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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Youtube, mothafucka! Do you use it?
  2. Funeral expected to take place later this week, with robotic pallbearers and CGI weather effects for mood. Bye bye special effects man. Too bad most people (including me) had no idea who you were and what you did until after you died.
  3. Updates on remixes on the project forums. And where's Poinko?
  4. So, instead of taking down the videos and putting something in there like, oh, I don't know, a big block of text saying "By So-and-so from OCRemix", he just puts some down "Yeah, haxxored by haxxors, not mine, totally this guys work", which will probably be changed once this guy thinks no one is watching him again. Sorry, that's not good enough. He needs to edit the videos to show the proper credits and source. It's not that hard, he already had the time and programs to make a video in the first place. Just add some credits at the beginning or end and that's that.
  5. QFE. I was also surprised by how much I actually enjoyed it. First Iron Man, now Hulk. At this rate, the eventual Avengers movie should be pretty damn good.
  6. That's weird. I also like the movies. I can't watch more than a few minutes of the show (if it's dubbed. Subbed I can usually sit through, but I'm not exactly going out of my way to watch subbed pokemon episodes). The movies, though, I can watch several times, subbed or dubbed, and I actually enjoy them. Is it because they ditch the annoying formulaic plot of the show for a much better formulaic plot in the movies? Is it because of the far better music? I don't know why, but I'd much rather watch any one of the movies over the show, any day. As for "which poke is best and why", that's entering a terrible place. Far too many times have I seen threads like that evolve (with use Flamewar Stone) into fanboyish fights over nothing. Avoid at all costs! Also, anyone got that spare Black Sludge I asked about before? Anyone? I got extra TMs and stuff. Maybe you need some pokémon that missing from your version? Anyone? Anyone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2luAeK0Tuu8
  7. Oh. My apologies. I didn't realize you were a robosexual. Shame about that, that kid could have been great.
  8. Sorry for the necro-bumping, but I was just checking out the WIPs section today and saw this. If you're still doing this, I'd ditch the GameBoy sample-thing completely. If you're not willing to do that, then at least cut it down a lot. It's too long. But the Pikachu scream actually made me laugh, so that's something this remix has going for it. I don't think this remix would make OCR standards, but it's not that bad. More work and It would be at least a "NO, RESUB" in the future.
  9. Duh! Buttsex cloning! It would work just fine.
  10. I don't think using music as background, and properly crediting it to the rightful people is plagiarizing. In fact, it sounds like the exact opposite.
  11. Still the plan? Shaymins for all? Also, does anyone have a spare Black Sludge item? I've been looking for one for weeks. Going to the Safari Zone, packing something with Compound Eyes, and trekking through mud almost every day has gotten to the point where I'm just not able to go any more. Croagunks are only 5% appearance rate, and only 5% of them hold Black Sludges. Even with a near-full box of the fuckers, I still haven't found one. And no talk of the Torn World? For shame. Platinum news may be slow and sporadic, but come on, most of the sites are talking about this. Oh, and the new Shaymin forme:
  12. Your destiny. EDIT: Actually, when most of us mention "Drake", we're referring to Firedrake, a good member in standing and most certainly not some noob. I'd still like to see what kind of off-spring would result, and what kind of music the kid would do. And don't forget the pictures.
  13. The as-of-yet unborn result of you and Drake sexing it up. I'd suggest you two get on that right away. I want to see what kind of remixes the kid will do. Take photos, too. Thanks!
  14. I've looked at all of the current avatars, and I haven't seen a single one I want to use. Sorry, but they're either obvious and hardly the right thing, or obscure and nothing I've played or watched enough to be interested in. Maybe when there is more stuff from more games...
  15. Nice double-post. Shit, where's the Nice Work Guy double post image? We never get anything. I think Video Games Live! was pretty much the awesomest thing we will ever see.
  16. Since when was there a novel? Since when did someone think they could make more money by putting out more merchandise? Honestly, there's a point where a company should just stop and think "is there really any point to doing this now? Do we really need that extra half million from this last bit of blatant marketing?" I know the answer will always be yes, but god damn it...
  17. Ok, The Joker now gets a new title: Indiana Jones of Lost Remixes. It's official now, you can't un-official it.
  18. So if it's Nintendo, and it's a rave, will people be doing mushrooms?
  19. Requests for remixes go in Requests. As for the game, it's not that we haven't heard of it, it's more like we don't care, and have doubts about it ever actually coming out. It's been coming for over a decade. Duke Nukem Forever being released is one of the signs of the end of the world at this point.
  20. Do you remember the remixer's name?
  21. "How Much Use Does Your Wii Get?" I don't know. How many times do your mom and sister come over to my place? Now that that's over... 30, and with work, I don't think I have had much time to play. Come to think of it, once my Mario Galaxy disc was scratched, I haven't had the desire to play. Maybe if I got it replaced or got a new game, I might be more inclined to play again.
  22. Awesome. Two of the remixers on my project are judges now. Abuse of powers for more pokémixes on OCR?
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