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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I think I can actually smell the bullshit through my monitor. I checked the toilet, nothing in there, so it has to be EA.
  2. Hmmm, that is an unusual move on Amazon's half. I don't recall them pulling digital copies of a game before.
  3. I like the ones that turn the game (or series) around so it's not just a simple walkthrough. For instance, that awesome Animal Crossing LP where things went crazy and ended up being a descent into madness... all because the LPer added a tiny bit of their own imagination into the story. From there, it went on to something completely different and resulted in one hell of an entertaining read. When you're familiar with a game enough, you can understand and even appreciate the humor behind mocking/mixing it up with other games. I did Pokeable Ops because I found it funny how both Metal Gear and Pokémon both have opponents that sprout a "!" over their heads when they spot you. That led to a very different take on what was otherwise a very basic plot and setting. Yes, most LPs suck, but then, most of everything sucks.
  4. That is far better than the cupcake with a candle in it that I made. FAR BETTER.
  5. Agreed. Once the effect is gone, it never works again. In Slender, that effect is pretty paper-thin.
  6. Metal Gear Solid: Pokeable Ops.
  7. Is awesome song. Just a touch cheesey but still pretty damn cool. Thirded.
  8. The two figures in the distance could be any one... or any thing. She may still not be safe yet. So her fate is still very much unanswered.
  9. Yeah, it's a pretty cool song, it really shows how much of a style change they went with from DPPt.
  10. PS4 has no media format, you just get your games from some sort of cloud thingy and then you have to hope it never goes tits up and dies on you. CONFIRMED.
  11. No info on used PS4 games? I suspect that after the first few weeks, when the first buyers are starting to trade or sell their launch titles for new games, we're going to see some shit hit at least one air moving device.
  12. This is neither the time nor the place for your fact-mongering.
  13. Considering all the ways they connected old game content into new games by way of references, I have no doubt that it does, and it is likely intentional.
  14. There's something about a 300+ page hardcover book covering a favorite subject of yours (in this case, The Legend of Zelda series) that just makes you feel right. Is it the green cover that matches Link's tunic? Is it the foil inlay that makes up the text and symbol? Is it the fact that is was only $23? Or is it the fact that it has tons of artwork and concept pieces from the entire series? Even the GameBoy and GameBoy Color games are included (though, I would have bought a book just for Link's Awakening if they did one). I love these kinds of books, and I wish more companies did them. Valve has an entire series of books covering their games, and I wish I could get them. I'd kill everyone on this site for a comprehensive Pokémon game series book. Mario? Hell yeah, I'd buy one. But until those come out, I'll be reading this one every so often. I would read it over and over, but I don't want to wear out it out. 10/10: Would fondle and caress awkwardly again.
  15. Not to mention that EVs were capped at 65535 for each stat, instead of the 512 for all six stats in Gen 3 and on.
  16. Back when Gold and Silver were new, and they just introduced Dark types, it was a cool idea to show them off more. Hence why there was an Elite 4 member that used Dark types. Adding in Dark type weak teams helped, too.
  17. Chromosomes, 3D space, biological systems in humans, Norse mythology... Seems this generation is just full of meanings.
  18. In-game, anything works. It's simply a matter of leveling up enough. There are lots of people who have done Magikarp or Caterpie-only runs, where they don't use any other pokémon (except for HMS, but they aren't used for battle) and still beat the Elite Four. Competitive battling... nope, not happening. There's a reason why tiers exist, and why most pokémon aren't in the higher ones.
  19. No, that one was a trade. I gave up a shiny Blastoise for it. The Blastoise had average stats, so I came out the winner in that one. The one I mentioned some sort of trick that makes the GTS system on your game think it's trading without actually trading. I've never gotten it to work, because it seems I DON'T INTERNET GOOD NUFF to get it right. I fucking suck at setting up network shit, and my friend who is good at it wouldn't understand why I want this setup. But, even then, it's still the same as finding one naturally. Let's say we both get a max IV pokemon parent. Mine was from pokegen/whateer system, yours is one you magically found while beating up some random pokes in a cave or field. Now, we could both use it to breed eggs. The eggs will still have the same chances of getting various stats, and they will still need to be EV trained, leveled up and taught attacks. That part hasn't changed, nor is it necessarily being done quicker/easier. But just making a perfect stat pokemon and using that? Fuck that, part of the fun is making your team and raising it. If you want straight up battling, there are a few sims that do all the hard tiresome stuff like training out, and just let you fight it out with anyone. If that's what you want, jut go use that and leave the carts to the rest of us.
  20. All you guys complaining about the difficulties of breeding for IVs... just get a hold of a Ditto with 31 IVs across the board. After a half dozen eggs, you're going to get one with really good IVs. Add in an Everstone, and you can raise your chances of keeping the nature of the parents as well. That's how I got my 31-31-31-31-31-31 and 30-30-30-30-30-30 pokes.
  21. Yeah, one of my favorites is Cradily, I still have the one I hatched from my Sapphire game back in 2004. "Oh, but it's ugly" everyone said... then after a year, online sim stats showed a sharp increase in Cradly use once people started figuring out that it's stats, movepool and ability let it soak up damage and recover easily, walling most mixed attackers until it could wear them down. Yes, eventually, counters were found and used, but that's not the point; people hated it based upon looks, and ended up using it based upon stats.
  22. Yeah, dinosaurs with giant leaf blades on their arms sure suck.
  23. Fuck, people are in LOVE with the new fire starter. How in love? How about fan-made plush dolls in less than 20 hours of reveal? So yeah, I suspect that it will be the most popular starter of gen 6, and will be picked the most out of the three.
  24. You know,a ll this talk about gen 6 is nice and all, but the only thing I really care about is if they bring back the most important and useful feature in the series... nay, in any game. L button = A button. I swear, it was like they made this feature for sick people, laying in bed all day. Have to be on your back? Not a problem. Need to be on your side and you can't hold your GBA with both hands comfortably? PROBLEM SOLVED: use L to act as A and play with only one hand. It was great. Gen 3 and 4 had it, and taking it out of gen 5 felt so weird. It's not like the 3DS doesn't have an L button any way. It's used for changing storage boxes on the PC. I think it might some other use, but it's so unknown and unused that I can't think of what it is. Also, you could use it for playing under the table at work while keeping your other hand up where everyone could see it, and it also allowed for bathroom playing where the hand that was holding it never touched anything.
  25. I believe the proper term is chimpasaurus. Let's at least try to be scientifically correct, shall we? Oh, did any one else notice that in battle, the pokémon change facial expressions? Check this video at 0:36 when Chespin uses his attack; his face changes when he attacks, and Magikarp closes its eyes during the attack. Plus the roller blades and all the Paris-like city shots... Could be a pretty damn feature-filled game.
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