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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. "snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!" is priceless.
  2. Messing around with the knobs, as zircon said, can only get you so far. It won't teach you how to shape the sounds exactly the way you want them, it will only make you lose time messing around with knobs, time you could use working on other details and the arrangement. First learn about how synthesis works and the different types there are. Then learn how filters work, and the different types. After that familiarize yourself with basic forms of sound waves (triangle, sine, square, saw) and the effects that filters have on them. The more you familiarize yourself with the basic components that make the complex sounds, the more able you will be to identify such components, or to think of ways to use them to achieve the sounds you desire. Messing around with the knobs and settings is something I don't recommend without at least knowing the basics, because doing so will get you nowhere. If you get used to this you can somehow learn how to shape sounds in your synth of choice, but as soon as you use some other synth you will be lost again. However if you know the theory behind how these sound generators you will familiarize yourself in no time with whatever synth you lay your hands on. As for me, making the sounds is half the fun of mixing .
  3. I understand where you're coming from, mr Lloyd, and I wholeheartedly agree, but I also take in consideration what is the main goal of child's play, and that is to help kids with such illnesses to get through them more easily and try to give those kids some fun that they might not be able to have. This idea might seemb dumb on paper but think about it, they are kids, and for a kid whose parents don't have the money to both keep a pricey treatment and give them toys, this would really help them get through the harsh times. If i put myself in the shoes of those kids, I can see myself really enjoying a gift such as these, If you remember the happiness you felt when you got your first console, and then you couple it with the thought of going through a harsh illness, then it kinda makes sense. I would agree with supporting this cause, but also would be glad if we help in any other way, as you are suggesting.
  4. I will take the time to expand my previous vote, as my last comment might seem I might be turning down this game just for the hell of it: First i must state that my expectations prior playing FF8 weren't high since playing FF7. I did not enjoy FF7 as much as the majority of people did and found a lot of flaws in it as well that still stand to this time, still FF7's good points stand out so well that it qualifies as a great game, but didn't made my expectations for FF8 any higher. First, the graphics were very good and I loved those moments of CG movie - 3d gameplay blend. Nothing much to say there. The Music was acceptable but nothing outstanding. Of the entire soundtrack only a few songs stand out, mostly everything else just acceptable. Story.. ah the story. The story of this game, to put it simple, is atrocious. Not only it convolutes itself several times in awkward ways but some aspects of it are forgotten for entire disks. The plot starts well, but after rinoa is presented everything goes down the drain. The story tries to focus on rinoa and squall relationship, but since this relationship is incredibly badly developed and the characters are some of the lamest you will ever find in any rpg, this takes the story nowhere. Squall is simply an annoying cloud (is that even possible?). Same attitude, but this guy has this attitude for no reason. Feels more like a whiny angsty 8 year old kid than a grown up person, and the moments he tries to be cool he fails miserably. On the other side we have Rinoa which is the MOST, and I have beaten hundreds of games and several RPGs, the MOST annoying character you will ever get to play in any game. She is a flat, stereotypical and annoying try at a main character that will keep you the whole game wishing for sephirot to come and get this one out of the way too. The other characters are taken from a "RPG stereotypes" book and pasted in the game. We have Flat comedic relief Zell who is an uninteresting as a potato, Seifer who is the "I'm good but I like to pretend I'm bad lol" guy, Quistis who doesn't have any importance whatsoever, irvine which is completely void of any personality, Selphie the always happy and giddy kinda girl (at least she's not THAT annoying) and there you have the most cliche characters since final fantasy 1, if this game had you visiting the king of the town before the start of the adventure, it would have been the perfect stereotype. All of the characters are of little importance for most of the game, and this would have been a good thing, if Rinoa and Squall weren't totally lame. A typical FF8 cutscene goes like this: Rinoa has some obsession with squall and he just keeps his annoying attitude of "whatever" (get used to that word, you will see it like a thousand times in the game!). Rinoa annoys squall (and you at the same time) about paying attention to her. Squall agains goes whatever on her. Then something related to some convoluted plot goes in the background. After 100 cutscenes like this, they totally fall in love, convoluted story goes even more convoluted that in the end creates a black hole and swallows itself, the world is saved. Finally the gameplay. The junction system is broken and this is no secret to anyone. There's no strategy to it, no planning, no depth. At least FF7's materia system had that on it's side, in ff8 you just junction something and draw away for the rest of the game, you will see your characters become gods in no time. The draw system is broken as well, so broken that you can overpower your character in less than it takes squall to throw another "whatever" at you, not to mention that you will be drawing stuff for the rest of the game. BORING. And then the GFs, while plenty, are completely useless by near the end of the game, and you will likely won't want to use them anyways because by the time the attack animation ends you will probably be asleep. The equipment system is a complete mess. you need to upgrade your weapons. How do you do that? first you need to find magazines with the upgrade, then you need to go and farm a monster for god knows how much time until it drops that rare item that your weapon requires, but is it worth? hell no. Just keep drawing and junctioning, you will rarely worry about weapons. Limit breaks: overpowered and broken at the same time, as you can pull them off easily with some character switching. The money system I won't even get into that. So what all this mess leaves us with? well, you got a card game. w00t! Yes this game tried a lot of new things, but it failed on most of them. Rinoa and Squall relationship is a joke. Want to see a love story well made? go play FFX, where you actually give a rat's ass about their "love". I spoke enough about the gameplay, and the OST is forgettable for the most part. Sure, it's not the worst rpg ever, but certainly a bad one, not enough flashes and Final Fantasy title slapped on the box can save this one. NO reiterated.
  5. The ones on the site, months, with the exception of Welcome to the Metropolis. Usually a good mix takes months for me, mostly because I get lazy, but also because they require quite some work.
  6. Telling from the bolded points, I guess we didn't play the same final fantasy 8. FF8 is not a helluva game, it fails in so many points it would take me pages to detail, and most of them are very noticeable. The story is twisted but NOT engaging at all. I almost stopped playing after the first, uber-lame plot twist, and every one after that made me want to play this game less. Graphics were good, I'll give you that, but the game was a pain to play because of all of the flaws and so little fun it had to offer. I practically beated it only to add it to my collection of "Beaten FF games", after that I wouldn't even think to go through it again. Lame characters, Lame Lame plot, lame and boring gameplay, no reason to play this game at all. I mean, one of the most important reasons to play a turn-based RPG are it story, it's characters and it's gameplay. When the three of this are fubar I don't see any motivation to recommend the game to anyone. I agree with grandia though.
  7. ***** Final Round: ***** Super Smash Bros. YES I have one of the fondest memories with this game. Back in the day I wasn't too informed about what was coming up in regards to games other than reading outdated magazines. Then one day I step up on my VG rental store looking for a game to play, and I see the new, quirky box with pikachu, samus and mario on the cover. I thought "what the hell is this? this must be another mario party." But I rented anyways because I liked mario party 1 and 2. I didn't even play the game right away, and the game was sitting somewhere in my room. At night my friends came to my place and we were all bored and I said "well lets try this new game I got" At first we were all with skeptical faces, then when we started playing the game, those faces turned to WTF faces. Then after 5 minutes we were laughing our asses off, literally. We spent the whole night like this, having fun and laughing out loud at every funny moment, every time someone got smashed into oblivion, etc. I had to practically kick my friends out of the house. Anyways, Smash is a game that represents all that is good in videogames in several ways, and it's one of the most fun games out there, even to play alone. It's a game that dismissed the mold of old fighting games and brought something simple, accessible yet complex and enjoyable. It's one of those revolutionary concepts that come every few years and although it will probably be milked to oblivion from this point on, it's still one of the most fun games, ever. Xenogears YES This is one of the greatest RPGs on playstation. Great graphics, great story that is not stupidly convoluted like the xenosaga sequel, and very likeable characters. Also the system is fun and the music is amazing. The mech battles lacked but they don't mess up the game. World of Warcraft YES Hate on MMOs all you want, cringe at the thought of 13 year old kids on female draenei characters shouting "ZOMG L2P U NUB", but this MMO is without a doubt the best one out there, despite of some balance issues. Blizzard set themselves up to create the best MMO out there and they succeeded with such a success that is still unbelievable. But enough about this game success, it wouldn't have happened if the game was as good as it is. The game boasts awesome graphics, an amazing art direction (usual from blizzard), a great soundtrack, and above all, this game got rid of plenty of the annoyances found on MMOs like everquest and made a MMO that is FUN for everyone. With plenty of races to choose, classes to play, and withing each class, a different role, there are multiple ways to enjoy the game, and maybe the perfect one for every kind of person. Blizzard also opened the doors to developers to customize the game via addons the way they wanted, giving each one the possibility to customize their game to their will. Also blizzard doesn't stops updating the game with new content, events, fixes, etc, even outside of expansions. Many people like to hate on MMOs, but WoW is a game one has to try at least once to understand that it's actually one great, enormous game with a world waiting for you to discover.
  8. Doubt we'll be getting any MGS character past twin snakes. Although Metal Gear Ray does show up in the background, but it would be hard to see someone from a game that hasn't appeared in a nintendo console to appear in this game. I had my hopes up for gray fox though. But I guess this is better than nothing.
  9. I REALLY want to and I hope my current situation allows me to show up.
  10. Nice Work AS. Glad to see all the progress you've been doing.
  11. Final Fantasy IX - YES It had some problems, but this one had a SOUL. The characters were all likeable, unlike past and post 3d final fantasies in which you will find only 1 or 2 characters worth your time. The story wasn't convoluted nor a joke as in FF8, and the world was fun to explore. The magic system was fairly balanced, but I would have liked more variation and depth with the way you played the characters. For the most part you had to stick with the basic class represented in each of the characters, which was an intentional design choice, as this FF was made to look and feel as the old 8 bit ones. If there's a Final Fantasy game that is worth your time on psx is this one, and it was a good step forward from square at that time, after the shithole that was FF8. It's not as grand in scope as FF7 was, but it's a game that doesn't takes itself too seriously (well, it does, but not as much as most Final Fantasy games) and in a lot of aspects is far above FF7. Resident Evil 2 YES Yeah I hate most resident evil games, and the control scheme was and still is retarded, along with some puzzles that didn't have much logic... but despite of these flaws this is an awesome game and the best RE after RE4 imho. There's some replay value in here as well, and is a dark, scary adventure. Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction - YES Blizzard is Blizzard, and Blizzard is never wrong. If D2 is a must have, this expansion is as well. A lot of bug fixes, arguably a more balanced game, 2 new characters to play and a whole new adventure.
  12. ***** Round Twenty-Eight: ***** Grand Theft Auto: Vice City YES IMHO, the best GTA there is. Although smaller than 3 and MUCH smaller than SA, the story was so much better and they really nailed the 80's setup in every aspect. System Shock 2 - YES One of the best PC games of all time, and way above its spiritual sequel Bioshock. This game offers a deep mix of rpg and action, several options to choose and several paths to take. Coupled with an excellent story, excellent graphics and voice acting, this is a game no one can miss. Call of Duty 2 - YES I don't like WWII games, at all. But some friends pushed me to play this game and after i finally did I must admit this game is an awesome FPS, with a great mix of action/graphics/sound and gameplay. It was a bit too short for my tastes but this game truly immerses the player in its atmosphere. Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask YES A love or hate it game, but that one can't deny it's qualities. The game was awkward in many aspects and that turned some people off, and in many points doesn't feels like a zelda game at all, but it's one of the best games ever made for the 64 and a must have as well, even if you will hate it later you must at least try it once. Mega Man X6 NO HAHA NO. Worst megaman X game, and maybe worst megaman game ever, period. Super Mario 64 YES In this humble gamer's opinion, best game of all time, by far. A game that redefined what is to play in 3D, what it is to explore a 3d world freely, what would a Mario themed-world look like in 3d. It's a game that still looks good, still plays good and still feels tight. Doom 3 - NO yes, the first time I played this my jaw dropped so many times I had to tie it in place to be able to play, but after a while, the first impression of the STILL awesome graphics leave you with a very dull FPS that is short on action and more focused on scaring the bejeezus out of you. Thing is that, after 20 scares you knew when a scare was coming and the surprise is ruined. Overall you were left with a pretty meh game with generic weapons that lacked kick and lame action. Still looks kickass though. Star Control 2 - YES YES YES Best PC Game of all time, nuff said. There's no other game, actual or past, that comes to this game's scope. Now if only we can have a sequel with the same, or bigger scope, and in 3D, I could die with a smile in my face.
  13. Meh, I'm currently on a (seemingly) endless tropical storm and the power went out for the whole night yesterday. Maybe next time.
  14. yep that is indeed the fish from balloon fight. I love the idea of this stage.
  15. I'll be there with hopefully another crappy 20 seconds song.
  16. I use it all the time, as well as Jigglypuff's rollout.
  17. ***** Round Twenty-Two: ***** Castlevania 64 - NO I did love this game when it came out, as there was nothing else like it for n64 at the time. But let's face it, the game was kinda boring, the characters are boring and the story was meh. Sure there were cool moments in this game but it's mostly a action-platformer that is very simple in its nature and doesn't breaks any new ground. The game is still good, but not a must have. Besides, it's sequel, Legacy of Darkness, is what this game should have been in the first place. Commander Keen IV: Secret of the Oracle YES This is were the series changed technologies and really improved the game. The graphics are now up to the times, the sounds are well done and the music is GREAT. Gameplay and controls were much improved, and it makes up for one of the bes 2d games in PC gaming history, you can't miss this one out. Mega Man Zero 3 YES What can I say, all megaman zero games were awesome. They just kept improving and improving, unlike their X coutnerpart(Although I've heard some bad comments about ZX, but I digress). Better graphics, deeper gameplay, the continuation of a very good story based on the megaman world, what else could one ask for? Solid action on gba, it is indeed a must-have. SimCity 4 - YES Some jaded people out there like to shun this title in favor of the older mainly because they like to feel old school or something, or say that this game is just improved graphics and nothing else, which shows how little they know about it. Well guess what, this is the best simcity out there, over 3000 and 2000. Simcity 4 improves in just about every aspect and brings more stuff to the table, with kickass visuals to boot. It is a less buggy simcity, less prone to glitches (although there still are!) and overall a much balanced and complete experience. The usual simcity humor is there as well, and the new additions like advisors, complete and extensive terraforming tools, the ability to connect several cities, and many, many other things make this game the absolute winner and without a doubt the best city building/management simulator out there. This game is one of a selected few like UT2k4 and Covert Action that are an obligatory installation in every computer I've owned. Perfect Dark - Borderline YES It's goldeneye on steroids, that's basically it. It is not a bad thing to say though, this is an excellent FPS that boasts excellent graphics, great gameplay and really fun weapons. A n64 owner can't miss this one. Metal Gear Solid - are you kidding me? YES The start of one of the most compelling and elaborated series in videogame history. Groundbreaking in all respects, and STILL an impressive game, no one has a complete psx games library without this game, period. Unreal Tournament 2003 - NO Coop already said it well. This game was a mess, a mess that luckily got fixed in 2k4. No one should bother with this title and instead play UT99 or UT2k4, it's far away from those two in terms of balance, gameplay and fun. Half-Life 2 - YES It's simply a great game, with great story, great graphics, great sound, great characters, and overall, well great. GREAT. Rome: Total War - YES This is one RTS that truly breaks the mold, and one of the best RTS games out there, way above the competition. This game mixes turn based strategy with Real time strategy to bring a really complex, deep, and YET easy to grasp gameplay that will hook you up and will keep you gaming for hours and hours. It's one of those games that isn't happy with just making you build a base and obliterate your enemies between cutscenes, no, this game is about gameplay, and about fun. About building your empire and conquering every single empire out there by using your wit, strategy and courage. This game is about scaling the ranks of your own empire and make your family prosper and dominate, this game is about the roman spirit. The graphics of this game are great, with animations that are very realistic. The sound is INCREDIBLE. It is one of the few games I can say that the sound and the music really makes you feel you are there. From the moment you launch your troops to attack you will be immersed, troops shouting, the accelerated march, the clash of the weapons, it's all made so realistically that I can truly feel I am right there. This is also one of the few RTS games that truly deserve to be called an strategy game. In other RTS you can probably win by amassing a bigger army than your opponent and just launch them all in a zerg attack. In this game you have to outwit your opponents, you have to take great caution with your position, with the fatigue and morale of your troops, with who is attacking what, if you don't plan your moves and attack the right troops with the right army, you will be long dead in a blink. This is truly a real-time strategy game. I've recommended this game to each person I know that is at least a bit into gaming, and I'll do the same now. GO PLAY THIS NOW.
  18. I actually did try to remix this, but a combination of not liking the track so much and my inspiration being near 0, lead to nothing. But maybe next time.
  19. It's probably a port of the saturn version, in which Maria was playable.
  20. Only game that makes me think for about 1.23 seconds about buying a psp.
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