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  1. Ok, so this is my remix for the Double Dragon Callout. I'd say the arrangement is decent, not so sure about the mixing though. Remix: https://app.box.com/s/9is8gsaxtwveus6g3oq70mag7qrqfsko Source: https://youtu.be/iF91Xulzwdc?list=PL67291BDCD76884B2 Any feedback is welcome!
  2. Hi everyone ! Here's my remix of Dream Of The Shore Near Another World from Chrono Cross. Hope you'll enjoy it =)
  3. https://soundcloud.com/planarianhugger/not-my-fault-someone-put-a-wall-in-my-way This is my remix of A Walk in the Woods and Covenant Dance from Halo 1 I made for PRC312. It got 6th out of 12 entrances. The sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t97u9qmgwN0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fPFtDdqnJI The first part is the beginning of Covenant Dance with the bass line of A Walk in the Woods followed by the main melody A Walk in the Woods. Then the entirety of Covenant Dance. After this the background continues with the melody from A Walk in the Woods and repeats the back and forth of A Walk in the Woods and Covenant Dance changing as it continues till the end. I enjoyed making this and any advice or critique is encouraged.
  4. So, been working on a mobile game with a company by the name of Pagoda Games. Was about a 2 year process, and I had initially started work by myself, but then slowly incorporated a close friend. We formed a business due to circumstances with Pagoda...and, well, here we are. Is this demo reel a little too long? I've not created one before, so I'm not sure of an appropriate length. Wouldn't mind some feedback on general mixing/mastering quality as well. All in all, just looking for general feedback. Can't say the music here is amazing or anything. It was asked to make 5+ minute long tracks, which by any standard is way too long for a game track (depending on the game, but in the case of a mobile game, I'd say even 5 minutes is too long for a track). Below you'll find tracks that were initially made, but tossed out in favor of the tracks above. >____> There are about 3 or 4 others that were also completed and once had a spot in the game, but tossed to the side. Feel free to comment on these, if you want to. Personally, I preferred these to what they had settled on using.
  5. Hello everyone! Initially this track had a different name but it's basically a remix of Coda "Briganty" from Briganty on PC-98, by Takahiro Yonemura. My take is somewhere between 80s RnB and G-funk: This is the original track:
  6. Well, now that PRC312 is over I wanted to share my newest Needle Man remix (yeah I know, same old, same old). I know the arrangement is relatively basic, but nonetheless I'm pretty happy about my improved production quality. Original: Remix:
  7. Hey, guys! Been a while since I posted here. I just finished an atmospheric medley of several Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tracks that I started two months ago. Total project time is about 31 hours. Feel free to make any comments you wish! ReMix: Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon - 'CONNECTED!' Sources: Revelation Mountain, Tree of Life (Roots), Dialga's Fight to the Finish! (PMD2) The ReMix title is based on the many alliances you make in the game, and the "CONNECTED!" message that pops up in the middle of the screen. Source Breakdown: 0:15.00 - 0:30.00 = Revelation Mountain (0:00.00 - 0:07.56) 0:30.00 - 0:59.05 = Revelation Mountain (0:07.56 - 0:37.62) 1:00.00 - 1:15.00 = Revelation Mountain (0:00.00 - 0:07.56) 1:15.00 - 1:26.23 = Tree of Life (Roots) (0:11.49 - 0:19.85) atop Revelation Mountain (0:00.00 - 0:07.56) 1:30.00 - 1:57.82 = Revelation Mountain (1:49.29 - 2:03.26, 0:31.00 - 0:35.39) 2:00.94 - 2:02.83, 2:04.69 - 2:06.55, 2:08.12 - 2:10.95 = Revelation Mountain (0:07.56 - 0:37.62) [big polyrhythmic transition/shift!] 2:15.00 - 2:36.57 = Revelation Mountain (0:48.64 - 1:14.67) [mainly chord progression, plus the lead and the accompanying arpeggios] 2:37.50 - 2:51.88 = Tree of Life (Roots) (0:33.81 - 1:29.96) 2:51.88 - 3:07.50 = Final Fight (PMD2) (1:34.06 - 1:50.27) atop Tree of Life (Roots) (0:33.81 - 1:29.96) 3:07.50 - 3:37.50 = Revelation Mountain (1:48.36 - 2:03.26) 3:37.50 - 4:00.20 = Revelation Mountain (0:07.56 - 0:15.08) ["fade-out" via reverb automation] 15.00 + 29.05 + 15.00 + 11.23 + 27.82 + 1.89 + 1.86 + 2.87 + 21.57 + 14.38 + 15.62 + 30.00 + 22.70 = 208.99/246.00 = ~84.96% ----- I'm also providing the first WIP version if you want to see how it developed! (edited to remove other WIPs, so I can save Box bandwidth) V1: https://app.box.com/s/k6jh00xqal6kh766bnfrbkodsavhrfyq
  8. Originals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhwSsIOTOS0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfO-9eRe9v8&list=PLh9hcS0tfUw0aadEWKl26XeL8IrDyTVoB&index=35 Remix: https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/hack-aura-themehidden-forbidden-holy-ground-remix A very glitchy take on two beautiful songs from a very glitchy (plot wise, not buggy, I think) game. This is a remix that I've been waiting to do for years and finally felt up to it. It is far from being done, but I have put together somewhat of an idea for it. Some quick notes: - The begin is not right, I know what I want 0:00-0:32 to sound like, but need to spend some more serious time on it. Not sure if I'll keep the vocals from the song, though I do like them. - The bass at 0:36-1:28 sounds a little too happy right now. Maybe it's the notes, maybe it's the settings. - Not sure if I'll keep the original vocals form 0:45-1:32, they were originally just a placeholder and sound messy and out of time, but I may fix that and use them. - I need to find a better second drum layer at 0:59, it doesn't sound entirely good, plus I need to figure out how to fix the one that's already there. - The relaxed section where the source tune changes is a bit of an eye of the storm kind of section that will have the first source come back even harder afterwards. - I love these games.
  9. Hey everyone, In a never ending obsession with trying to achieve the largest wall of sound possible I did this track for the holidays this year. After noticing a rather severe lack of Upper mids and highs on the album version I decided to try to push this version's strings and brass a bit higher. However with it being EWQLSO Gold (and only having stage mics available) I was only able to get the samples brightened so far before becoming abrasive. Definitely going to be saving up for EWQLSO Platinum. It consists of 3 variations on Sonic 3's Icecap Zone Act 1 Sonic Advance's Ice Mountain a secret source, We 3 Kings and I saw 3 Ships. Here's a hint. The secret source occurs in the middle. Enjoy!
  10. Hey folks. Been a while. Here's my remix called: Witching Hour. I hadn't initially planned to make a remix but I started fooling around with the melody and it just blended together so nicely. Though now I'm wondering if I've included enough of the source material within the song. Thoughts? On a side note, if anyone wants to put some vocals on it you're more than welcome to
  11. Hello Everyone, I finished Pokemon Red/Blue's Pokemon Center Remix. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMA5c1eTOKY Enjoy Everyone!
  12. Hey there! Nice to meet you all, my name's Alex, long time lurker actually. I've stumbled upon OCReMix when I discovered the Voices of the Lifestream album. It was then, inspired by such amazing work by so many talented people, that I decided I too wanted to start producing and composing music, even though I didn't have any background in music, it seemed like a good moment to start. Almost three years in, I've grown confident enough to submit something here with serious intentions. The track is an orchestral arrangement I made of a Final Fantasy VII track, "On That Day, 5 Years Ago", which is one of my most favorite tracks ever from Nobuo Uematsu. I'm not sure if it's good enough though, as it's written in a genre that is quite outside of my comfort zone, I'm more an electronic/action sound design, but since I'd definitely love to become better with orchestras I tried to make it this way. Any feedback from both the mods and the fellow composers of the forum would be more than greatly appreciated! Thank you so much, Alex Links to the remix & to the original track: Remix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2tJmHuW7Z8 Original Track - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEZNywlt_gM
  13. Hey everyone. This is my band's take on the ever-popular Dragon Roost Island. We believe it is a fresh approach to a tune that has probably been covered to death, so hopefully you enjoy it as much as we do. As always, the vast majority of instruments were recorded live, including the ocean drums! We also just overhauled our hardware setup, so any production critiques are more than welcome. Thanks for listening! source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRWq53IFXVQ
  14. My second take on Half-Life 2's soundtrack. Initially a byproduct of my other HL2 remix, which I posted here some time ago, 'Ravenholm' then developed into a full project. It's not nearly as progressive; the focus was on atmosphere this time. Lots of samples and self-made ambient stuff. I'm proud of how the drums turned out, but still unhappy with my guitar tone. That might change very soon as I'm looking into investing in a Peavey 6505mh tube amp, so expect better next time. Really grinds my gears that I was never able to reproduce the tones I had on Exordium. I recommend downloading the high quality MP3 320 version over at SoundCloud or hearthis.at. Next up will be metal remix of Pendulum's 'Blood Sugar' and if I find the time, a solo playthrough video. Also, I will be starting production of my 8 track orginial instrumental album 'Oracle' in December as writing is finished now. I'd appreciate any form of support immensely - in the form of helpful critique to improve my mixes or, you know, just throw a like my way somewhere!
  15. So, it's been a while since you've guys have heard from me. Haven;t had a game remix in a while either (well, BadAss 3 will have something from me but that's a way off). I've been playing Fallout 4 off & on, & heard this holotape in it titled "Hi Honey!" on it. Since I'm now married, it stirred up some emotions that I had to get down, & I used the Fallout Main theme to get em out. This is not a full on remix, more just a short variation on the main title. Wanted to make it sound like a sad love song, bittersweet even. d/l link: https://soundcloud.com/dlpmusic/fallout4theme_hihoney or if you wanted to stream it on youtube: https://youtu.be/gorH8o2BEhk Let me know what you think!
  16. Hey F-Zero and Metroid fans, This a 15-minute F-Zero X and Metroid medley. It's a part I -> part II deal, so I hope I'm not breaking protocol here. The F-Zero X track is a completely overhauled version from a DoD sub which didn't do so well (it was pretty bad actually)! The F-Zero part focuses on violin pyrotechnics, while Metroid is more laid-back and a cavernous atmosphere takes the forefront. Listen to it here. Live here. Trev Wignall
  17. I had originally planned on having this track as an audition piece for an Apex album from not too long ago. As I'm a huge fan of fighting games I really wanted to get something on there. However as time went I had less and less faith that it would be accepted and eventually rearranged a significant amount of it to make it what it is now. Planning on paneling this shortly so have at it! Source:
  18. Hey guys ! Here's my remix of Light of Nibel from Ori And The Blind Forest. Hope you'll like it =)
  19. Hey there! Thought this was as good a place to start as any now that I'm wanting to get active on the board. This is a remix I did around a week ago of a track I really enjoy from Sonic Heroes, the Emerald Challenge theme. It's mostly electronic and house influenced, and while I didn't intend it to completely branch out arrangement-wise, I think I got a few nice ideas in there. I considered throwing some guitar and bass work in there too, but alas, it didn't work out. Here's my mix. Gonna mark this as Finished since it was indeed finished by the time I posted it here, but I'm open to making improvements.
  20. Even though I have marked this as "finished," please feel free to provide suggestions or review comments. This is a cover of Katrina's Theme from Romancing Saga 3...I added a part that's original at the beginning (and then I brought it back midway in the song)...does it "work" or no? My remix: https://soundcloud.com/andrewspriggs/romancing-saga-3-katrinas-theme Original:
  21. Song link: https://soundcloud.com/move-every-mountain/town-theme-shining-force-2 Hey guys! I'm a longtime listener of OCR stuff, first time maker, haha. I've been producing electronic music for a few years now and I wanted to give video game music a try so I did a modern re-imagining of maybe my favorite video game song ever. It might seem a little abstract but Shining Force 2 is a GREAT RPG (early 90s Sega Genesis) and its full of great music, the "Town Theme" being my favorite. I used Xfer SERUM for most of the sounds in this song, except for one of the synths in the turnaround, which is Logic's native Retro Synth. I've just submitted this song to OCR, I'm really really hoping it gets accepted and I'd love to see what people here think of it. I've titled my remake "Hometown Hero", if only because it was in the submission requirements here on OCR. Structurally speaking its a pretty literal remake of "Town Theme". Thanks a lot! PS Free download on soundcloud, if you want it. Move Every Mountain
  22. Hello Everyone, This is my very first post to OcRemix Forums. Thank you for having me here and taking the time to view this post. I am presenting an Eletronic Bomberman 64 remix that I believe to be finished but there is always room for critisim. Enjoy. ZoneSoldier ZoneSoldier Remix: https://soundcloud.com/zonesoldier/bomberman64-blue-resort Orgional Source Youtube:
  23. Hi, I'm a new member of this site (long-time listener, first time poster). I created this remix a few days ago, and I consider it complete so far but would like to hear thoughts on how I can improve it. I'm also posting this here because I'm dumb and already submitted it without checking to see forums like this one, and I wish I had before emailing this to them, so in case it's rejected I want to see where it needs work. Original songs remixed: All, Die Remix title: Why Won't You Die link: https://soundcloud.com/shutupwithme/why-wont-you-die I tried my best to emulate a realistic, rusty sound of metal pounding/scraping instruments, paired with effects I heard in the game and try to recreate. I've only been learning music production for a few weeks now so I'm still learning, and I might be able to tweak the sounds here and there, make it more intimidating and chaotic.
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