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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. and Jesus cries every night because of it.
  2. 1) Download some good songs from the internet 2) Re-tag everything saying you made the song 3) Post everywhere on the internet (excluding the site you download said song from).
  3. my biggest mistake as a musician, is attempting to become a musician. and my bubble bobble remix. and any mp3 released before 2006.... and any mp3 released after 2006
  4. Hurry up and banned people already!!!
  5. lololololol no one on ocr makes their own presets. they use fl defaults. lololololol
  6. like most free stuff, you're gonna have to go through a lot to find the really good stuff. But considering it's free, you can do some neat stuff. Requires FL8 (not really, but you miss out on fl-chan) and The Berklee Sampling Archive - Volume 1 @ 44.1K
  7. give a hoot! read a book! or something. I shall take a little peak see. I saw BT drumloops, that's gotta peak some peoples interest.
  8. not unless it's already posted somewhere on the net. and considering you're new, I think it would be a little wise to show some people this 'remix' before you submit it.
  9. people use speakers to make music?!!? lolwtfbbqetc. Originally I did it with my headphones as well, and then I did it with my speaker setup where I again, heard everything....although there's 'probably a setting I shouldn't have on or some crap like that. oh wellz.
  10. I wanna start a rock band. Guess I better download some electric guitars, and bass guitars, and drums, and people to play all these instruments.
  11. 11/18, I only really knew three of the sounds (like pitfall).
  12. Is it safe to assume the song you were all listening to when you lost was Simple Plan - Untitled (How could this happen to me?)
  13. oh yea, I made a topic on this. so a couple of people suggested that the drums seem cheesy or pointless. So I removed them. WAS THIS A GOOD MOVE??? weird without drums weird with drums (both songs are seven plus minutes, and are more or less the exact same thing, so you don't HAVE to listen to listen to the entire thing, as I'm aware it's boring and repetitive.)
  14. Needs more high school diploma and worst remixer name.
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