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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. This isn't a selling thread. Please try to stay on topic. If people want to make arrangements to sell/buy things, do it via PM or use the sale/want thread.
  2. It's really fun. I like how it's more than just a defend-the-door horde mode that Junkenstein was (thought Junkenstein was really awesome).
  3. until
    Team Robot Team Knight Squad Artist Source vs Source Artist Squad Rush Squad Thirdkoopa Mercury vs Propeller Knight Anorax Shovel Squad Tango Squad Ronald Poe Mars vs Plague Knight akalink Shovel Squad Beat Squad MegaDrive Venus vs Shovel Knight Jorito Relic Squad Remixes are due 9PM EST. Check the submission instructions in the competition thread for details.
  4. until
    Team Robot Team Knight Squad Artist Source vs Source Artist Squad Rush Squad Starpheonix Enker vs Spectre Knight PlanarianHugger Shovel Squad Tango Squad Yami Pluto vs Shield Knight GCJ Armor Squad Beat Squad Xenonetix Punk vs Mole Knight Arrow Relic Squad Remixes are due 9PM EST. Check the submission instructions in the competition thread for details.
  5. Fellas, I feel as though we're not understanding the goal of the History and Study subforum. This is not a place to just post tracks you like and walk away, especially if you're "too lazy to check" who the composers of those tracks are. It's also not a place to just make a thread to say "this composer is really good" or "this composer is my favorite" and leave it at that. History and Study is, as @BardicKnowledge outlined in his welcome post, "to help describe why and how we have certain reactions to music, and to ask questions when we don't yet have that understanding. Sometimes it might be what the music is doing in the context of something else -- gameplay, art direction, etc. Sometimes it might be something neat about how the music is constructed or orchestrated. Sometimes it might be how the music relates to other pieces of game, film, or art music." If you want to discuss Takenobu Mitsuyoshi and other composers who have written for Sega's games, that's great. But the discussion needs to go beyond the superficial "I love Sega music composers." It needs to dig into how their music relates to the games they're in. Why does it fit? What does it accomplish? What techniques did the composer use that made this piece so effective in this section of the game?
  6. Matchups have been fixed due to an error with Team Knight on my part. Please check your match-ups.
  7. Match-ups for Round 5 are up. You have until Monday to send me your tracks. Please make sure you follow the submission instructions. Good luck!
  8. until
    Team Robot Team Knight Squad Artist Source vs Source Artist Squad Rush Squad Gario Ballade vs King Knight Dewey Newt Relic Squad Tango Squad Chiwalker Uranus vs Wandering Travelers JohnStacy Armor Squad Beat Squad Trism Saturn vs Polar Knight theshaggyfreak Shovel Squad Remixes are due 9PM EST. Check the submission instructions in the competition thread for details.
  9. What you said about Uematsu is a pretty bold—and frankly, very rude—claim. Given that this subforum specifically is meant to encourage a more analytical discussion of video game music, please elaborate: what about Mitsuyoshi's work on Daytona USA stands out and elevates him to such a degree over Uematsu's impressive and expansive body of work?
  10. Okay folks, here's how scoring is working. Each Squad vs. Squad victory is worth 2 points; not submitting a track gets you 0 points. For the Boss Battle, the team that has the most remixes listed in the voters' favorite 3 gets to choose between taking 9 points or to counter-pick the opposing team's remixing order for the next three rounds. Here's where things stand: Team Robot is in the lead with 10 points (from 5 Squad vs. Squad victories) vs. Team Knight with 6 points (from 3 Squad vs. Squad victories). These victories include default victories (i.e. the opposing team did not submit a remix). There was one battle where no remixes were submitted, so no points were awarded for either team. Team Robot has also won the Boss Battle with 18 appearances in the voters' favorites, vs. Team Knight with 12. This means that Team Robot gets to choose whether they want 9 points, or if they want to counter-pick their remixing order against Team Knight for the next three weeks. Team Knight, please provide me with your remixing order for the next three weeks ASAP. Team Robot, please let me know if you want the points, or the counter-pick.
  11. Bassline could be a little louder initially, but it picks up later so I'm fine with that. I'm not feeling the weirdly written solo starting around 1:46; seems to just doodle around without any strong melodic ideas, and I don't feel any kind of build in intensity. A bit repetitive as well. Other Js have outlined issues with EQ as well; I don't feel the need to restate. Give this one another look. NO, resub
  12. Hey folks sorry for the delays but music and voting for the past three rounds are FINALLY up. Just want to note a couple of things though, regarding filenames: Team names are Team Knight and Team Robot, not Team Knights and Team Robots vs. should have a period Your source should come first in the (Source vs. Source) section. Make sure you’re submitting 16bit, 44.1KHz WAVs. I had to convert some WAV files last night. Please PM me your links on the forums, not on Discord. Thanks!
  13. Download the Music: Round 4: Boss Battle 1 Because RvK has two different types of rounds (squad-vs-squad and boss battle), please make sure you read and follow the instructions. This is a Boss Battle. Select your top 3 of the 5 eligible tracks. The order does not matter. Please copy and paste from the following list: Team Knight - Shovel Power (Shovel Knight vs. Tinker Knight).mp3 Team Knight - Ghost in the Machine (Specter Knight vs. Tinker Knight).mp3 Team Robot - Lonely Cosmic Workshop - (Saturn vs. Tinker Knight).mp3 Team Robot - Not So Deviant Ballade (Ballade vs. Tinker Knight).mp3 Team Robot - Tinkering on Pluto (Pluto vs. Tinker Knight).mp3 Note: akalink’s “Armor Medley” is not eligible because it does not include the boss theme. Voting ends Sunday, at 9PM EST. The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. You are required to make an actual decision for each choice, meaning, you cannot declare a draws or ties for different places. This will be counted as not voting and your vote will not be counted. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.
  14. Download the Music: Squad vs. Squad Block 1: Round 3 Because RvK has two different types of rounds (squad-vs-squad and boss battle), please make sure you read and follow the instructions. This is a Squad vs. Squad Battle. You must use the poll to vote for the tracks you like better. If you’re able, please leave reviews of the tracks in this thread. Voting ends Sunday, at 9PM EST. The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. You are required to make an actual decision for each choice, meaning, you cannot declare a draws or ties for different places. This will be counted as not voting and your vote will not be counted. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.
  15. Download the Music: Squad vs. Squad Block 1: Round 2 Because RvK has two different types of rounds (squad-vs-squad and boss battle), please make sure you read and follow the instructions. This is a Squad vs. Squad Battle. You must use the poll to vote for the tracks you like better. If you’re able, please leave reviews of the tracks in this thread. Voting ends Sunday, at 9PM EST. The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. You are required to make an actual decision for each choice, meaning, you cannot declare a draws or ties for different places. This will be counted as not voting and your vote will not be counted. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.
  16. No, what I'm saying is that there's no "convert" button you need to be pressing in Winamp. You keep mentioning a converter and a decoder but Winamp doesn't need any of these things to be able to write its audio out to disk. Can you take some screenshots of what you're seeing and post them here? Also, it needs to be stated: an RSN file is not an audio file. It's actually a RAR file filled with SPCs.
  17. You really shouldn't need a "decoder" to do any of this. What is this decoder you're trying to use? Also it doesn't matter if you have Winamp Pro or not; free Winamp has always been able to write-to-disk with the DiskWriter output plugin.
  18. I'm excited about this. I played Darkwing Duck A LOT as a kid. It's pretty much a secret Mega Man game.
  19. In the future, please try to post your threads in the correct places rather than relying on moderators to move them. This doesn't have anything to do with Site Issues.
  20. Breath of the Wild isn't in any timeline. It's very clearly leaning into the original idea behind the series: that the story of Link, Zelda, and Ganon is a legend that's told over and over again, where the details change slightly every time. The game has its own internal continuity; 10,000 years ago some stuff happened with Link, Zelda, and Ganon. Then 100 years ago some other stuff happened. But that's all internal to this game. The multiple timelines thing from Hyrule Historia is a clumsy and convoluted retrofitting of fandom's obsession with "canonicity" to a series that never really had any intention of adhering to strict timelines. It's The Legend of Zelda, not The Complete and Accurate Historical Account of Zelda. Furthermore, Zelda is a video game first and uses storytelling to frame the game experience. There's no grand narrative planned for the series. Nintendo makes a game that fits into the series thematically and makes some references to other games to please the fans and then moves on to the next one.
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