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  1. Hey everyone! As 2023 was the 20th Anniversary of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, here is a special piece I arranged to celebrate! Outset Idyll, like the Skyloft Arrangement, it's a pastoral piece to glorify the natural environment of Hyrule! Enjoy! P.S - Yes, that IS the Wind Waker I'm using in the vid!
  2. Hey hello everyone! I'm not sure if this is the proper place in the forums to post this, as it looks like everyone is posting individual tracks rather than full albums. I remember seeing some people posting announcements of their own new albums in Anouncements but obviously I'm not that important as to deserve posting there, so just decided to do it here. In case that was inappropiate, please mods just move this whenever it belongs. So, well... for anyone who never heard of me before (most likely the makority of people here), basically my "career" into music started in totally accidental ways: it was never my intention to make actual music or remixes or whatever but just ruin it, replacing the beautiful, catchy melodies by silly humming vocals that sounds like a chocobo singing in a bad day. Most of that stuff was early the original source with lead instruments muted, or random midi files from vgmusic. However, eventually as I kept doing more of that I learnt a lot of music arranging, production, etc. And most surprisingly, some people in some place of the net (Dwelling of Duels, mostly) liked my sutff and "asked for more of that". So then I got involved with actual artists and collabs and more and more complex stuff that was totally out of my initial aspirations of simply "giving people something to laugh and have fun with". And so I kept doing more and more attempts of serious stuff too, with the extreme luck of counting with a bunch of talented artists willing to play for me. And so here's that new album I posted just a few days ago with all my new stuff since August (with a few exceptions for next one). That's 17 tracks, almost all of them VGM covers/remixes from both obscure and mainstream games, but also a couple of non-VGM ones and an original one. And just wanted to share this with anyone who might be interested to listen. Please note that I'm not any expert or pro or anything in my own roles, so don't expect awesome stuff, but still totally listenable and maybe even enjoyable stuff, I guess. A few tracks are kinda demo-ish (ie: the first track lacking real guitars because some unepected incidents at its creation time, so that thing that sounds like guitars are actually amped harps!) and while tracks 1 to 9 sounds kinda decent enough, from 11 to later it's just me and my synths/samples, without anyone collabing, so that may sound a bit "too midi-ish" but still trying interesting stuff and ideas arrangement-wise. Musically I'd say it's mostly metal as base, but lots of elements ranging from folk to industrial. Some weird stuff and some too agressive and some too smooth, kinda varied stuff :) In any case, I hope somebody listens and like something of this. The whole album is available for free download at Bandcamp, where I have a lot more of stuff too (but beware: while this album is kinda "serious" there's some really silly stuff if you check into the past stuff!). https://unknownpseudoartist.bandcamp.com/album/no-birds-allowed Thanks in advance :)
  3. Hi everyone! Here's the newest arrangement uploaded to YouTube: an orchestral arrangement of Ballad of the Goddess from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Enjoy!
  4. I'm not too proud of this and some things are rushed because of deadlines, especially the ending but well here goes nothing. I did however discover a lot of new things that I can use in future tracks! Take it for a spin!
  5. https://youtu.be/pgICvV0udG8 Original Composer - Kenichi Matsubara Cover made by: Peshtiwar Botani Track: Castlevania - Bloody Tears By far my best orchestration to date, of course it's not perfect but a great step forward. Take this for a spin!
  6. This is my first post on OC Remix and an introduction to some of my remixes/rearrangements from the Majora's Mask OST. Originally posted right before the 3DS release of Majora's Mask.
  7. This is definitely a random remix to produce, but I really had fun taking this 6-second melody and making it into an entirely different track that feels unique from Wii Sports.
  8. Hey guys, first post here on the forums. I've known about OC-Remix for a long time, but never actually jumped in here. Now with correct link (edited) sorry for the confusion! Tekken 4 has a special place in my heart. It was the first and only fighting game i ever really got into as a child. There was something about the dark atmosphere and cool intro-videos for each of the characters. In particular, i remember that the soundtracks for the Tekken series were absolutely genius. Tekken 3, 4 and tag tournament all had steller tunes. My favorite of all time though, has to be the Authentic Sky Theme. I still listen to it, to this day. So of course, i had to make it into Drum and Bass Samples used: Tekken 4 - Authentic Sky Tekken 4 - Hex Tekken 4 - Fist for a Fist This song was produced, mixed and mastered on FL studio 21.2 on a pair of ATX-MH-50s Artist: Mikkel Barner Johansen (me) Enjoy!
  9. Greetings everyone! I just posted this one online and it was a super-fun track to put together, It's been a WHILE since I've worked on anything this fast. I don't think I will be submitting this one to the site - to me it follows the original a bit *too* closely, but I still wanted to share with others who might enjoy a listen. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/P2K6DGMC-ZE
  10. Track - Sonic 2 - Emerald Hill Zone Original Composer - Masato Nakamura Cover Made By - Peshtiwar Botani This genre is a blast, there's a lot to improve since this is a genre I'm not used to but I think it's a step in the right direction. Inspired by Sonic Mania and Tee Lopes. Take it for a spin!
  11. I got the inspiration for this piece when replaying the Neverwinter Nights main campaign a while ago and hearing the lizardfolks again after many years - surprised how metal they sounded. [light spoiler alert] for those who might care about this: the video displays some shoddy gameplay of the final battle to loosely accompany the arrangement and its intended narrative, so it reveals some of the boss's quirks The main source for the song is the Final Battle theme, but it also includes the NWN Main theme melody line where the original song would go into a variation (0:58). The main theme, besides being sublime, was a natural choice to provide space for the choruses (the variation is left till the end). Parts have also been swapped in regards to the source material: the remix starts where the original would end before looping back (around 1:12). The most fun I had working with this was transcribing and rearranging the voice acting into the vocals as they are heard, by cutting and combining sentences, positioning, and time stretching the audio. Some phonemes were missing for the new sentence structures and had to be created by combining other words present in the recording (e.g. the stressed n in again at 1:35). And although it's mostly Morag's soliloquy, her Chosen warriors are heard shouting as well (regardless of what the topic title says). I hope you'll find this interesting!
  12. https://youtu.be/1Bnz6yZf67g I've got so many alternatives for this year's Halloween remix. I'm not sure why I didn't write one of all those, the Twisted Mansion just called out to me in the last minute. And since I love Mario Kart games and all of the soundtracks from them I just couldn't resist making. The original first seemed messy and unstructured, but when I really started to listen to it my first impression was the complexity of harmonics and layered melodies. But it all winded up pretty darn genious when I got a bit into it. I felt it was a challenge, and at the same time very joyful to write it down and make my own interpretation. The most time consuming part ion making Twisted Mansion was the instrumentation and modification of all instruments. As you can hear there are several instruments I never used before, like the first classic spooky melody, the female choir, pizzicato strings, staccato strings and not least the pipe organ. When I use new instruments I need to set them up pretty thoughroly to make them fit in the total soundscape as to speak. Much tweaking with equalizers, attack, delay, sustain and release. At the end, it felt really great to be on time with this Halloween remix, because I really thought I would be awfully late xD So what saved me... yeah I got THE WORST MANCOLD, as usual at this time of the year when my kids started school and so. I got to rest at home, and dedicated many hours into making this remix, it was worth it! I hope this get you in the mood for Halloween! I won't go into how I build it up and commenting on sections this time, I'm just gonna let you listen and discover things for yourself. Take care folks, it would be the world to me if you listened and shared this with friends! Thank you so much ❤️ /Neon X
  13. https://youtu.be/DiNE7keAT_E Finally finished this banger track! First of all, thank you for your patience, I know it goes too long between releases right now. I think that will be changed anytime soon since I'm off my current workplace by the end of october. And that also reminds me of that this year's Halloween remix will be a late one I'm afraid. Sewer Surfin' was not quite planned to create at this time, but when I listened to it a couple of times I came into the right mood and got very inspired by it's high pace and rock n' roll sound. I really hope I managed to capture all that, at least I tried, along with keeping the original parts close to the actual original. I must say, it was a lot of fun and developing taking this one on. Learned some new stuff in my DAW and also further developed some of my standard instruments used in my remixes. Thank you all for listening! /Neon X
  14. Hi all, I made this project a few years back as a life goal of mine to cover the entire soundtrack for Chrono Trigger. I would love some feedback on what I did right and what could be improved as I start to look at my next project idea. The arrangement and instrumentation was done by me, the music is from Chrono Trigger, although I did use some of the unreleased tracks because they sounded too cool not to include. I tried to make the album sound consistent by using the same instruments but interesting by rearranging what instruments played. Some personal favorites of mine include Into the Sewers and Tyranno Lair. I would like to submit some tracks to the website but not sure which ones are the stand out ones. ChRemix Trigger - The Other Dimensions
  15. Hey everyone! hope everyone is doing good! I wanted to share with you guys my metal cover of the Stormwind City Theme from World of Warcraft. I hope you guys enjoy
  16. Source Tunes: Smithy Battle 1 and 2
  17. I've known of OC Remix for years from GDQ, but for some reason never actually came to the website. But I'm here now! I've made several of these orchestral covers over the years as I learn more about orchestral composing/mixing, and wanted to share some here. Hope you enjoy:)
  18. Hi everyone! Here's the newest arrangement uploaded to YouTube! Ravana's Battle Music from Final Fantasy XIV! Enjoy!
  19. Back at it again - 1st mix of the year.
  20. I just finished this middle-eastern progressive dubstep ReMix of Dungeonmans' " Enmired Herpetology" by @zircon ! Hope you enjoy (Note: Soundcloud does make the treble have some aliasing issues so don't worry about that.) Here's the original: A writeup about it below: --- Hiya! It's been a while since you guys have had a Dungeonmans ReMix, eh? This time I arranged "Enmired Herpetology" in a progressive middle-eastern dubstep style, featuring the Turkish Oud (Impact Soundworks), Santoor (East West Quantum Leap Ra), and Sitar (my Zebra2 preset collection). This takes inspiration from Mervin Matthew's "PetiStep" Bollywood Harmonium demo, and has some scattered influence from zircon's stuff (the sine wave bells in particular). I had so much fun writing this; it only took about 10 hours to compose, and then another 12 hours to polish the details, overall spanning 3 weeks, and I think that that tells you how this is one of my more "patient" pieces---it takes its sweet time to evolve, but doesn't necessarily try to be too flashy. Even at the climaxes, there isn't a ton of stuff going on at once, just big harmonies. Nonetheless, there some cool things to mention here: - The distorted lead sound (such as at 1:02 - 1:12) is actually one of my electro house basses that I pitched up a few octaves. - I tried some new, FREE effects plugins from kiloHearts Essentials, using their Transient Shaper, Filter, and/or Ring Modulator on the drums! - There is a LOT of sine wave bell action going on, which was the backbone for the entire ReMix. It outlined the chord progressions for me and became an apt way to end things as well! I really liked it because since it's only a single harmonic, it's almost always audible no matter the context. It's been over 5 years since the release of Dungeonmans, but it seems to be going strong, and I hope that that continues to be the case! ...By the way, see if you can spot where I put the key change. Extra Info: Source Breakdown: 0:00.00 - 0:31.47 = Intro (0:06:22 - 0:38.19) 0:31.47 - 0:52.34 = Harmonium Dubstep Drop (0:38.19 - 0:59.54) [loose] 0:52.34 - 1:13.20 = "Chorus" (0:59.54 - 1:10.22) 1:13.20 - 1:34.08 = Bridge A (0:59.54 - 1:10.22) 1:34.08 - 2:05.38 = Bridge B (1:10.22 - 1:20.89) 2:05.38 - 2:15.83 = Bridge C (1:20.89 - 1:31.56) 2:15.83 - 2:47.12 = Breakdown A (1:31.56 - 1:52.89) 2:47.12 - 2:57.55 = Breakdown B (1:52.89 - 2:16.89) 2:57.55 - 3:28.86 = Climax (2:16.89 - 2:38.21) 31.47 + 20.87 + 20.86 + 20.88 + 31.30 + 10.45 + 31.29 + 10.43 + 31.31 = 208.86/223.29 = 93.5%
  21. An absolute aeon since the last time I've posted here, but this one has been bothering me for months and I couldn't rest until I did it justice - as soon as Flowers started being ever-present as soon as it came out, it started bugging me that I knew it sounded exactly like an NES song. Then I started remembering lyrics that went with it, I was like, oh yeah, Trenthian did a vocal cover, that's right, it was pretty epic, too. Then, after scouring the internet for any other similar instrumental version, but obviously coming up empty because Trenthian's style is definitely his own (and, again, epic), I realized: a couple years ago I'd seen someone post a link to an interesting site claiming to be able to separate vocals and non-vocals completely, using AI. So I tried it, and dang if it didn't work. So thanks, Trenthian - I think this is the coolest mashup I've ever done. Flowers in my Armor (Wizards in my Mashup) Miley Cyrus - Flowers (vocals) v Trenthian & Brothersynthe - OC ReMix #1665: Wizards & Warriors 'Wizards in My Armor (Warrior in My Long Johns)' [Wizards & Warriors Title] (instrumental, and vocals sometimes) edit: I'm sad how few people will probably ever see this, cause I'm just doing it for my own amusement... but I made another version, that includes Gloria Steinem's I Will Survive in a significant capacity as well as the above. Flower in my Armor (Wizards in my Mashup) (I Will Survive version) I can't stress enough how well this works. I've never done a mashup with real counterpoint for the majority of the song, let alone where both vocal tracks also have their own independent harmonies, but these songs fit perfectly (I mean, I cut up the vocals and slotted them to fit, but the chord progressions.) On top of that, by complete accident, it's a breakup song about not needing the guy, vs a song that, through no fault of its own, is a guy singing about a woman as a literal object to be retrieved for a reward (again, nothing against it, it's a straight-up homage to an old platformer where "save the princess" was just what you did in those games, I'm just saying, the lyrics work together.) So I figured I had to share it with anyone else who might still be around, haha. I should really post these on youtube where people could actually find them...
  22. Hi all, I'm proud to announce that my latest album, "Metroid: Organ Transplants" has entered the final stage of video production and is about to be released on Youtube, ContreBombarde and as free downloadable CD/DVD images around the New Years Day. What started out as an "accidental recording", over the past two months has grown into a personal tribute to the most stunning orchestral OC remixes attributed to the Metroid franchise: My third orchestra+organ play-along album contains nine OC remixes by various artists, all of them in a similar style, as if the original composers would have had a silent agreement that, one day, these pieces were intended to be put together. The glue between all of the tracks is suggested by the album title — they're all enhanced and backed by a three-manuals French-Romantic Cavaillé-Coll pipe organ, which I added on top by playing along in two live sessions (yes, I love plays on words, hence the album title). This adds even more drama, gravity and a bunch of particular highlights. Since the additional pipe organ track was recorded in 7.1 surround, the original OC remixes, which served as the re-remixing basis, were also upgraded to 7.1 to fit the setup. The recording and mixing process, credits research, video material research, storybook and composition, album art, media production, etc. took about three months of spare-time work — definitely my most ambitious project so far and an interesting first contact with DAWs in general and Ardour 6 in particular. The album will be available for download via my discography at http://en.wpoa.de/WPOA-MOT as a stereo CD image, as a DVD image with both a 5.1 surround sound and a 2.0 stereo track including a full 45min video cut of Metroid gameplay, cutscenes and artwork created by other people on the web (let's call it "the movie cut"), in lossless FLAC format with 7.1 channels (the "golden master") and will be accompanied by PDFs with cover/inlay/label artwork, separately for both the CD and DVD, which I put together for personal hardcopies that I usually give away to friends and family as a gift. Track list: Putting Down On Zebes (by @Protricity, part of https://ocremix.org/album/3) Footprints On Zebes (by @Slimy, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03306) Kraid Begins (by @AJiLe, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01890) The Crimson Depths, (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02275) Into The Green World (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02515) Beyond The Glass (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02927) Mother Brain Suite (by @beckett007, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01675) The Galaxy Awaits (by @Nutritious, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01804) Mission Complete: Ending Suite (by @Sam Dillard, https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02648) The following album teaser video is available on my channel. Once the release is prepared, this thread will be updated with the final link to the YouTube premiere of the full album video (stereo only, since YT still doesn't support surround sound in their audio tracks). I'm eager to know what you think about it -- and, hopefully, I'm going to meet at least some of the original remixers at the premiere! Hope you'll enjoy the show!
  23. I have found a few midi files inside the folder of my copy of Dark Seed II and I decided to do a cover of a few songs. For this project I have used factory plugins on LMMS combined with Mega Drive and Super Nintendo soundfonts. While the soundfounts were used to give a creep vibe to the instruments, the factory plugins (with lots of post-processing) create the atmospheric, menacing soundscape on the background. My musical inspirations at the time were Lustmørd, the early works of Human League (Reproduction and Travelogue), Tangerine Dream and Akira Yamaoka's work on the first Silent Hill game. Have a nice day! Dark Seed II (1995) soundtrack originally composed by Mark Morgan. Artwork by H.R. Giger. Arranged by me.
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