, I've put together some sigs for everyone using the new logo. The sigs are for your squad, they don't have your name on them, but that's okay because your name is on your posts. xD They're available here; just grab the file for your squad and host it somewhere and you should be good to go!
  3. Folks, I've adjusted the schedule for the competition a little bit. I've added two Breaks to the competition, each occurring after a Boss Battle round. In the last compo I ran, the SFRG, some competitors expressed some fatigue at going full bore for the 9 weeks of the competition. Also, certain mechanics of the competition depend on the outcome of the boss battles, so we can't actually push forward with the competition until voting is complete. During the week-long breaks, I think it would be good for people to revisit tracks from the previous four rounds and do some reviews and give constructive feedback, especially for tracks on from opposing teams.
  4. We have a logo. Sigs are coming soon. They'll be customized down to the squad, not the remixer.
  5. Folks, here's some advice related to combining two sources together that I wrote in a different thread.
  6. Gentlemen, match-ups for Round 1 have been posted. Check the first post of this thread for information. Good luck, and please let me know if you have any questions.
  7. I'll see if I can put together some team banners. I'm still working out the look of the competition.
  8. What style do you have in mind for Faris?
  9. First post has been updated. Signups are open. If I don't know your music I'll need an audition sketch in the style specified so that I know you can deliver.
  10. Looks like the links got all donked up in the forum conversion. I need to put together a proper "release" of WCRG2013. I'll try to get this done this week. Anyway the links in the first post should be fixed, but they'll be replaced later with one link.
  11. Alright, looks like Kapden didn't check in. The spot goes to @Jorito!! Teams are filled, all remixers have checked in. Make sure you head over to your clubhouses on Discord and get those source selections and squad rosters to me by Friday!
  12. Folks: a lot of the team discussion for this competition is going to happen in the Discord channels. Make sure you're idling and/or making yourself available to your teammates via that service. Discord has very good smartphone clients and custom alert settings. I would suggest using this thread here on the forums to coordinate team meetings on Discord.
  13. @MegaDrive has checked in on Discord. If I don't hear from @Kapden today, @Jorito has offered to fill his spot. Once the teams are finalized here's what you need to do: Teams must assign one source from the source list for their team to each team member. There are 11 sources available to assign to 9 people (the 2 extra are to give people more of a choice). The source you're assigned will be your source throughout the duration of the competition. Teams must divide into three 3-man squads. Teams must provide me with a schedule of remixers for the next three rounds. Each squad will have one person remixing each round. Here's an example: | Squad A | Squad B | Squad C | Round 1 | Rock | Kalinka | Blues | Round 2 | X | Roll | Zero | Round 3 | Volnutt | Alia | Chaud |
  14. A decent if standard gacha game. Art and interface are nice, good gameplay but some battles can be tough; becomes grindy early on.
  15. If I don't hear from @Kapden or @MegaDrive by the end of the day I think we'll need to search for some replacements.
  16. Sure, but what I'm saying is that if you build your identity as a "Video Game Poet" and start producing and providing that content for gamers, you'll have a brand that you'll be able to leverage. If you cultivate a following in gamer circles (as opposed to poetry circles), then you can use that to your advantage. Gamers can be very passionate and ardent supporters of this kind of thing. Also, don't think of it as selling poetry, think of it as selling stuff for gamers. Gamers love spending money on physical goods. If you're gonna sell a book of video game poetry, it's the quality of the book that's going to really sell it.
  17. @Trism has checked in on Discord. Waiting for @Kapden, @Thirdkoopa, and @MegaDrive.
  18. I think that instead of publishing in book form, publish on a blog, maybe one every couple of days. Start a tumblr and promote the hell out of it. Build up a following and a fanbase for this kind of thing. When you think you have a good base of readers, maybe go Kickstarter or talk to a small press publisher. The idea is good but the market's pretty niche; you ought to cultivate an audience before trying to sell anything. Also I would recommend not posting the poems on your blog as text, but as an image with your pen name included. That way when it gets reblogged or shared the accreditation isn't lost.
  19. There's more meat to the MM10 versions, which is why I picked them. Wandering Travelers is included because it's essentially a "character" theme for the group and helps bring the Knights' source options count up to 11.
  20. Source Selections Source lists for each team are up. There are 11 tracks to choose from for each team.
  21. Waiting for @Kapden, @Thirdkoopa, @Trism, and @MegaDrive
  22. I've set up text and voice channels for each team on the official OCR Discord server. The text and voice channel collectively form your team's clubhouse. Once you join the server, go to the #compos channel and let me know what team you're on and I'll give you the appropriate permissions to access your clubhouse. The clubhouse is where your team will discuss strategies, share WIPs and feedback, and generally just hang out/talk. These clubhouses are closed to the general public, but they will be opened and made read-only at the end of the competition.
  23. Here are the teams. Team Knight @Kapden @Dewey Newt @akalink @theshaggyfreak @GCJ @JohnStacy @Arrow @Anorax @PlanarianHugger Team Robot @Xenonetix @Starphoenix @Yami @Ronald Poe @Gario @Thirdkoopa @Trism @Chiwalker @MegaDrive I need EVERYONE to check in to make sure they're ready to compete starting sometime next week.
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