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  1. A remix of This is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas video game on ps2. Vocals by yours truly lol but if someone else wants to take a crack at it be my guest . For evaluation purposes
  2. Hi folks! I've been working on a remix to Suikoden's "Rock Rockland." Remix title still TBD (ideas always welcome!). I'm relatively new to composition; I started learning at the beginning of the pandemic, when I needed to transition my drum lessons online. Since it's hard to play drums over Zoom, my instructor pivoted to teaching me music theory and composing in DAWs. I recently finished a Chrono Cross lofi EP, but it's not up to the quality expected here. Since then I've been working on another remix hoping to polish it enough to submit. Kind of dorky, but I've been wanting to make vg remixes since I started listening to OC Remix in high school. I started this remix earlier in the year and then dropped it; I'm glad that I did, because I like this direction much more (and have since moved from Garageband into Ableton Live). Remix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fnr0xc489jaskhv/rock-rockland.mp3?dl=0 I'm hoping to get feedback on... How's the mix? Anything standing out too much, or anything fading too much into the background? Is there enough variety between each section to keep it interesting? Does the mix vary enough from the original arrangement? Does anything seem technically incorrect? General thoughts/feedback? Worth submitting? Thanks in advance! Original:
  3. UPDATE JULY 17th Latest version with slight mix tweaks. Bass gets its own little climax at the end of the transition / buildup so it doesn't feel like it just keeps hanging there. DESCRIPTION I decided to come back to a remix project that I never really finished to satisfaction. I shared an earlier version here on OCR and now I'd like to share the updated version. This remix combines two tracks from the Donkey Kong Country 2 soundtrack (SNES): "Bayou Boogie" and "Stickerbush Symphony". Original composer: David Wise. This is an updated version from an earlier attempt, titled "Swamped with Nostalgia" I replaced some instruments and added my own recorded bird song samples. After some problems with mixing I decided to go with a "less is more" approach and cut away samples and instruments to maximize the elements that I like. Newly added is the acoustic guitar chords, created by NI's Session Guitarist, which gives it the flavor I had been looking for but couldn't produce the first time. The transition between the two tracks now does what I wanted it to do all along! The overall structure and most instruments have remained the same. So has difficulty mixing and mastering (I slapped on a Maximus preset and tweaked that a little until it sounded right to me. Then came back the next day with semi-fresh ears to do a final tweak.) Here it is, for your enjoyment. [REMOVED OLD LINK. SEE LATEST ABOVE]
  4. Hey there, decided to finally make a song for OCR after thinking about it for 17 years. It's a linear track and many of the frequencies are quite extreme, for maximum tension-building. It has a piano run through a guitar amp to add a bit of volatility to its character, and other than the little flourish from 1:45 - 1:47, every note is sourced from several different Zelda melodies, with the Great Bay Temple being the most prominent chord-wise (and obviously percussion-wise). As the song goes on, it's meant to put the listener in that psychological space many people find themselves in at least once in their lives, when you're swimming underwater and suddenly everything goes from uncomfortable to desperate. Maybe I've over-explained myself, but let me know what you think, if you care to. Here's the OG. Here's mine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=18DPdGUQSrXCZcUZ0ZV8eLJe9zYISha7H My one concern is that the panning on the gated high frequencies is too extreme, or perhaps too loud on certain speakers, especially after the song quality is degraded on something like YouTube. Thoughts?
  5. Dunno if I'm ever actually gonna finish this one, but I'm having fun with it so far Updated link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LAmRJRs-Nwvs0xYFVynP6t9K4_YitrsO/view?usp=sharing
  6. Song Remix name - Cloudy Knight Original song - Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2, Level - 2 - Cloud Level Plan on submitting to OcRemix - Yes Feedback request with some context: General feedback, but also perhaps a focus on mixing/mastering aspect. My main musical aspirations are: I am a guitar player. I write and record my own music, with guitar being the only instrument I actually play (drums, bass and any others are programmed. Wish I could be a poly-instrumentalist). I have just started learning aspects of recording as well as mixing/mastering. My day job is not anything music or audio related, so this is all youtube/Google/experience based learning. Any tips on anything would be appreciated. When not recording, side musical hobby is just making songs in the program (FL studio). I have found since I love video game music, creating remixes is a hobby that helps me learn the software, understand songwriting better in general, and learn to mix/master as well. In regards to the song itself, most of the feedback I have gotten so far is "it's alright but there is something missing". Personally, I didn't want to try to re-interpret the song itself too much. Link" Link to Original for comparison:
  7. A remix of Laughter. Enhanced the synthwave vibe and I used AlterEgo for an early breakdown, just because.
  8. This is something I had forgotten that I had started....so I finished it up quickly and here it is. Done on my phone during breaks at work. I think my favorite part is the cheesy name, pillaging a tomb music, with the Raiden moniker because of a track from a Mortal Kombat album years ago.
  9. Hey all, I've been a long-time OCR fan, and I've always wanted to prepare a submission at some point. A couple years ago I submitted a remix of Route 119 from Pokemon Ruby (original song) to a PRC compo, and recently I started thinking that it could be a good basis for a full OCR submission, with some improvements. At the time, someone noted the following: The first 15 seconds or so are a bit sparse The transition when the synth lead enters around 0:47 is a bit jarring I started working on trying to fix those to try and get it to OCR submission quality, but I realized I was a bit stuck -- I tried playing with the transition a bit but it always ended up sounding similar to the original. So, I thought I'd ask here! What do you all think? What would you recommend doing to this to improve the quality? Thanks! PRC369-PkmnRt119.mp3
  10. Another remix I did on my phone during breaks. Comments welcome. Remix Original
  11. Something I put together on my phone using Caustic. I'm working 25 plus hours of OT a week, so breaks at work are the most time I have to do anything like this. Feedback please. Remix Original
  12. Needed an outline before I start doing more funky stuff with it. Unfortunately I'm running out of RAM at this juncture so I need to figure out what to do about that first. 16GB isnt enough! In the meantime I'll work on instrument balance and EQ and developing more unique ideas to make it my own/a proper remix. But for now, a nice sketch.
  13. Hi everyone, Long time fan of the site (14 years+), first time poster. I wanted to have the dread with 'X the Legend' from the Megaman Zero games but kept hearing bits of 'Raise Thy Sword' from Soul Calibur II in my head as I would hum the melody to see what I might have been missing. This idea started with hearing Jay Reichard's version of X The Legend on VGMusic and realizing it could work as a great base to further studies for harmonies. (Long story short, was a vocalist studying opera, but had an injury that derailed that. So composition isn't my strongest point.) I worked in snippets of the melody from Martin Exton's arrangement of Raise Thy Sword (from VG Music as well). And ultimately tried working both of them together so it was more of a seamless transition between the two. Any and all feedback is appreciated. It's changed quite a bit since inception, but it's been a fun ride learning FL Studio. --Old-- Original Version (Version 1) --Old-- More Subtle Mood (Version 9a) Retrowave influence, but not really constrained to any specific genre when I was trying to shape this. Constantly edited for brevity, clarity, and having up to date links.
  14. This is a wip remix of Mara and Nara's theme from DW4. I only have a minute or so of it done, I'm looking for feedback on what I have so far. Thanks! Twisted Sisterz2.wav
  15. Greetings, i once opened a topic about a remix of Portal 2's "reconstructing more science" (http://www.thinkwithportals.com/music.php Volume 3) i was working on and was getting a lot of feedback regarding my remix. Now that i've been working on the remix for more than 1 1/2 years i finally came back here to get feedback for the current version, for i am planning to hand it in here at oc-remix and i want to ensure that the current version of the remix fulfills the requirements for oc-remix. The current (and hopefully final) version of the song: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N7zxyPWdbsJnyZuOh5wGRksDGLgKEBEe I am thankful for every constructive feedback i get. - daWaschbaer (You can find the old post here if you want to browse through the older versions of the song and the feedback i got)
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iI_3XGt1TdKIsWHZiy3qSThUHYHvVtk2/view?usp=sharing This is at least my third time starting on this mix from scratch; hopefully I'll actually finish it this time.
  17. Well...I did Bavarian Kackle, I guess another polka wouldn't hurt. Only a demo for now. I'm seriously toying with either starting a Donkey Kong Polka remix Album Project OR doing it myself. I threw a tad of the "Beer Barrel Polka" in there, since It fit well. The next version will be better instruments, this was just a test arrangement.
  18. Hello! FFVII Overture for 8 Horns This is my arrangement of the opening and bombing mission from Final Fantasy VII, for eight horns (all parts played by me). In the interest of turning this into more of a proper operatic overture, some other themes and leitmotifs make appearances as well, including Sephiroth, a melody from "Fight on!", and themes from Cid and Jenova. Does this sort of thing fit here at OCRemix? I wrote this arrangement in hopes of someday actually finding people to perform it with, and it's very much geared towards being playable live, though it's tricky here and there. I've been making recordings like this as a way to stay busy and keep my chops up during Covid-times. The track is in what I'd normally call a "pre-production" state, as I usually shoot video during recording and composite things together for youtube as a "virtual performance." (So, this is mic'd a bit closer and more "direct" sounding than what I'd put out for a finished product, but it's handy to hear it this way while laying tracks down for real).
  19. Hello! I've been working on this orchestral cover of "Resurrections" from Celeste for a while now, and I think I've reached a point where I can't improve it further without feedback from others. So I'd really appreciate yours! Is this OCR material - and if not, what can I do to fix that? You may notice that the original Resurrections is over 9 minutes long with a lot of frankly unnecessary repeats. I've trimmed out several repeats and brought the tune down to a more manageable six and a half minutes. Other than that, the remix generally plays it as straight as it can. That may be a weakness, or it may be a strength, I'm not sure yet. What do you think? I'm especially interested in feedback on the orchestration/arrangement, mixing, and production, though I'll take any advice you have on how to improve. For reference, this is made with BBCSO Core plus some additional drums.
  20. Hello! This is my work in progress of "Planetary Parasite", a Chrono Trigger ReMix featuring the songs "Lavos Theme", "World Revolution", and "Last Battle". I'm especially interested on feedback on the arrangement, mixing, and production. So far is this on track to be good enough for OCR or what needs improvement? Thank you for your time and feedback! Edit: Link updated 2/11 - added choirs, still need to figure out an ending.
  21. Hi there everyone. Did something for testing out a few things with a pack I got and thought I'd post them here. Original midi for Spider Dance was pulled from: https://www.vgsynth.com/undertale.html Any feedback on this is appreciated!
  22. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EFNHcmgTKX-XVvsCTZwJJ46WpIgkuuI1/view?usp=sharing Please let me know what you think! I whipped this up a few months ago and just realized I could actually post it here. It's very trailer-esque.
  23. Wrote this last night as just kind of an exercise but I think I want to take it to the next level. As written it's mostly just straight forward and in rhythm. Really quantized. I think though I can take some time, play some of the parts myself and really humanize it—take it slow and add feeling. There are some issues with frequencies being cluttered with the vocals but that is fixable. I'd appreciate any feedback on this take as I move forward making it feel more alive.
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