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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Dain really nailed every one of my points. There's this weird lack of energy coming from what I think is the hollowness of the sound. There seems to be this build to some sick drop after the Do a Barrel Roll robovoice but it's just underwhelming. I don't really have anything more to say; there are some good ideas but I think other Js really articulated how this can be fixed up. NO, resub
  2. A really nice energetic take on the source. Love the groovy drums and the overall sound design, except for one big chunk that's missing. There's practically no significant bassline to speak of. You need something meaty to give this piece some foundation. Repetition doesn't bother me as much, but even when recapping what you have in the first half in the second half, you need to ramp up the energy levels to really sell it. The back half of this track feels like it's just going through the motions. Needs more variation and some BASS. NO, resub
  3. There's a lot of really dense part-writing here, which is pretty impressive, but I feel like there's some looseness here and there that's making things sound pretty messy. Not feeling the transitions, especially the bit with the Lavender theme. Getting a strong case of medley-itis here. Like Deia said, you might be better served focusing in on one or two sources and really developing those. Clearly you've got the chops, but I think this arrangement is too all-over-the-place to be really effective as a single piece. It's a lot of ideas that feel forced together. NO, resub
  4. This is already in the works. We're still defining requirements.
  5. I've moved this thread to Recruit and Collaborate. It doesn't belong in Community. I've also renamed this thread to more accurately reflect what's being asked for. This is no way an "opportunity." In any case, while I personally can't recommend taking on this kind of gig for the promise of "exposure," people are allowed to make requests for non-paying work on this forum, so I'll ask folks to respectfully abstain from any further discussion of the topic. I'll also advise anyone reading this (especially Hyperion) that asking for free work and framing/promoting it as an "opportunity" is not a good idea. There are few words that make artists more wary than "for exposure." It's better to just state upfront that the gig is non-paying and to leave it at that.
  6. When offering something like this, it's always a good idea to post examples of your work.
  7. Apex 2015 January 29th - February 1st Secaucus, NJ - Clarion Hotel Empire Meadowlands Hotel apex-series.com OverClocked ReMix is excited to announce that we'll be returning to the premier Super Smash Bros. tournament event with Apex 2015! As in years past, we've also been tapped to do the official album, and we'll be releasing Apex 2015: This Is the Moment to help kick off the event! Apex 2015 will feature players from all over the world coming together to compete in the Super Smash Bros. series, Ultra Street Fighter IV, Killer Instinctand other amazing fighting games. We'll be hanging out all weekend at our merchandise table, selling t-shifts, swag, and albums. For those of you who can't make it out to NJ, OC ReMix will also be featuring the livestream of matches on our front page, so don't miss all the action!
  8. You sound uncannily like Kumail Nanjiani with less of an Indian accent.
  9. Not really interested in getting too involved with this debate but I need to reply to this because I've seen it happen elsewhere on this forum and other places. When someone asks you for a citation with regards to some argument you're making, it's not enough to simply just say "it's a matter of public record" or that a quick Google search will yield the results a person is looking for. You can't assert something and then say "just look it up yourself, you'll find it." You're making an assertion that something is true, and someone is calling that into question, so it's on you to provide links to credible sources that verify your assertions.
  10. It certainly would be an interesting way of building playlists, but like newt said, I'm not sure why you need filenames from peoples' libraries.
  11. I managed to play about 2-3 hours on Thursday night. Really enjoying the improvements to the questing. Questing is my favorite thing to do in WoW and all of the added voices and stuff really makes the experience a lot better. Only problem I've been having while playing is finding ore. Gotta get dat mining up, amirite? Also need it for engineering contracts in my garrison. WHERE IS THE ORE?!
  12. We're going to cut it. I feel like it would be weird to include it and just cause more bad vibes if people see it on the album at the event.
  13. Folks, this thread is for project dev and discussion. Let's stay on topic please.
  14. Still looking for people. Nov 2 is a soft deadline, so you still have time.
  15. Music for Round 3 of Singles is up. Eino and Jorito win the Doubles tourney. I have no excuse for the lateness of this aside from the fact that I am a poop.
  16. Shovel Knight: Knights of the ReMix 2014 Voting is open until 2PM EDT, Sunday, November 2, 2014. Post the name of the artist that you are voting for. Do not post remix reviews in the voting thread; remix reviews belong in the main competition thread. You must vote in all open battles for the round for your votes to count.
  17. If you decide to take one of your originals, modify it into a remix, and then submit that, that's fine by us. We're cool with it. You own the rights to your original track, so you can do whatever you'd like. ...eeehhhhhh...
  18. Mentioned this in staff chat earlier but I thought I'd write it up here just to have it somewhere more permanent. Music for streaming is such a hot topic right now. Artists in this community see questions from streamers all the time about whether or not they can use music they've done in streams. I think it'd be worth tagging and promoting certain albums on OCRD as streaming-friendly. For example, an artist can opt-in to mark some of their albums as streaming-friendly, and when someone else buys that album, they see that they have the permission to use that music in their streams. We can also promote albums this way, i.e. have a special sale on streaming-friendly albums, and point to a page where people can browse those albums.
  19. Hey guys, need to fill out the roster on this. WillRock is taking Killer Instinct (which is replacing Injustice), and DusK is taking UMvC3.
  20. Shovel Knight: Knights of the ReMix 2014 Voting is open until 3PM EDT, Wednesday, October 8, 2014. Post the name of the artist that you are voting for. Do not post remix reviews in the voting thread; remix reviews belong in the main competition thread. You must vote in all open battles for the round for your votes to count.
  21. Sorry, I'll make the first post clearer. You and hakstock are mixing against each other, using your themes and each other's themes. I will be putting up music from the ended rounds tonight.
  22. Your first post on the forums shouldn't be an advertisement for your game. EDIT: We received an email from GameG indicating that he didn't make this game. Regardless, the post reads like an advertisement from the game devs/publishers (e.g. "let us know your thoughts"). If you're new to the community and want to talk about games, that's great, but do so in a way that talks about your experiences with the game. "It’s a unique opportunity to feel like a commander or pirate captain in the midst of a furious seafight offensive!" is advertising copy written by a marketing team ripped straight from the game's about page.
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