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Everything posted by Inimitable

  1. Too much Resident Evil 5 lately to be on Steam! But if I didn't join now I'd forget.
  2. Ssh you're making the wait harder.
  3. What. Just when it starts getting good? The big questions I have are mostly regarding what you had in the OP... And since they had played with alternate timelines earlier in the season, we've no idea what sort of future John landed in. I want to know what the deal between John Henry and Cameron was, too. Plus John's all riled up now that he saw the robot boobies. Intrigue!
  4. This series keeps getting better and better. Glad I kept watching it. So many questions though!
  5. Looks good so far. I have to second the notion that it would make an awesome wii game; maybe once you've finalized it you can find someone who can homebrew-ize it.
  6. Indeed, really hit or miss... The "Getting Treasure" one is a serious miss. But Goron Village and Fairy Fountain are definitely a hit!
  7. Aah, much better. Thank you very much.
  8. This looks like a lot of fun... And really hard. I do believe I'll try it right now! EDIT: Haha, this is much more fun than normal! I've only managed to pull off one barrel roll, though, which was in the beginning of Dragonforce's "Fury of the Storm." "Isosceles" by Marc Rizzo was pretty fun, too. Who's got some recommendations for really sickening tracks?
  9. The only time I've ever gotten texture glitches is when I screw up when adding new custom textures. If you've not been doing anything like that, I couldn't say... Outdated video drivers is usually my first guess, but that wouldn't explain why it only happens occasionally.
  10. Ah, probably my favorite game of all time... Didn't expect to see it on ZP. Gotta love that first bit of guard dialogue, too. "Goin to da bear pits tomarrow, wanna come with?"
  11. I didn't have a whole lot of trouble with the map (though it reminded me I still need a lot of practice); the one "room" that gave me an embarrassing amount of trouble was when you have to jump from a rooftop through a ceiling of an adjacent, lower building... of course the ceiling as well as most of the tiny gap you have to jump through is a reset zone. Fun challenge overall.
  12. Having played a both versus campaigns post-patch, I can safely say I am totally digging this patch. My least favorite Infected (Smoker) is quickly becoming much more fun to play.
  13. I share these quite a bit with the ScoreHero/Guitar Hero community, but for whatever reason not usually this one. I think that's a bit silly. Since I don't have remixing talent myself, this is the best I can do to say "thanks - this mix kicks ass."
  14. Yeah, I wrote out the chart myself. There's a GUI that makes the process fairly streamlined, though making a good quality chart can still take some time. In the video it's being played by a bot. To be honest, though, this one's not that hard as far as customs go. The community likes their ridiculous difficulty levels. You can't grab customs as easily as you can grab DLC, but depending on what system/game you're using creating a custom disc might be easy or difficult. I use GH3 PC because there's a tool that makes it ridiculously easy to add songs to the game. If you're interested PM me and I'll set you in the right direction. EDIT: finally got around to doing a drum track. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4fd_1aDqjE
  15. I share these quite a bit with the ScoreHero/Guitar Hero community, but for whatever reason not usually this one. I think that's a bit silly. Since I don't have remixing talent myself, this is the best I can do to say "thanks - this mix kicks ass."
  16. I share these quite a bit with the ScoreHero/Guitar Hero community, but for whatever reason not usually this one. I think that's a bit silly. Since I don't have remixing talent myself, this is the best I can do to say "thanks - this mix kicks ass."
  17. I share these quite a bit with the ScoreHero/Guitar Hero community, but for whatever reason not usually this one. I think that's a bit silly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6PoXVNQRb0 Since I don't have remixing talent myself, this is the best I can do to say "thanks - this mix kicks ass."
  18. I share these quite a bit with the ScoreHero/Guitar Hero community, but for whatever reason not usually this one. I think that's a bit silly. Since I don't have remixing talent myself, this is the best I can do to say "thanks - this mix kicks ass." Guitar/Rhythm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h7-i58h85M Drums: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4fd_1aDqjE
  19. This actually looks really fun. Will be playing tomorrow!
  20. I fear that whenever I hear someone scream I'm going to turn around immediately and punch the hell out of whoever's standing closest to me. Luckily this hasn't happened yet, but it may be only a matter of time.
  21. Sweeeeet! I can't get enough. Top notch as usual, G-T. Thank you.
  22. Damn, this game is brutal. Just barely made it onto the chopper on Advanced... And JadeAuto, we must have had twice as many tanks as you did. I guess the game just decided it didn't like us much. Tanks in sewers = raaaape. I wish I had more time to play this tonight. Absolutely superb and a large boatload of fun.
  23. Stop teasing us, G-T! I gotta say, though, both this and Left 4 Dead have met and surpassed my expectations... I'm really looking forward to this release. A good week for demos!
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