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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Because he's interested in trying out a Final Fantasy game. He explains that in the very first post. Final Fantasy IV, V, or VI. Skip VII and go for IX if you want a great PSX one, and I'm personally quite partial to XII.
  2. Right, it was written as an image song, which you generally see in multimedia properties in Japan (character singles for manga, anime, toku, etc).
  3. I said that if someone wants to take ownership of a ReMixer interview show, that'd probably be fine. And I'm not "shooting down" all of the ideas. I'm just clarifying that suggesting posting more music-only videos (i.e. remix requests or compo mixsets) on the channel is not the kind of suggestion we're looking for. The vast majority of the channel is already music-only. A compo overview show is good, so long as it discusses the compos and competitors themselves beyond just saying "hey here are some tracks i liked."
  4. I'm gonna just have to say no to this. We don't want to just post more music on the YouTube channel. You're missing the point with this idea. This isn't exciting as video content. This isn't even producing video content. This is just making a remix. Theory is fun and interesting for a lot people, and relating it to VGM is a good way for people to get more interested in it. The goal of this is not just make videos "about OCR." I want people to look more outward instead of inward. Videos that aren't about the community, but content coming from the community. One of OCR's goals is to not just be a place to get remixes but also be more of a resource about VGM in general.
  5. It's an interesting case. The song was composed FOR the game but not used IN the game, but it was used in ANOTHER game. My personal feeling would be that it's fine. I wonder what other joojes think.
  6. Need to reiterate: no live shows. That requires us giving access to the YouTube channel to people not on staff. Looking for pre-produced videos. As for compo mixsets, we're not gonna do that, because the entire point is to put up videos that aren't just music. Also, we're not gonna post music to the channel that hasn't gone through the submissions process or album process. Project progress and "what's going on" not so much. Site projects move at their own pace and come out when they come out. It's not interesting to subcribers to watch a video that basically just says "this isn't out yet." VGM composer profile show is a good idea.
  7. If you didn't read the original post, why are you replying to the thread? Anyway, ReMixer interviews would ostensibly be conducted during Talkback. I personally don't like the idea of having a show that depends on a different person getting it done by themselves every single time (i.e. artists having to record themselves). I'd like for specific people to take ownership of a recurring program that is prepared beforehand and has decent video production going on (well filmed, title cards, etc.). If someone can take ownership of that kind of thing and make it happen on a regular basis (every two or three weeks), then that's probably alright. Also just want to clarify, we're not looking for another Google Hangout-on-Air-style show like Talkback. The OCR "talk show" is already covered. Also it's important to note that that audience for a lot of the video content will not necessarily be remixers. Remember, the OC ReMix YouTube channel has 73,000+ subscribers, and most of those folks are listeners. Keep that in mind when brainstorming, and try to gear your thoughts more towards VGM in general.
  8. So I mentioned this on : OC ReMix is interested in putting up more content on our YouTube channel aside from just OC ReMixes and album trailers. We've got something like 73K subscribers, and we want to put that audience-base to good use. We've already started this by doing the weekly Talkback show, so that's one thing. Obviously doing music videos is a another thing we're always interested in exploring, so we're not going to discuss that here; what we're really looking for is specifically-themed, well-produced content that can come out on a weekly or semi-weekly basis. For example, an idea that was tossed around was doing a show called "Unsung Heroes" (obviously named after the album) that highlights an often overlooked game soundtrack every episode. Or maybe something called "Source Breakdown" where someone with some music theory knowledge takes a look at some VGM track and does some critical analysis on it. Tutorial videos are also something we'd like to get. The important thing though is that we want the videos to focus on VGM content; we're not interested in just hosting Let's Play videos with OC ReMixes playing in the background. We're specifically looking for people who are interested in creating content for the YouTube channel. The community here is really talented in ways beyond just writing remixes, and we want to tap that to start putting out some regular shows. Just to stress again, we're not just looking for ideas, we're looking for folks who are actually willing to dig in and produce these videos. OC ReMix staff is super busy and we can't do this stuff ourselves, which is why we're trying to tap the community more in order to get more cool content out. This thread is primarily for gathering ideas and gauging interest. Shows Unsung Heroes - Highlights an obscure, underrated, or unheard-of game soundtrack. Source Breakdown - A critical, theory-oriented analysis of a VGM track. Production Tutorial (Unnamed) VGM Composer Spotlight (Unnamed) Inside the ReMixer's Studio - One-on-One Intensive Interview with a ReMixer Compo Corner - Competitions news. Winners, losers, recommended tracks.
  9. Stop posting flamebait like this. In addition, stop trolling. Talk about the PS4 if you want to talk about PS4. You're just bringing up Wii U because you want to rile people up. Knock it off.
  10. Yeah we wanna start doing that for album releases.
  11. That's a huge stretch. I wouldn't read too much into it. Hard Times is pretty much just Ice Cap Zone before before being transferred to the Genesis/MD sound chip.
  12. Your Current News section should clearly spell out due dates/times for both mixing stages and voting stages. Having a story is nice but that's not really the purpose of Current News.
  13. I think the clamor for Pandora's Tower was due mostly to Wii owners being starved for games at the time. It sort of just hitched a ride on Xenoblade's wagon.
  14. I cancelled my WoW subscription today because Blizzard isn't releasing any further content patches leading up to Warlords of Draenor. I've had my eye on FFXIV for a while and am thinking about checking it out. What's the scoop on this game? Do most OCR folks have a specific server they're playing on?
  15. Alright, I see what you mean, but that doesn't mean that the key is indiscernible. The song is in Bb minor. That's the key. Bb's the root and the quality of the key is minor. The second chord in the progression however is ostensibly not in the key because the minor 6th (Gb) is augmented to a major 6th (G natural) to match what's happening in the melody. That's okay. It doesn't screw up the key at all, the progression is just adjusting harmonically to fit the accidental in the melody. The G moves down to Eb in the melody, which gives us a pretty strong interval to work off of, and since the background line (what you're calling the arpeggio) leans pretty strongly on Bb at the bottom (Bb G Ab G Bb G Ab G), we get three notes that fit pretty well together: Eb G and Bb, aka an Eb major chord. Try using Eb major (i.e. major 4th chord) as the second chord in your progression. The rest of the progression should fit nicely into Bb minor.
  16. Is this the you're talking about? Because that's literally the main theme of Final Fantasy IV slowed down, and is very much just in a regular old minor key.
  17. We're never going to answer all of the questions, to be honest. Talkback is meant to be very casual, so we're going to end up drifting around on topics every once in a while. For instance, Larry and I end up talking about comic books a little bit in one episode.
  18. People don't say that about Strangers in Moscow and Ice Cap Zone. People say that about Strangers in Moscow and the Sonic 3 credits theme, which share a very distinctive harmonic structure.
  19. Isn't the Hampton like right across the street? You won't miss anything.
  20. Neither are we, which is exactly why I made this thread. I want people to leave honest and hopefully positive reviews. I have a lot of confidence in this album, which is why I believe that most-if-not-all of the honest reviews will be good reviews with 5-star scores.
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